Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 15: Toppling a Giant

Hermione left the Great Hall as the commotion surrounding the DMLE's arrival began to settle down. She slipped out quietly, unnoticed in confusion, she made her way to a painting of George von Rheticus just by the Grand Staircase.


Whispering the phrase, "scurrilous scoundrel," she stepped into the hidden passageway leading up to the seventh floor, it still surprised her how accurate the wiki’s and were in her previous life, she wondered if the person who wrote them was a seer of some sort. As she emerged, she headed straight to the Room of Requirement.


Concentrating on her desire to overhear the conversation in Dumbledore's office, she entered the room that had transformed into a replica of the headmaster's office, complete with a magical projection of the ongoing discussion much like a pensive memory. She smiled to herself realising the serious amount of effort Rowena put into making this, the room was able to become anything the user needed at that time, such a conveniently easy way to spy on people. She had tested the room to make sure you couldn’t see people in their more private moments, had the room allowed people to do that, the room would be charcoal by now.


Inside the office, Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, stood rigidly before Dumbledore. Her stern expression conveyed her frustration and anger. Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his face a mask of calmness, though his eyes showed a hint of concern.


"Albus," Madam Bones began, her voice tight with controlled fury, "I am beyond disappointed. Your negligence has put the lives of every student in this school at risk."


Dumbledore sighed, leaning back slightly. "Amelia, I assure you, I had no knowledge of Quirrell's recent activities. When I was made aware, I took steps to mitigate the danger."


"Mitigate the danger?" Bones echoed incredulously. "Quirinus Quirrell, a professor under your supervision, was found in the Hog's Head, gambling with a dragon egg! The creature could have hatched at any moment and wreaked havoc."


Dumbledore nodded slowly. "And for that very reason, I have ensured that Hagrid, who is well-versed in handling magical creatures, is on his way to secure the dragon."


Madam Bones' eyes narrowed. "This isn't just about the dragon, Albus. It's about your constant willingness to turn a blind eye to the risks that your staff and your policies pose. You have children under your care, yet you allow things like this to happen. Why are you sending Hagrid to get the egg? Not to mention he’s involved in this incident already! My Aurors already secured the Dragon Egg, Do. Not. interfere in the investigation Albus."


Dumbledore's expression turned serious. "Amelia, I understand your concern. But I must stress that I cannot foresee every potential threat. The situation with Quirrell is deeply troubling, and I am investigating it thoroughly."


Hidden in the Room of Requirement, Hermione leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. She had never seen Dumbledore so directly confronted before.


Madam Bones continued, her tone not softening. "Investigating it thoroughly is not enough. We need answers now. Why was Quirrell involved with a dragon egg? And why, in Merlin's name, did he think it was appropriate to bring it anywhere near this school?"


"Quirrell's actions are indeed inexplicable," Dumbledore admitted. "I suspect that there may be more at play here. His behaviour has been erratic, and I fear he may be under some external influence."


"External influence?" Bones scoffed. "This is not the time for conjecture, Albus. Concrete actions must be taken. I am placing Quirrell under investigation, and he will be removed from his position until we get to the bottom."


Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a mix of regret and resignation. "Very well, Amelia. I will cooperate fully with your investigation. But I urge you to handle this matter discreetly. The students need not be alarmed any more than they already are."


Madam Bones' expression softened slightly, though her resolve remained firm. "Discretion will be maintained, but do not mistake that for leniency, besides, it’s already in the Prophet. The safety of the students is my utmost priority, and it should be yours as well."


"It is, Amelia, it always has been," Dumbledore replied quietly. "I only ask for a chance to rectify this mistake."


At that moment, an Auror entered the office, his face grim. "Madam Bones, Headmaster Dumbledore," he began, "I regret to inform you that Quirrell has fled. We lost him in the chaos at the pub. He's nowhere to be found."


Madam Bones clenched her fists, her anger palpable. "Damn it, Albus! This is exactly the kind of oversight I'm talking about. Now we have a fugitive on our hands."


Dumbledore's shoulders sagged slightly. "This is most unfortunate. Without Quirrell, we have a potentially dangerous wizard at large and no one to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. The students will suffer for this."


Madam Bones' voice was steely. "Finding Quirrell is now our top priority. But you must find a replacement for him immediately. These children need proper education and protection."


