Rise From the Humble

Chapter 237: block the way

  Chapter 237 Blocking the way

  In the early morning of the second day, before the sky was clear, Zhu Pingan woke up from his sleep. Last night I dreamed that my mother made me a steaming bowl of chicken soup, and when I woke up, I realized that I was alone in this wilderness where there were no traces of people. The gap was huge and I was so lonely.

  Last night's firewood had been extinguished, the north wind was howling, and the wind was reverberating in the shanty, making Zhu Ping'an shiver involuntarily, got dressed and got out of bed in a hurry, and packed up the bedding and so on.

  The only companion Shamat dark horse made a pile of feces overnight, and looked at Zhu Pingan with an innocent Shamatma face, Nima, who looks like a super popular Vietnamese group and is also cute

  The first thing in the morning was changed from practicing calligraphy to the daily routine of Mr. Shoveling Shit. After that, I boiled water to wash up, and then practiced calligraphy for a while.

  The sky was cloudy and gray, and there was no sunrise. It was not until after breakfast that the visibility gradually improved.

  Zhu Ping'an was wearing a thick leather jacket, a fur hat, and leather boots, sitting on the back of Shamat's black horse, holding a book, and reading while riding. Because there is only this mountain road, and he is not afraid of going the wrong way, so he let the dark horse of Shamat take the lead. Zhu Pingan occasionally looked up to check the direction, and continued to read after confirming that the direction was correct.

   This place should be the southern remnant of the Dabie Mountains. The mountains are undulating, and I haven’t seen anyone after walking for a long time.

  Walking on the mountain road for more than a mile, Zhu Pingan suddenly felt his fingers feel cold while reading a book, and when he looked up, he saw small snow particles falling down.

  The small snow particles full of snow turned into big snowflakes, and the fluttering turned into swaying, and the snow fell bigger and bigger. In an instant, the mountain path was covered with white snow. When the Shamate black horse was walking on the mountain path, Zhu Pingan heard the creaking sound of stepping on the snow.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the mountain road was covered by snow, making it hard to see the original road, so Zhu Ping'an put the book in his hand into the schoolbag on his shoulders, and held the horse's rein in both hands, so that Shamat's black horse slowed down, preferring to slow down. A little, a little steady. Don't rush into an accident either.

  The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding area is pure white.

Zhu Pingan rode a Shamat black horse on the mountain path, watching the north wind blowing snowflakes to make various trajectories. After turning a corner along the mountain road, Zhu Pingan saw a gray dog ​​with dirty dog ​​fur. Xi Xi's long-haired dog stood in the middle of the mountain road.

  There are dogs here? Seems like an old dog.

  Having a dog means that there is a family. Our country has a tradition of raising dogs since ancient times. Now when you see a dog, it means that there is a family nearby. Zhu Pingan glanced at it, and was suddenly a little happy. After walking in the wilderness for a long time, he finally saw someone.

  But good dogs don’t get in the way, why is this old dog standing in the middle of the road, and looking straight at Sha Matt’s dark horse and himself. This dog's eyes are quite bright, amber, and the eyes are a little strange.

  Shamat Heima stopped when he saw the old dog blocking the way ahead, and the horseshoeed horseshoe kept tapping the snow, snorting and snorting.

   What a mess, why don't you leave this guy? Zhu Ping'an pulled the reins of the horse, but the dark horse of Shamate lost his temper and refused to go forward no matter what. That killer face was still grunting and staring at the old dog in front of him.

   Zhu Pingan was about to get off the horse to see why the dark horse that killed Matt didn't leave. When he was about to get off the horse, Zhu Pingan caught a glimpse of the old dog in front of him from the corner of his eye.

  Well, although this old dog is a bit older, his eyes are quite bright, dingy, with a blue back and yellow belly, and a tail that is dragging, fluffy.

and many more

  Drag your tail?

  Zhu Ping'an stopped his movements. He carefully looked at the old dog in front of him again, and then. In the snowy winter season, Zhu Ping'an's forehead was sweating.

