Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 21: Leaks, Runes and Larceny

Daily Prophet

Dark Magic Suspected in Mysterious Death of Fugitive Hogwarts Professor

By Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent


In a chilling follow-up to the scandal that rocked the wizarding community just weeks ago, Professor Quirinus Quirrell, recently implicated in illegal dealings at the Hog's Head Inn, specifically a black market trade of magical artifacts, has been found dead under suspicious circumstances in Knockturn Alley. This latest incident has only deepened the concerns surrounding the leadership and safety protocols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Quirrell, who had been under investigation following the discovery of an illegal poker game involving a dragon egg, was reported missing after fleeing the scene. His body, discovered yesterday morning, displayed signs of rapid ageing, with all his hair fallen out and his face bearing the marks of extreme stress and decay. The condition of his body suggests the influence of powerful dark magic or a possible possession.


Madam Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, has been at the forefront of the investigation. In a recent confrontation with Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, she expressed her profound disappointment and anger over the lapses in judgment that allowed such events to occur.


"Albus," Madam Bones began, her voice tight with controlled fury, "I am beyond disappointed. Your negligence has put the lives of every student in this school at risk."


Dumbledore's assurances and attempts to mitigate the danger were met with incredulity by Bones, especially after Quirrell's actions at the Hog's Head. The professor's erratic behavior and involvement in dark dealings had been a cause for concern, prompting Madam Bones to investigate him and remove him from his position.


Despite these measures, Quirrell managed to evade capture, leading to a frantic search. His eventual discovery in Knockturn Alley, in such a deteriorated state, has only added to the alarm and urgency of the situation.


"This isn't just about the dragon," Bones had stated. "It's about your constant willingness to turn a blind eye to the risks that your staff and your policies pose. We need answers now. Why was Quirrell involved with a dragon egg? And why did he think it was appropriate to bring it anywhere near this school?"


Dumbledore's admission that Quirrell's actions were inexplicable and his suspicion of external influence has done little to quell the rising tide of concern. "Investigating it thoroughly is not enough," Bones had insisted. "Concrete actions must be taken. The safety of the students is my utmost priority, and it should be yours as well."


In light of these events, Dumbledore has vowed to cooperate fully with the investigation and has begun the search for a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. However, the damage to his reputation and the trust of the wizarding community is significant.


The Aurors and the Department of Mysteries are now delving into the circumstances of Quirrell's death, looking for signs of dark magic or possession. The unsettling state of his body indicates that he may have been subjected to powerful enchantments, raising questions about the extent of his involvement in dark arts and who might have influenced or controlled him.


Parents and students are rightfully concerned about Hogwarts' safety. The revelation that a professor could be involved in such dangerous activities, coupled with the headmaster's perceived inability to prevent these events, has led to calls for greater scrutiny and possibly even a change in leadership.


"The safety of our children should never be compromised," a concerned parent told the Daily Prophet. "We trusted Dumbledore to protect and educate them, but these incidents show a troubling lack of control and oversight."


As the investigation continues, the wizarding community demands accountability and transparency. The Daily Prophet will remain vigilant, providing updates on this developing story and ensuring that the truth is revealed.


Stay tuned for further developments.


The Great Hall buzzed with animated conversations the morning after the Daily Prophet's latest exposé. Students from all houses crowded around copies of the newspaper, their faces a mix of shock, curiosity, and concern.


At the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy smirked as he read the article. "Looks like old Dumbledore is losing his touch," he said loudly, drawing the attention of his housemates.


Pansy Parkinson leaned in, her eyes wide. "Can you believe Quirrell was mixed up in all that dark magic? And that he died in Knockturn Alley? It's all so... creepy."


Blaise Zabini glanced at Hermione, who was quietly eating her breakfast, seemingly uninterested in the gossip swirling around her. "What do you think, Granger? You usually have an opinion on everything."


Hermione looked up briefly, her expression neutral. "It's troubling, but we should let the authorities handle it," she said, her voice calm and measured.


At the Gryffindor table, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were equally engrossed in the article. "I knew something was off about Quirrell," Harry muttered. "But this... it's beyond anything I imagined."


Ron nodded, his face pale. "And how did Rita Skeeter know what was discussed in the Headmaster's office? That stuff about Madam Bones and Dumbledore—it's almost like she was there."


Seamus Finnigan chimed in, "Yeah, how could she possibly know all that? You think there's someone spying for her?"


Neville Longbottom looked worried. "If someone can spy on Dumbledore, they could be spying on any of us."


Over at the Ravenclaw table, students were dissecting every detail of the article. "It’s fascinating, really," said Terry Boot. "The rapid aging, the dark magic—it sounds like something out of a textbook on cursed objects."