"I understand, Amelia," Dumbledore said solemnly. "I will begin the search for a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at once."


As Madam Bones and the Auror exited, the projection in the Room of Requirement faded. Hermione sat back, absorbing what she had just witnessed. The severity of the situation was evident, and she knew that whatever was happening with Professor Quirrell was only the beginning of something much more significant. The important question, how would he try to get the stone now?


As the projection in the Room of Requirement faded, Hermione sank back in her chair, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The gravity of the situation was inescapable, and she could feel the weight of what she had just witnessed bearing down on her. Dumbledore, Hogwarts's revered and often unquestioned headmaster, had just been sharply reprimanded by Madam Bones. The implications were vast, and Hermione was aware of the potential consequences.


First and foremost, Dumbledore's influence and power were in the wizarding world. Dumbledore had been a towering figure in magical society for as long as Hermione could remember. His role in defeating Grindelwald, his leadership in the fight against Voldemort, and his position as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot cemented his status as the most potent and respected wizard of the age. However, the recent events had cast a shadow over his reputation. The wider magical community would undoubtedly scrutinise Quirrell's reckless actions, which Dumbledore had seemingly overlooked. Why did he overlook this, was training his martyr that important or was he going senile in his old age?


Hermione's thoughts drifted to the political arena. Dumbledore's influence extended far beyond the walls of Hogwarts. He had allies in the Ministry of Magic, and his opinions often swayed public policy. However, Madam Bones' stern rebuke highlighted a crack in his authority. If the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement could question him so openly, it would embolden others to do the same. His detractors within the Ministry and elsewhere would seize this opportunity to undermine him.


Always eager for sensational news, the Daily Prophet would undoubtedly get wind of this incident. Hermione could already imagine the headlines: "Hogwarts Headmaster Under Fire: Students Endangered by Reckless Professor." The article would delve into every detail, exaggerating where it could, and the public would lap it up. The wizarding world's trust in Dumbledore would be shaken, and he would have to work hard to regain it. Rita would investigate this further and ruin the man if this mornings article was any indicator.


Hermione considered the immediate impact on Hogwarts itself. The staff, particularly those close to Dumbledore, would be affected. She recalled the look on Professor McGonagall's face in the Great Hall when the DMLE arrived. It was a mixture of shock, disappointment, and something else—perhaps a sense of betrayal. McGonagall was fiercely loyal to Dumbledore, but this incident might cause her to question his judgment. If McGonagall, one of his staunchest supporters, had doubts, others on the staff would likely feel the same.


The cohesion of the Hogwarts staff was crucial to the smooth running of the school. Any dissent or lack of confidence in Dumbledore's leadership could lead to a fractured administration, which could have severe repercussions for the student's education and the school's overall atmosphere. Teachers who had previously been willing to overlook certain decisions might now speak out or even resist directives from the headmaster.


Hermione's mind buzzed with the potential transformations this could bring about. For one, there might be a shift in the school's dynamics. The Board of Governors could step in more assertively with Dumbledore's authority under scrutiny. They might enforce stricter regulations and oversight, which could fundamentally change the nature of Hogwarts. The school, once a bastion of freedom and exploration, could become more rigid and less conducive to learning, although, it might do the opposite and allow previously restricted classes like rituals to be reintroduced.


Another thought struck Hermione: the students themselves. How would they react to the news of Quirrell's disappearance and Dumbledore's reprimand? The older students, who had known Dumbledore's legacy, might question his infallibility. The younger ones, particularly those in their first year like herself, would have a different perspective on the headmaster from the outset. This shift in perception could lead to a more questioning and less reverent student body, which could have been better. Critical thinking was essential but could lead to unrest and a lack of respect for authority, this would also create a power vacuum and allow someone else to gain a foothold into gaining the wiccan’s support, could she step into that with her housemates? She was already respected, and after the troll incident, they knew she had power.


Dumbledore's position on the Defence Against the Dark Arts would also be scrutinised. Finding a replacement for Quirrell mid-year was an enormous task. Whoever stepped into the role would have to deal with the lingering effects of Quirrell's tenure, including any disruptions to the curriculum. The student's education in such a crucial subject might suffer, which would be yet another mark against Dumbledore's administration.


