Rise of the Guild Master

Baby Steps

Even though I just bought a brand new luxurious Dwarven bed crafted by an expert and his sassy daughter, I don’t even get to sleep in it tonight. Instead, to try and make things normal again after revealing the truth of the sleeping situation I elected to let Meri sleep alone in my room while I dusted off a dorm room as quickly as I could with the help of my girls. It’s not actually cleaned by any stretch of the word, but it’ll have to do for now.

Needless to say Sam and Zutiria followed me to our temporary quarters for the night and despite the rather abhorrent state of the room the three of us managed to sneak in a couple of rounds of nightly activities... even though I begged them to hold off for the night, Sam insisted on getting more of my dick since we were so rudely interrupted during the roleplay sex she was so very much looking forward to.

I am only a man, and a weak one at that. I did my best to stifle their moans and pray to the Goddess that our new guest didn’t hear. But then I remembered that that same Goddess might be my unreliable benefactor and all hopes were as good as dashed.

The next morning we had a very, very brief wake up blowjob session where the girls had to share a load since I wanted to be up for the day and prepare a vaguely decent breakfast for Meri as soon as she was awake.

The three of us eventually ambled downstairs in casual clothes, Sam in one of my sleep shirts and some black trousers, myself in some slacks and a white tunic, and Zutiria in a simple blue dress that looked like pajamas. We’re all surprised to see Meri already up for the day waiting for us in the entrance hall.

She’s absorbed in a book and blushing red as a rose.

“Morning!” Sam runs off to see her new Guildmate. While the tomboyish Princess was put off by Meri’s meekness initially, she seems to have come around after Meri inflated Sam’s ego somewhat. Good to know that it doesn’t take much for the young royal to make new friends with someone closer to her own age.

“I-I FOUND IT IN THE BEDROOM, I SWEAR IT’S NOTHING IMPORTANT!” Meri shouts and reflexively shoves the book in front of her face like it was a shield, inadvertently revealing to me that she was reading my first edition copy of ‘Lusty Tales and Tails’.

Of all the erotic tomes I had forgotten to hide before handing over my bedroom to the new girl, how on earth did she end up with that one? It’s rather extreme...

Meri quickly realizes she’s holding the book out in a way that shows exactly what it is and then throws it under the wooden table in a hurry.

It’s a little over half past nine, and unlike the three of us Meri is fully dressed. Only she’s not wearing her armor and now for the first time I get a proper detailed look at her without several layers of steel in the way.

Merille Tillot is between Sam and Zutiria’s height, with a body on the chubbier side of things. Her hips are very wide, and her black stockings dig into her meaty thighs. Her bust is quite large as well, to the point where it seems like it’ll burst out of her white top at any moment. I would wager she has a little bit of a tummy underneath her shirt as well.

All in all I’d truthfully say she’s exceedingly adorable, in an innocent, ‘I want to hug and protect her smile’ kind of way.

Getting in some... pleasant morning reading?’ Zutiria teases and plops down beside Meri on the wooden seat, causing the brunette to blush hotter.

“N-no... I just... um... didn’t have anything better to do.”

Sam laughs and sits down on the other side. “You must be some kinda nerd like Boss is. I mean, what sorta loser READS porn?” The Princess rolls her eyes.

“The sort of loser that’s about to make your breakfast and spit in your eggs, you little brat.” I loom over Sam, letting it be known that I will not stand for my hobby being disgraced.

“ACK NO, I’LL NEVER ACTUALLY KNOW IF YOU DID OR NOT!!” Sam pleads. I’m not going to actually do it, but she’ll never know for sure.

Meri laughs in a cute tone, feeling slightly more at place here.

I’ll admit. This pleasant back and forth between all of us is... nice. I can’t even believe that just over a month ago this place was empty and devoid of life aside from the spiders and the rats. Now there’s a trio of cute girls sitting together, laughing and talking amongst themselves and waiting for breakfast.

It’ll be a long time till this Guild is filled to capacity again, but seeing the contrast between then and now fills my jaded and cynical heart with the warmth of hope.

And then things got awkward again.

“CHILDREN, MOMMY’S HOME!” Opalina bellows out loudly as she walks through the still regrettably doorless entrance. “Oh! You’re all up already.” My mature lover clasps her hands together in delight, before she notices my guest.

“Ah! You’ve finally found another one have you, Dear?” The busty healer makes her way over to Meri with great interest.

“B-BOOBS!” Meri shrieks as the bouncing globes attack her face as soon as Opalina pulls her into a massive hug. Poor Meri, you can’t shield yourself from such an onslaught no matter how hard you try.

Morning, Opal.’ Zutiria smiles at the sight of her, knowing she’s going to get fed something better than I can prepare.

“Sup, Opal!” Sam smiles but also stares at Meri in jealousy. She wants to trade places, the Princess becomes a drooling puppy dog whenever the busty healer is involved.

“So,” Opalina smiles and faces my direction. “Have you had your way with her yet, Dear?”


I love the good doctor more than I could ever put to words, but for the life of me I can’t believe she actually just said that.

“W-WHAT?!” Meri manages to get her head out of Opal’s tits and panics, looking back to me. “Y-YOU REALLY ARE PLANNING TO DO LEWD THINGS TO ME, AREN’T YOU?!”

Opalina releases her hug on the panicked girl and tilts her head. “Oh my. Was I not supposed to mention this?” She looks at me with upturned, apologetic eyebrows. “I assumed this was another girl you drafted as part of your, well. Unique situation.”

“Meri, calm down. I can explain, Opal here is just...”


Opalina’s face makes a conflicted expression, unsure of whether to take this as a compliment or not. “T-titty monster...?!”