Leah Abernathy, a fifth year, her eyes dreamy as usual, added, "Or perhaps he was possessed by a particularly vengeful spirit. That would explain a lot, don't you think?"


The Hufflepuff table was abuzz with concern. "It just doesn't make sense," said Ernie Macmillan. "Dumbledore always seemed so in control. How could things go so wrong?"


Hannah Abbott looked around nervously. "Do you think there are other teachers involved in this dark magic business?"


Susan Bones, her expression serious, responded, "My aunt is investigating. She'll get to the bottom of it. But it's still scary to think something like this could happen at Hogwarts."


Back at the Slytherin table, Draco continued to stir the pot. "I wonder if Dumbledore's days as Headmaster are numbered. How many more mistakes can he make before the Board of Governors steps in?"


Hermione, who had been quietly listening, decided it was time to weigh in. She looked up from her plate, her eyes sharp and calculating. "Actually, Draco, it might be in our best interest if Dumbledore remains as Headmaster."


Draco raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "And why would that be, Granger?"


Hermione leaned in slightly, her voice low and confident. "Think about it. Dumbledore is the only wizard the Dark Lord has ever feared. If there's a new threat rising—and let's not be naive, there likely is—having Dumbledore here at Hogwarts could be very beneficial."


Pansy and Blaise exchanged curious glances while Draco seemed to consider her words. "So you’re saying we use him as a shield?"


"Precisely," Hermione replied, a smirk playing on her lips. "Dumbledore is inclined to protect the school and its students at all costs. Let him take the brunt of whatever comes our way. While he's busy dealing with these threats, we can continue our education and solidify our positions. You can say whatever you like about the man, but you cannot question his desire to protect the students."


Draco smirked, clearly impressed by her strategic thinking. "You always think a few steps ahead, don't you, Granger?"


Hermione shrugged slightly, her expression remaining composed. "It's simply pragmatic. A power vacuum at the top could lead to chaos. We’re better off with the devil we know, especially one who is so determined to protect us."


Blaise nodded in agreement. "And if something were to happen to Dumbledore, it would only make things more unstable. Better to keep him where he is and let him handle the dangers."


Pansy leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with interest. "But what if Dumbledore fails?"


Hermione's gaze hardened. "If he fails, then we’d be in trouble whether it happens here or somewhere else. If it happened, then we'll be prepared to act. But until that happens, we let him serve his purpose. He keeps the threats at bay, and we position ourselves to take advantage of any opportunities that arise from his efforts, such as preparing to defend ourselves as needed."


Draco chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation. "I have to admit, Granger, you make a compelling case. Maybe keeping Dumbledore around isn't such a bad idea after all."


As the conversations continued, a hush fell over the hall as Professor McGonagall stood up at the staff table, signalling for silence. "Attention, please," she began, her voice cutting through the chatter. "I understand that there is much concern and many questions about the recent events reported in the Daily Prophet. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of all students is our highest priority. Classes will continue as scheduled, and any updates will be communicated to you promptly."


With that, she sat down, but the tension in the room remained palpable. The students returned to their whispered discussions, speculating on the future of their school and the dark secrets that seemed to be unravelling within its walls.


In the following days, the atmosphere at Hogwarts was charged with a mix of anxiety and determination. Hermione found herself in high demand among her Slytherin peers, who sought her help in preparing for the upcoming exams. Despite the turmoil, she focused on her studies with a single-minded intensity that impressed even the most sceptical of her housemates.


One evening in the Slytherin common room, Hermione gathered a group of students around her. Textbooks and parchment were spread out on the table, and the fire crackled warmly in the hearth.


"Alright, let's go over the principles of potion-making again," Hermione said, her voice firm but encouraging. "Understanding the properties of each ingredient is crucial. Can anyone tell me why we use bezoar in antidotes?"


A first-year timidly raised his hand. "Because a bezoar can counteract most poisons, right?"


"Exactly," Hermione replied with a smile. "Knowing that could save your life someday. Now, let's move on to the Wiggenweld Potion. What are its primary uses?"


As the students recited their lessons, Hermione's mind wandered briefly to her own upcoming exams. She felt confident in her abilities, but she knew that this year's Potions exam would be particularly challenging. Professor Snape had hinted as much during their last class.


When the day of the Potions exam arrived, Hermione entered the dungeon with a sense of calm determination. She took her place at the front of the room, noting the presence of Madam Griselda Marchbanks, the venerable Governor of the Wizarding Examinations Authority. Her presence added an extra layer of gravity to the occasion.


Professor Snape stood at the front of the class, his gaze sweeping over the students. "Today, you will be tested on your ability to brew a Complex Shrinking Solution," he announced. "You have one hour. Begin."