Hermione sighed, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. The coming months would be telling. If Dumbledore managed to navigate this crisis effectively, he could regain his standing, but it would require deft handling and possibly some concessions that he hadn't been willing to make before. On the other hand, if he faltered, the ripple effects could be profound, altering the landscape of the wizarding world for years to come.


Amidst all these considerations, Hermione couldn't help but feel a small thrill. The political dynamics, shifting alliances, and strategies involved fascinated her. She realised that while she was deeply concerned about the implications for her education and safety, she was also eagerly anticipating how things would unfold. The wizarding world was at a pivotal moment, and she witnessed it firsthand, her thirst for knowledge and understanding growing with each passing moment.


Leaving the Room of Requirement, Hermione felt a renewed sense of purpose. The day's events had shown her that knowledge and awareness were powerful tools, and she was determined to use them to navigate the uncertain times ahead.


As Hermione left the Room of Requirement, her mind continued to race with the implications of the recent developments. One particular thought emerged, bringing a sense of cautious optimism: Dumbledore's current troubles might offer her an unexpected advantage. With his attention diverted by the aftermath of Quirrell's debacle and the need to restore his credibility, he would likely have less time to scrutinise the daily happenings at Hogwarts. This could provide her with more freedom to pursue her own investigations and interests without the risk of being constantly under his watchful eye.


Hermione's curiosity about the enigmatic events surrounding the Philosopher's Stone had steadily grown since she overheard Hagrid mention it. The Stone, she knew, was a wellspring of immense power and immortality, and Dumbledore's utmost concern had been its protection. The obstacle course designed to safeguard it was formidable, but with Quirrell's departure, one of the more unpredictable and hazardous elements had been eliminated. This change might make it safer for her to delve into the Stone's defences and unravel more about its significance.


She pondered over the defences she and her classmates had speculated about. Each professor had likely contributed to the protection scheme, with Quirrell's challenge being particularly concerning due to his instability. With him out of the picture, the path to the Stone might be less hazardous, allowing her to approach it more precisely.


Dumbledore's preoccupation with political and administrative issues might mean his usual vigilance over the school's inner workings waned. This provided a window of opportunity. Hermione could use the library more freely, explore parts of the castle she had previously hesitated to visit, and gather more information about the Stone without the usual constraints.


Moreover, the general atmosphere among the staff would be different. The teachers, dealing with their own reactions to Dumbledore's rebuke and Quirrell's absence, must be more attentive to the comings and goings of a particularly inquisitive first-year student. Hermione knew she had to be cautious, but this newfound freedom was an unexpected boon.


As she walked through the corridors, Hermione considered how best to use this time. Research would be critical. She needed to understand more about the enchantments protecting the Stone to navigate them safely and appreciate the intricate magic involved. The library's Restricted Section held tomes that could shed light on the matter, and she was confident that she could find a way to access them discreetly. She still had no idea how to remove the stone however as any theories she had were untested.


Additionally, she needed allies, or at least accomplices, who could assist her without drawing attention. While she was used to working alone, this situation required more hands and eyes. There were a few students she considered approaching—intelligent and curious students who might be persuaded to join her efforts.


Her mind also wandered to the practicalities of exploring the obstacle course. The timing was crucial. She needed to pick moments when the corridors were quiet, and the teachers were preoccupied. Nighttime excursions seemed risky but were potentially the most rewarding. She would have to plan meticulously, ensuring she had the right spells and tools to handle whatever challenges lay ahead.


Hermione's thoughts were interrupted by the faint sounds of students moving between classes. She slipped into an alcove, her mind still buzzing with plans. The coming days would be crucial. She needed to balance her academic responsibilities with her investigative efforts, ensuring her grades did not suffer while she pursued her quest for knowledge about the Stone.


Reflecting on the bigger picture, Hermione realised that Dumbledore's diminished oversight could extend beyond her immediate goals. The atmosphere at Hogwarts might become more open and less stifling for all students. There was potential for a more democratic and less authoritarian school environment where students could explore and learn with fewer restrictions. This change, although subtle, could foster a more vibrant and innovative academic culture.


