Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 22: Coming Home.

Hermione leaned back in her seat on the Hogwarts Express, watching the scenery of the Scottish Highlands pass by as the train rattled along the old, enchanted railway lines. As she absently watched the world fly by, she was immersed in her thoughts about the year so far; she's learned a lot. Developed some rather useful spells, a theory on how magic worked at a scientific level, and discovered that muggle psychology impacted occlumency, which explained why so few wizards could learn it due to the lack of research in the wizarding world on the subject. She'd done rather well with potions.


Thinking back to that day in the Library when her yearmates had accosted her with questions about the syllabus and realised she was answering NEWT questions, she had been caught off guard and hadn't meant to reveal how far she had progressed. Yes, she knew a lot about the core subjects, well and truly learned most of it up to 6th year, but it was Charms and Potions where her strengths lay; it was only in those she felt she understood the subject in a more subtle way, which facilitated her making adjustments to them both. This was the basis for her current arsenal of spells; she'd made a few now and had only had to use 2 in combat and learned some of the failings.


She had 3 projects to complete; she took out her blood-bound diary and started to write.


  1. Explore Psychology with Mum and other techniques to strengthen my occlumency.
  2. Investigate alternative rituals – not convinced this is the best for my future.
  3. Work on the Arithmancy required for her Gamma spell and a new shield spell (Unforgivable spell testing needed to confirm theory).


The first point would be pretty easy to do. Work on it daily and talk to Mom about any questions. She already had a couple about cognitive restructuring, which sounded very similar to how the discipline removed your emotions, but this was a way to make them positive instead. What would be the impact?


The 2nd point was a big one; whilst nearly doubling her magical power and her body's physical strength sounded great on paper, she had to consider whether it was worth using her 13th birthday slot for this particular ritual. She could compensate for magical power using crystals by turning them into batteries, much like how wardstones worked; in terms of physical strength, temporary gains could be achieved with some enchanted jewellery, diminishing the ritual's worth. Then there are the negatives; the allure of power is excellent. However, she'd lose the ability to taste poisons or potions in her food & drink; also, the smell is heavily involved in taste. Does this mean it would affect her sense of smell as well? That could be disastrous. At face value, the sacrifice isn't a big deal and may have claimed several lives as a result.


The 3rd point, whilst the most important, was a long-term project. Sadly, mainly due to the nature of the spells required and the dark magic detectors, this would set off to study in Diagon Alley; whilst the detectors wouldn't tell the Aurors who cast the spell, it would still tell them the exact location, making testing impossible. She needed the trace gone from her wand, or she needed Hogwarts in an area outside the wards and was not privy to the trace to test this. She could only think of the Chamber of Secrets, but this had other issues to address: a Basilisk and a Black Diary.


The train's rhythmic chugging provided a comforting backdrop to her thoughts. The compartment door slid open, and Draco Malfoy stepped in. Though their interactions had been tense, they had a newfound respect.


"Mind if I join you?" Draco asked, his voice softer than usual.


Hermione nodded, motioning to the seat opposite her. "Go ahead, Draco."


As the train journeyed on, they sat in companionable silence. Eventually, Draco broke it. "You've done well this year, Hermione. And I don't just mean in our studies, I'm not stupid, I know it was you who got those stories out to the DMLE and to the Prophet."


Hermione met his gaze, her expression inscrutable. "I don't know what you're talking about, Draco."


Draco smirked a glint of admiration in his eyes. "Of course you don't. anyway, Mother want's to meet you, she seemed rather inn the matter actually."


Hermione raised an eyebrow back at him in surprise. Had her seeds already sprouted? "I'd be happy to meet your mother. Perhaps we can meet up in Diagon Alley over the summer to buy our schoolbooks for the year and grab a bite to eat while we're at it?"


Draco looked to be holding back a smile. "Yes, I think mother would be amenable to the suggestion."


They chattered about various topics, even when joined by Crabb and Goyle. However, the three boys mainly seemed interested in Quidditch, which left Hermione back to her reading as her train continued towards London.