Zutiria sighs and begins polishing her round glasses as this plays out. Sam just starts laughing her ass off at my expense. At least she’s not actively making the situation any worse...

Meri looks at me for confirmation on whether or not the titty monster and I have fucked, and my blush and evasive eye movements answer the question for her.

“S-so it’s true...!! HOW MANY OTHER GIRLS ARE THERE?!” She panics and stands up, scanning the room for something to hide behind and settling for behind Opalina’s back. Meri wields the doctor’s tits as if they were her bulky tower shield.

“Well none so far, I just-” ... Shit.

“S-So far...!?” Meri takes a step back. And then another. And another still, before running away up the stairs back to my bedroom that she’s taken over.

“Boss you’re so bad at this holy SHIT- AH!” Before Sam starts laughing any harder I bonk her on the head.

She’ll be fine... I think.’ Zutiria sighs.

Opalina twiddles her thumbs and sits down where Meri was sitting. “W-well I like the new girl, at any rate...” She stammers and evades looking at me directly, clearly embarrassed about having made things that much more complicated.

I fill Opalina in on everything that happened last night and her face gets increasingly red. “W-Well... if you think about it, it’s all your fault Dear for getting your fancy new bed before fixing the door!”

Yeah, no. “And who was it that sent my girls back to me in such a horny state that they couldn’t even wait for me to take them upstairs to fuck them, hmm?” I eye her accusingly.

“I just wanted to send you a present, Sweetie... I wanted to visit, but I had a lot of work to do after sending these two precious Dears home. It’s not my fault you couldn’t lock the door.” Opalina blushes and sulks a tiny bit, trying to play up her cutefulness and act very unlike her age so I forgive her more easily.

Sam drools at the memory of whatever Opalina did to her, hopelessly wanting more. “Mmmmm...”

Sir. You should probably just lay some more of it out on the table for her. Explain the details and don’t leave anything out.’ Zutiria takes it upon herself to be the voice of reason and looks me straight in the eyes.

“But that might-”

Yes, there’s a chance Meri might not want to stay. But need I remind you that you’re a Guild Master, too? If need be you could write up one of those transferral notices if she’s not comfortable staying here under your bizarre circumstances.

I sigh and look down at the table, sulking along with Opalina. “But I don’t want it to sound like I want her to stay just so I can eventually fuck her. I...” My heart starts growing heavier. Should I just tell them? “Look, Sam, Zutiria... There’s something I haven’t said yet. I told Opalina about it, but... it’s just so weird and I haven’t felt up to telling you... mainly because I’m afraid of how you’d react.”

To my surprise, Sam stands up and leans over the counter. “Boss, how fucking dare you! I told you the secret of my true identity, and even my dream of slaying the Demon Lord! And you accepted me with open arms despite that. Why would I ever judge you?”

“Because it puts our relationship in a weird light and I’m not comfortable about it.” I openly admit.

Sir, I’m with Sammy. You’ve done more for me in the short time I’ve known you than anyone else in my whole life. I have an urge to hit you over the head with my staff for being so pig headed to think anything you could possibly say would turn me away from you.

I’m stunned beyond belief at her words. I try to open my mouth, but much to everyone in the room’s surprise, Zutiria beats me to it.

“A... af... ter... a... all... I luh... love... y... you...” She says slowly, carefully and with labored breathing as the sentence weighs down on her vocal cords.



This intense, heartfelt moment is instantly ruined by Sam jumping at me and shoving her tits in my face. “ZUZU, WHAT THE FUCK? GODS DAMMIT I WANTED TO SAY IT FIRST!! BOSS, ME TOO! WHAT SHE SAID!”

“Now now, young lady.” Opalina giggles and blushes. “You have to actually say the words for it to count.” 

Sam releases me from her breasts and angrily crosses her arms, turning her face away from my own with the ferocity of a whip crack. Her blonde hair, which has neither been brushed or tied up into her signature twintails yet, flows behind her as she does so. “HMPH. I’ll say it when I’m damn well ready.”

“Well, for what it’s worth I love you too, Dear. Although I’m sure it’s a lot less exciting to hear coming from an old lady like me than it is compared to these two lovely lasses.” She laughs in that husky tone of hers.

Right now, I’m a bit overwhelmed with emotion. It’s hard thinking of how exactly to respond but the more I spend in silence the more sure I become of the situation.

“I love the three of you as well. How could I not?”

“Damn right.” Sam sticks her tongue out at me despite her cheeks flaring red with blush.

“Oh, I just knew it!” Opal plays up her reaction and claps her hands together.

Go on, Sir. Tell us everything.

“You both remember how I told you I have a voice inside me that has compelled me to cum inside you shortly after meeting you, yes?” Both girls nod. Kind of hard to forget an absurdity like that, I guess. “Well about a week ago before Opalina and I slept together... I... had a dream where I talked to it. And I’m fairly sure it’s a Goddess, potentially even... THE Goddess.”

Sam’s eyes go wide, “Fuck me, you don’t mean...”

Zutiria’s eyebrows raise in curiosity. ‘Lux Ultima?

“Yes. And whoever it was implied that they drew you to me for me to... conquer. Specifically you and Zutiria. And she said that she’s going to keep sending me adventurers to do the same with. Is it wrong that I’m worried about the ethics of this? Goddess or not, she’s picking out women and throwing them at me saying ‘add her to the pile’! Do the girls get any say in this? Is there consent? Did I... take advantage of what this Goddess is doing to me...?” Just saying it aloud fills me with dread and guilt... but...

To my surprise, Sam stands up and looks me straight in the eye. She opens her mouth and her words change everything.

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