The freedom from Dumbledore's scrutiny also meant Hermione could delve deeper into subjects that intrigued her. Advanced magical theory, ancient runes, and alchemical texts were all areas she had been eager to explore but had hesitated due to the constraints of her first-year curriculum. Now, with a bit more leeway, she could expand her studies and possibly make discoveries that would aid her in understanding the protections around the Stone.


Hermione's musings brought a small smile to her face. While the situation was fraught with danger and uncertainty, it also presented opportunities for growth and discovery, and she was determined to make the most of it. The wizarding world was in flux, and she intended to navigate its complexities with the same diligence and curiosity that had brought her this far.


As she returned to her dormitory, Hermione felt a renewed sense of purpose. The challenges ahead were significant, but so were the possibilities. With Dumbledore occupied, the staff unsettled, and the obstacle course slightly less daunting, she had a unique chance to uncover truths and expand her magical knowledge. And she was ready to seize it.


After classes had finished for the day, Hermione found herself making her way to the Slytherin standard room. The day's events had been overwhelming, and she needed a moment to think and strategise. Upon entering the standard room, she spotted Daphne Greengrass seated by the fireplace, engrossed in a book. The room was relatively empty, providing a perfect opportunity for a private conversation.


Hermione approached Daphne, who looked up and smiled faintly. "Would you Mind if I joined you?" Hermione asked, gesturing to the seat opposite Daphne.


"Not at all," Daphne replied, closing her book and setting it aside. "Quite a day, wasn't it?"


Hermione nodded, sitting down and taking a deep breath. "It certainly was. I still can't believe Quirrell was involved in something so reckless."


Daphne leaned forward, her expression serious. "Hermione, you seemed a bit too calm when the DMLE arrived. Your reaction in the Great Hall felt... rehearsed. Almost as if you knew something beforehand. Care to explain?"


Hermione's mind raced. Daphne was perceptive, and trying to brush off her suspicion might only make things worse. She decided to trust Daphne a little, hoping to divert her attention while covering her own actions.


"Alright, you caught me," Hermione said, lowering her voice. "I did have some idea that something was going on with Quirrell. I overheard a few things that made me suspicious, and when I heard about the dragon egg, I figured it might attract attention. But I didn't have enough proof to come forward."


Daphne raised an eyebrow. "You knew about the dragon egg? That's...if you knew about it then so must have others. No wonder the DMLE showed up."


"Exactly," Hermione continued. "But I think there's more to it. Quirrell's actions seem too erratic to be just about a dragon egg. I suspect the egg was just to create a serious distraction."


Daphne's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered Hermione's words. "You think there's more to uncover?"


"Yes," Hermione replied. "However, whether that means we should get involved or not, is another matter all together. Personally, I’m staying away from it and focusing on my research.”


Daphne leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "That makes sense. Although, tell me why you're doing so much research."


Hermione felt a small surge of relief, Daphne wouldn’t get too involved in this mystery murder plot. "Well, you may recall that I’m not exactly on the best of terms with some elements of my family. I’m researching protections and offensive spells as a result, you never know what might happen so I’m probably just being paranoid, but better to be prepared and not need it, than need it and not have it.”


Daphne nodded slowly. "Yes, I can agree with that sentiment, and thank you for trusting me with your family issues, I know you’ve barely told me anything about it, but we’re not blind, we’ve seen how you react to Hectors name… if he’s done something to you, let me know, my family owes you a debt.”


Hermione felt a wave of emotions, grateful for Daphne's understanding and offer of support. She hesitated briefly, then decided to confide a bit more in her friend.


"Thank you, Daphne," Hermione said sincerely, meeting her gaze. "It's... complicated. Hector hasn't directly harmed me, but his choices have deeply affected my family. There's a history there that I'm still trying to navigate. I appreciate your offer, truly."


Daphne nodded, her expression softening with empathy. "Family histories can be incredibly complex. Just know that I'm here if you ever need to talk about it or if there's anything I can do to help."


"Thank you," Hermione replied, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "I'll keep that in mind."


Hermione left shortly after that and headed to the library, whilst she could have used the RoR, if she was seen going there too often, people would find the room and then she’d lose her advantage. She was going to research some darker spells to deal with the Troll in the 3rd floor room, and how to address the black flames without worrying about the riddle, it would be easy to swap the potion for a poison, why rely on it when there’s an alternative solution.

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