Hermione's eyes gleamed with excitement. The Complex Shrinking Solution was a typical OWL-level potion, but she had practised it extensively. She approached her workstation, her movements precise and confident. As she began preparing the ingredients, she noticed a gold cauldron set aside for her use.


Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at Snape, who gave her an almost imperceptible nod. Hermione's mind raced. A gold cauldron? This was no ordinary test. Determined to rise to the challenge, she set to work.


The gold cauldron accelerated the ingredients' reactions, requiring her to adjust her usual techniques. She measured the powdered bicorn horn and shredded boomslang skin with exacting precision, adding them to the simmering liquid at just the right moments. Her hands moved swiftly but deliberately, each motion calculated to perfection.


As the potion began to take shape, Hermione's analytical mind kicked into high gear. She knew that simply completing the potion would not be enough to impress Madam Marchbanks. She needed to go above and beyond.


Her eyes scanned the classroom, noting the various ingredients available. A thought struck her: if she could enhance the potion's effectiveness, it would genuinely set her apart. She reached for a vial of the essence of dittany, a powerful healing agent. Carefully, she added a few drops, watching as the potion's colour shifted to a deeper shade of emerald.


Satisfied with her improvement, Hermione continued to monitor the potion's progress. The gold cauldron required constant attention, and she adjusted the flame beneath it with meticulous care. As the hour drew to a close, she added the final ingredient—a single hair from a unicorn's tail—and stirred the potion counterclockwise.


The liquid shimmered and settled into a perfect shade of emerald green. Hermione smiled to herself, knowing she had completed the potion and improved it. She ladled a sample into a crystal phial and approached the front of the room.


Madam Marchbanks peered at the potion through her spectacles, her expression unreadable. She dipped a silver rod into the liquid, watching as it reacted with a faint glow. After a moment, she nodded approvingly.


"Well done, Miss Granger," she said, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "This is an exceptional potion. You've demonstrated not only proficiency but also innovation."


Hermione's heart swelled with pride as she returned to her seat. She glanced at Professor Snape, who gave her a brief, approving nod. It was a rare moment of acknowledgement from him, and she cherished it.


As the exam concluded and the students began to file out of the dungeon, Hermione felt a sense of accomplishment. She had faced a challenging test and emerged victorious, proving her skills and earning the respect of both her peers and her teachers.


As the school year drew to a close, Hermione found herself with a rare moment of solitude. The recent events had left a lingering sense of unease at Hogwarts, and the upcoming exams and investigations had everyone on edge. Seeking a place to clear her mind and focus on her private studies, she made her way to the Room of Requirement.


Hermione had discovered the Room of Requirement earlier in the year, and it had quickly become her sanctuary. Today, as she paced back and forth in front of the blank stretch of wall, she thought intently of a quiet, secluded place where she could study and plan. The door appeared, and she slipped inside.


The room had transformed into a cosy, well-lit study with shelves of ancient books and scrolls. An oversized, comfortable chair sat by a wooden table, and a soft fire crackled in the hearth. Hermione took a deep breath, savouring the tranquillity.


On the table lay a book she had been deeply engrossed in recently: Ritual Magic: The Ancient Arts of Power. Hermione had been reading it as part of her private study on Ancient Runes. One ritual in particular had caught her attention: the Krazenkart Ritual.


The Krazenkart Ritual, according to the book, was a witches-only ceremony performed on their thirteenth birthday. It granted the witch the magical strength and potential strength of the man she could have been, but it would be added to her own, at the cost of the ability to taste sweetness. Hermione, who had always prided herself on her logical and practical nature, was intrigued by the possibilities it offered.


"I need this strength," she murmured to herself, running her fingers over the pages. "With everything that's happening, I need to be ready for whatever comes next."


She quickly realized, however, that her thirteenth birthday was still a few months away, in September. This meant she would need to wait until after the summer holidays to perform the ritual. But that didn't mean she couldn't start preparing now.


Determined to gather what she needed for the ritual, Hermione began searching the room. The Room of Requirement, ever accommodating, revealed a few items that caught her eye. Among them were an ornate silver dagger, a vial of phoenix tears, and a small, intricately carved wooden box containing dried herbs and rare crystals.


She knew these items were valuable. She could sell them to acquire the remaining materials she needed for the ritual. She couldn’t sell the tears, though; they were too valuable and would raise suspicion. Selling some herbs and crystals would be fairly normal for a pure-blooded witch, which everyone believed her to be.


Satisfied with her findings, Hermione returned to her dormitory and began planning for the ritual. She wrote a list of the remaining items she needed and calculated the cost. It wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to see it through.

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