As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, Hermione felt excited about seeing her parents again. She disembarked and immediately saw Emma and Dan Granger waiting eagerly. She rushed into their arms, their embrace warm and reassuring.


"We've missed you so much, sweetheart," Emma said, tears glistening.


"I've missed you too," Hermione replied, her voice thick with emotion.


On the drive home, Hermione recounted her year at Hogwarts, carefully omitting the more dangerous details. Once home, she relished the familiar sights and sounds, the comfort of her room, and her parents' presence.


Over the next few days, Hermione and her mother delved into the psychology books, discussing various theories and practices. They explored cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness, and emotional regulation—each conversation weaving in the principles of Occlumency.


As they sat in the garden one afternoon, Hermione couldn't contain her excitement. 'Mum, I've been reading about cognitive restructuring. It's about changing negative thought patterns to improve emotional well-being. It seems similar to what I need to do for Occlumency.' The possibility that her mother might have a magical heritage was a thrilling prospect that added a new layer of mystery to their studies.


Emma nodded. "Yes, it's about recognising harmful thoughts and deliberately shifting your perspective. It's a powerful tool for managing stress and emotions."


Angitia slithered from her sleeves onto the table, causing Emma to jump in fright.


Hermione smiled apologetically. "Sorry about that. She loves to scare people, don't you, Angitia?" she said, not realising she had slipped into Parseltongue when she looked towards Angitia.


Still looking at Angita, Emma replied, "It's okay, just a bit of an adjustment."


Angitia turned her head to look at Emma. "You're a speaker?" she hissed as she appraised Hermione's mother.


Emma, now rather wide-eyed, looked at her daughter. "Did that snake just speak to me?!"


Hermione was equally surprised. "But you don't have magic. How can you speak to snakes?"


Emma took a deep breath, trying to process the situation. "I've never thought I could do anything magical, Hermione. But maybe there's something we don't understand yet."


Angitia hissed again, her voice smooth and curious. "Magic can be hidden, even from those who carry it."


Hermione looked thoughtfully at her mother. "Mum, this could mean you have magical blood. I wonder if the magic gene is recessive like red hair or green eyes, that would mean that you and ad both must be from Squib lines, I already know Dad is."


"What do you mean your father is from a Squib line?" her mother asks.


Hermione looked contrite. "Ah, sorry I must have forgotten to write about it in my letters, I found a Wizarding Genealogy book and found grandfathers name in there. He was a squib but they obliviated him and put him in an orphanage."


Emma seemed to ponder this revelation, a mix of curiosity and amazement on her face. "I always wondered about my family history. There were a few odd stories, but nothing concrete. Perhaps this explains why I've always felt a bit... different."


Hermione nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "It makes sense. Even if you don't have active magic, you could still have the magical gene. That might explain why you can understand Parseltongue, or why squibs can see dementors but muggles can't."


Hermione was rather happy to know she got this from her mother, but then she realised it could be dangerous if it got out. "Mom, speaking to snakes in our world is considered a big Taboo, as it's related to Dark Wizards who had the skill. If people knew we could do this, we'd have some problems."


Emma's expression grew serious. "I understand, Hermione. This will be our secret. But it's also something that connects us, a part of our heritage."


Hermione smiled, feeling a deeper bond with her mother. "Thanks, Mum. It's comforting to know we share this. But we should be careful. This could attract unwanted attention, especially given how much fear and suspicion there is around Parseltongue."


Emma nodded. "We'll be discreet, but we'll also learn more about it. Knowledge is our best defense." Then she looked positively gleeful. "Besides, who would be stupid enough to get between a Granger and Knowledge? They'd lose a limb."


Hermione smirked at her moth, "Guess I know where I got that from, then, aye." Emma took one look at her daughter before they both burst into peals of laughter. Yes, they were definitely mother and daughter.


A few days later, Hermione couldn't shake the nagging worry about Harry Potter. She wasn't friends with him, but she had seen his injuries and the signs of abuse. The thought of him suffering over the summer made her stomach churn. Not to mention, he was 'prophesized' to end Voldemort, and his being injured and weak made it an unlikely end result; she didn't hold stock in the prophecy or destiny, for that matter, but she'd be an idiot not to hedge her bets. Determined to do something, she found a phone book and looked up the Dursleys at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.