  The old dog stood in front very calmly. The tail was still moving, and the amber eyes were staring straight at himself and the dark horse Shamat.


  The old dog calmed down and adjusted his breath, and barked in a long and round turn at the top of his throat.

  This **** is an old dog, clearly an old wolf. There is no such thing as a wolf dog at this time, and all those with tails hanging down are wolves.

  What should I do if I meet a wolf?

  In the past, Zhu Ping’an once asked a classmate in Inner Mongolia this question, and the classmate said this:

  When you encounter a wolf alone, don't turn your head and run away, human beings will never be able to compete with wolves in speed. The correct approach should be to stay still, make direct contact with the wolf's eyes, stare at it firmly, don't move away, and stick to it for as long as you can.

   Is this all right?

  The classmate grinned when he heard the words: Well, it will be more dignified to die this way. Respect your sister, that is also dead, okay!

  Although the classmate joked a lot, there is still one good point, that is, don't turn around and run, even if you are riding a horse yourself, this kind of mountain horse can't run as fast as a wolf.

  If you run, it will launch a chase, treating you as a snack that loses courage, and when it catches up with you, it will drive its teeth deep into your veins without any scruples. When encountering wolves, the best way is to retreat slowly, especially to places where there are many people. Generally, wolves are afraid of crowds, and they will not attack people rashly if they are not fully sure.

  Of course it is not possible at this time, this is a barren mountain, and I am alone, with nowhere to retreat.

  However, although Zhu Ping'an was in a cold sweat, he did not panic. While calmly looking at each other, Yulang was thinking about countermeasures.

  Wolves are afraid of fire and can be driven away with fire.

  Zhu Pingan thought of this method. He carried a fire bag with him, and he also had a set of fire sickle and flint in his bag. He could take an old clothes and light it with a fire bag. It should be able to drive away the wolves, if there is no accident.

  Because of Zhu Ping'an's calm gaze and the sound of the dark horse hitting the ground with its hooves, the old wolf on the opposite side was slightly apprehensive and did not attack immediately.

This old wolf was originally the head wolf of the wolves in the deep mountains. Because of old age and frailty, he was defeated by a young wolf half a year ago. From the head wolf, he became an old wolf expelled by the wolves. He has been wandering for half a year. His ability was not as good as before, and he was hungry and full, so he wandered to the outskirts of the mountain for some reason, and had been hungry for several days. Now that it has snowed heavily again, experience tells it that hunting will be more difficult for a long time to come.

  So, despite his concerns, the old wolf still did not give up due to hunger, and his amber eyes were looking for the right time to attack.

While looking at the old wolf, Zhu Pingan slowly reached out to the hidden buckle on the saddle, groped for the noose with one hand, and slowly buckled the dagger that his elder brother Zhu Pingchuan gave him for self-defense in his sleeve, holding the dagger in his hand, Zhu Ping'an became even more calm.

  With a dagger for self-defense, you can also start the matter of lighting a fire to drive away the old wolf.

  In order to gain time, Zhu Pingan first threw a few slices of dried meat made by his mother, Chen, who had put it on his waist as a snack, at the old wolf.

  When Zhu Ping'an was thrown, the old wolf crouched down, raised his back hair, pulled his lips and ears to the sides, exposed his front teeth, and arched his back and roared a few times.

  When the jerky was thrown, the old wolf arched his back and took a few steps back, avoiding the jerky, and retracted his tail.

When he saw the jerky thrown by Zhu Pingan, the old wolf sniffed his nose vigilantly. While staring at Zhu Pingan with a pair of amber wolf eyes, he crawled and put a piece of jerky into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it in one gulp. Down.

   Then, the old wolf stared at Zhu Pingan while eating a piece of jerky.

   Sure enough, it was the white-eyed wolf, who ate something and stared at him, not giving up hunting at all. Zhu Pingan clasped the dagger, held the fire pocket, and looked at the old wolf and slandered.

  (end of this chapter)

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