Rise From the Humble

Chapter 236: horses down the river

  Chapter 236 A horse goes down the river

  The Laba Festival is celebrated everywhere, and one person goes down the river alone.

   It was the first time for the black horse Shama Tei to travel far away. In the cold wind, he hoofed and galloped all the way with special spirit. On his forehead, a black hair that covered his eyes was swaying in the wind.

  The long country road stretches forward little by little under the horseshoe

   "Hey, Zhu Ping'an, why are you sneaking away? Hehe, like a lost dog."

At the fork in the road not far from the village, Li Shu in a red cloak rode her horse and appeared quietly, her skirt fluttering, her delicate pretty face slightly lifted, her big watery eyes looked at Zhu Pingan jokingly, her face full of weirdness .

   Followed by Baozi's little maid, Hua'er, holding her skirt and panting after her own lady.

   "In broad daylight, why did you sneak around. You, you didn't come to see me off?" Zhu Pingan stopped to kill Matt's dark horse, looked at the black-bellied girl Li Shu, and asked with slightly surprised lips.

   "It's a beautiful idea, who sent you off, I came to walk the horse, and saw a toad lying on the horse's back from a distance, bouncing and bouncing, I thought it looked familiar, so I came to have a look."

  The black-bellied girl Li Shu rolled her eyes in disdain, denied it categorically, and said.

   "Toad? Hehe, are you wishing me success in the Toad Palace?" Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly and smiled.

"You're really cheeky. You're going to win the prize in the Toad Palace. I see you sneaking away in a despondent manner. You are obviously afraid of being laughed at by the villagers if you fail the ranking. The capital is where the world's talents gather. You, a toad, want to compete with others. I see that when you left the capital, you might have to sneak away in desperation."

  Black-bellied girl Li Shu's **** eyes were shining, staring at Zhu Ping'an, and her rosy lips were full of sarcasm.

   "Just wait and see."

  Zhu Ping'an killed Matt's dark horse with one shot. Set off again on the road to the exam.

  At the fork in the road, Li Shu, a dark-bellied girl, has been watching Zhu Pingan's figure disappear into the distance. Then he turned his horse's head and led Baozi's little maid back to Shanghe Village.

  Guoshan town

As soon as you hear the name, you know that the town is close to the mountain. It is a small town at the foot of the mountain. Because it is close to the foot of the mountain, the traffic is not very convenient. The villages near the foot of the mountain have winding mountain roads, and the mountain roads are also rugged. The gravel ditches and slopes are on the road, and even the mountain roads in some places are still in their original state, and two people can't walk side by side.

  Sha Matt's dark horse just left the house, full of energy, and had already passed through the backer town of Shancheng at noon. After passing five or six villages in succession, they stopped at the foot of a mountain with a stream.

  Zhu Ping'an temporarily removed the things on the horse's back, tied the horse to a tree trunk, and let the black horse of Shamate also rest and eat hay. Zhu Pingan himself also found a place to shelter from the wind, leaned on a stone and took pancakes baked by his mother Chen from the burden, and ate them with pickled vegetables.

  The sun is not very good, and there are dark clouds gradually approaching. This river is covered with dry grass, and in the distance, a shepherd boy is leading a big yellow dog and driving the flock of sheep home for lunch. The big yellow dog barked happily behind the flock of sheep, and the flock of sheep that gnawed enough withered grass shook their bellies, and followed the little master home contentedly in this cold winter land.

   I ate two pancakes. Zhu Ping waited for the dark horse to eat some hay, put his things on the horse's back again, and embarked on the journey to the exam again.

   It's winter time. The small stones on the road were frozen and brittle, and the dark horse of Kill Matt stepped on them with a horseshoe. The small stone shattered with a crisp sound. Then. Shamat's dark horse seemed to have found something interesting, and he specifically picked up places with gravel, just to hear the sound. Zhu Pingan on horseback was knocked over by Shamat, the brainless dark horse. .