With a deep breath, she dialled the number. After a few rings, a gruff voice answered.


"Hello, Dursley residence."


"Hello, this is Hermione Granger. I'm a schoolmate of Harry Potter's. May I speak with him, please?" Hermione asked, keeping her voice polite but firm.


There was a pause, and then the voice, which she assumed was Uncle Vernon, replied, "Harry's not available."


She'd anticipated resistance. Subtlety would work, but she wasn't happy to play games with someone who beats children. "Mr. Dursley, I'm going to be frank with you. We've not heard from Harry and all our mail is being ignored, so we're concerned. So concerned that the authorities may even arrive on your doorstep for all your neighbors to see and hear. Can you imagine my lot being there?"


The threat of involving the authorities worked. There was a muttered curse, and she heard footsteps going up the stairs. A moment later, Harry's voice came on the line.


"Hermione? Is that you?"


"Yes, Harry. Are you okay?" Hermione asked, relief flooding her voice.


"I'm fine," he said, but she could hear the tension in his voice.


She thought for a second. "Harry, is there a second phone in the property?" making sure they were not listening in on a second line.


"No," he replied.


"Are they listening in to the call?" she asked suspiciously.


"No," he replied a little hesitantly.


Hermione realised that he could not respond honestly if they were present. "Okay, Harry, I'll see you at school."


"Bye, Hermione," and the call was disconnected.


How to approach this? The family would now know people were making inquiries. Would this result in him being beaten or being too scared to continue? The point where an abused party leaves is usually when they're most at risk. So, Harry couldn't just leave, as his uncle would turn even more violent. That means the only way to get him out safely is to involve the DMLE.


Hermione borrowed the owl her parents had bought to keep in touch with her at school and wrote a missive to Madam Bones. She considered that her previous letters were anonymous, and they had still realised it was from her, but that didn't mean there were no other people in the DMLE who would pass the information on to Dumbledore. While she didn't believe he was doing this deliberately, she didn't know whose side he was on.


Department of Magical Law Enforcement

Ministry of Magic



Madam Amelia Bones,

Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement


Dear Madam Bones,


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am writing to bring to your urgent attention a matter of grave concern regarding the well-being of one of my schoolmates, Harry Potter.


Over the past school year, I have observed several troubling signs indicating that Harry is subjected to abusive treatment at his relatives' home, where he stays during the summer holidays. Harry resides with the Dursley family at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Despite his attempts to downplay the situation, the physical and emotional signs of mistreatment are unmistakable. As an example, he has multiple welts across his back, scars, being severely malnourished before he came to the school and an aversion to being touched in any form.


Recently, I attempted to contact Harry via telephone to ensure his well-being, but the response I received from his uncle, Vernon Dursley, was evasive and concerning. When he managed to speak briefly, Harry's voice was filled with tension and hesitation, indicating that he could not speak freely.


Given the severity of the situation, I fear for Harry's safety, especially now that his relatives know that people are inquiring about his well-being. I fear that my call this afternoon will spur his uncle, Mr. Dursley, into being even harsher in his treatment of 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'. Therefore, handling this matter with utmost urgency and discretion is imperative to prevent further harm to Harry.


I respectfully request that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement intervene and thoroughly investigate Harry's living conditions. He must be removed from this harmful environment and placed in a safe and caring setting where he can recover and thrive.


Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Yours sincerely,


A Concerned Student


The last part of the letter was heavy-handed, but this would prevent the Ministry from trying to ignore the situation as it would look bad on both the DMLE and on Fudge, which would ensure action was taken.


As Hermione sealed the letter and tied it to the owl's leg, her mind drifted back to the ritual she had been considering. The decision weighed heavily on her. Nearly doubling her magical power and body's physical strength sounded appealing, but the ritual required losing her sense of taste for sweet things, as she had considered this more after seeing the ritual; there were too many flaws and potential issues this could cause, so she scrapped this ritual and considered her other options.


She retrieved an ancient tome from her bedside table, the pages brittle and yellowed with age. The ritual, known as the Τέσσαρα ἔτη δοκιμασίας τῆς μαγείας, which loosely translated to a Magical trial lasting 4 years, was detailed within. It promised immense power but at a significant cost. For the next four years, she would have to rigorously practice her magic daily. However, the opposite was true; her magic would weaken if she didn't train. It needed to be cast 'before her 13th birthday' instead of on it; this made things easier as she could do this during the summer as it wasn't wand-based magic.


Hermione reread the instructions and believed she found a flaw in the ritual she could exploit it didn't mean "magic spell" it meant she had to use her magic, much like using a muscle in the gym. She considered spells like martial arts, martial arts didn't make you stronger dire; they provided you with SK; no, no magic was the strength or fuel behind the spell, much like muscles were in martial arts, so she needed to drain her core every day.


She considered how she could drain her core effectively every day; she could do this by enchanting things; conjuration was probably the easiest way, as you can increase the duration of a conjuration by pumping more magical power into it; this would satisfy the condition needed within the ritual. But could she push this further?


She pulled out another book she had gotten from the Room of Requirement called "Power Stones and Enchanting", as enchanting was no longer a course offered at Hogwarts since the wars, presumably due to the low number of students after the population was decimated, this was no longer taught, along with Alchemy. The book explains that enchanters in training would carve a rune onto their gems to drain their magic to power them for their enchantments; this would be the solution for her; if she could get a steady supply of crystals or gems, she could use these to meet the requirements, but rather than just do this 'once per day' what would happen if she kept her magical power drain active whilst she was awake and only turned them off whilst she was asleep? Rather than 1 hour of training, she could get in considerably more, albeit at a lower rate, but it would still be a net gain.


She considered this option, and the benefit was she wouldn't be able to forget with the stones constantly absorbing her magic, making the threat of the 4-year requirement relatively simple to address. Furthermore, the rocks would then be helpful for some enchantments, although, from her reading, it was best to use magical materials to carve the runes onto the stones; one material, in particular, caught her attention as having the highest density of magic, Phoenix Tears and Basilisk Venom.


She would need to inscribe the gems and have some way of carrying them and swapping them out. A necklace would be the easiest way, and she could add more stones as her core grew and output increased. Yes, this would be the best way to proceed.


She set about arranging the ritual; the materials needed were easy to obtain, as the sacrifice was her own hard work, and the cost would be paid only if she failed to keep up the work.



Location: A magically potent place such as an enchanted forest, a secluded glade, or a historical magical site.

Time: The ritual must be performed at midnight on a full moon


  • A circle of enchanted candles (13 in total, representing the years of life)
  • A vial of purified water from a magical spring
  • A small, clear crystal (symbolising clarity and potential)
  • A piece of parchment and a quill
  • A drop of the participant's blood (to bind the magic)
  • A silver bowl


The full moon part added some danger. Werewolves would be a fair concern now that she could see the additional dangers; it wasn't just the requirement; it was the risk of being attacked by a werewolf, especially in the areas mentioned. She had the vial as part of her Potions for school and a silver bowl, as silver doesn't react with the materials. The candles, however, confused her; if this was supposed to be done before her 13th birthday, why did she need 13 candles? After some further research, the 13thcandle had to be precut to match the exact amount of time into her 13th year she was up to. Another small detail needed to be included. A full moon was due the following day, so she started measuring the candle and making the necessary adjustments.


Next, where to carry out the ritual? She didn't know of enchanted forests other than the one at Hogwarts. There was always Stonehenge, but it was too public to manage appropriately. She realised she was being rather stupid; she didn't need to go in from the Hogwarts side; she could do this from Hogsmeade, where it was relatively safer, assuming she couldn't find a reliable book for magical sites across Britain.


It was with this thought that she prepared for the evening's events. The following day, she would need to go to Diagon Alley to practice her magic where the trace wouldn't pick it up and then look for some shops for enchanters' equipment.

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