   So much so that Zhu Pingan pulled the rein several times before he changed the bad habits of Sha Matt, a brain-dead horse.

The first time I really went out alone, I arranged the itinerary entirely by myself. I was inexperienced, and I didn’t know the road conditions and the road ahead. Not a single village in sight.

  Before I knew it, the setting sun had already fallen into the west mountain, burning the mountain beams red like fire, and the dark clouds were also burned and changed their color.

  Looking around, there are many mountains, and there is no breath of life. There is only a mountain road spreading forward and disappearing into the distance.

  Killing Matt's black horse was also tired, and he had no strength to drive, and his speed slowed down a lot, which made Zhu Pingan give up his plan to return to the village behind Bali.

Zhu Pingan was riding on a horse and looking around, there were many mountains. Just when Zhu Pingan was disappointed, he saw a small house at the foot of the mountain about 50 meters away on the left side of the mountain road, so he got off his horse and led Shamat The black horse went down the mountain road and walked towards the small house along an almost invisible path.

As we get closer, we can see that this house seems to be a temporary shelter for hunters in the mountains. It is made of wood and thatch as the main materials. It seems to be somewhat similar to the shack that was hijacked by the witch Ruonan on Tongsheng Road, but this one seems to be better. .

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

  Zhu Ping'an was outside the door, clasped his hands and asked loudly.

   No one answered, Zhu Pingan asked loudly three more times, but still no one answered. It is estimated that this shack has not been lived in for a while, and it is estimated that hunters do not come here often.

  Zhu Pingan led Shamate Heima to the door, unlocked the latch and pushed the door open. The inside was clean, but it seemed that no one had lived in it for a while.

  Zhu Pingan led the Shamate black horse into the shed, tied it to a post, and then removed the things on the horse's back and put it on a bed made of straw in the shed. Then Zhu Pingan found a sickle in the shed, took it out of the shed, cut some hay around with the sickle and carried it into the shed to serve as fodder for killing Matt's black horse. He carried it like this three times.

The living utensils in the shanty are quite complete. There is an iron pot with rings and firewood, rice, oil and salt. Zhu Pingan borrowed it temporarily, picked up some firewood and hay from outside, and took the iron pot to the creek not far behind the house. I broke a piece of ice with a stone, washed the iron pot with stream water, and then filled an iron pot with cold stream water and carried it into the shanty.

  Set the rice, light the fire, cook, scone.

   The fragrant millet porridge, with the cucumber pickled by mother Chen, is simply enjoyable after a day of running around. After eating and drinking, he poured the remaining millet porridge into a basin, and brought it to Shama Teheima, letting him drink some hot water.

  Afterwards, Zhu Ping'an made the bed again, covered it with thick straw, spread the quilt he carried on the straw, and closed the shanty door from the inside.

  It’s been a day of running around. Although it’s riding a horse, it’s also very tiring. Fortunately, my mother Chen made a rabbit fur bedding for the saddle, so that my legs will not be worn out.

   But tired, Zhu Pingan didn't take a rest immediately. Instead, as usual, he was going to read a book before going to bed.

   A fire was lit in the hut, thick and thin firewood was mixed in, and the flames were burning vigorously, both for lighting and for keeping warm.

  Zhu Pingan sat in front of the fire, holding a book, and read it with relish by the light of the fire. The firewood made a crackling sound, and the warm temperature hit, making Zhu Ping'an unknowingly snorted comfortably, changed into a comfortable posture, and continued to read.

  After adding firewood twice, Zhu Pingan put away the books and prepared to rest. He moved the straw near the fire far away, and the firewood also moved far away to eliminate the potential safety hazard before going to bed.

   Lying on the bed, just facing the window, you can have a panoramic view of the outside of the window.

  The crooked moon hooks the faint floating clouds, which makes people think of their parents and brothers in their hometown, who are speechless all night and gradually fall asleep.

  (end of this chapter)

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