Rise of the Guild Master

The Birds and the Bees

“Who fucking gives a shit, Boss?”


“Sam... I’m trying to be serious here.” I look at my young lover in disbelief that she’d just openly dismiss my genuine concerns like that.

“Well so am I.” She grabs me by the collar of my tunic and jerks me up off of my seated position so she can look me in the eye. “Goddess or no Goddess, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me. I don’t care how it happened. Do you think Zuzu cares?”

I look to Zutiria who stares back, blushing.

“Course not. What difference does it make WHY we met when all that really matters is that we DID? I’m not saying you need to creep on Meri, Boss, but I’m saying that if she’s anything like the two of us then there’s a damn good reason she’s here. Just stop stressing so much about shit and just play it by ear.”


I agree, Sir...’ The mage stands up and walks over to hug me while I’m still held aloft by Sam’s strong grip. ‘There’s... frankly no evidence to support that the voice that’s talking to you is the Goddess of Light to begin with.

Zutiria’s eyes briefly go dark, sinking to a hopeless despair I’ve never seen from her before. ‘I’m... typically more than a little skeptical of invasive entities in your head trying to convince you that they’re your friend, but...

Hope returns to her expression as she looks back at me straight in the eyes. ‘I’m making an exception in this case because whatever entity you may be in contact with, it gifted me to you. If that’s enough for me, it should be enough for you.


“Well, I may not be able to contribute much to this discussion...” Opalina sighs, perhaps jealous of not being one of my so-called ‘destined’. “But I personally think that you’ve improved the lives of the three of us. If a Goddess or whatever tells you you need to help other girls as well and it just so happens to lead to them falling for you, then that says more about you than anything else.” She warmly laughs and adjusts the rim of her glasses.

“The fact that you’re even concerned about the ethics and consent involved in the first place is more than enough reason to believe it’s ok to not worry about it too much.”


They’re right. I’m just being my overly analytical self and assuming the worst. I hate this part of me sometimes, I truly do. But the fact that I won over Sam and Zutiria by my own charm alone was lost on me amidst my own self doubt and concern.

All the supposed Goddess did is bring them to me, and if I play my cards right there’s a chance something will happen with this Shield Maiden too. I need to be ok with that and remind myself that it’s not like the goddess is hypnotizing these girls to spread their legs for me and ignoring their own right to choose whether or not they actually want to be with me.

She sets them up and I knock them down if I can, that’s all there is to it.

“I think I understand now.” I do my best to smile warmly at the Princess, who soon grins back and sets me down.

“So you’re gonna go for her?” Sam smirks excitedly at the thought of adding yet another big tittied bedmate to our growing roster.

“I’m going to see what happens and not be concerned about the possibility any more. If something happens then I’ll know it was through my own will and not influenced by any weird outside factors.” I explain with conviction.

“That’s the best way to go about it I’d say, Dear.” Opalina nods her head supportively.

Yes, just keep being you and I’ve no doubt things will work out just fine.’ Zutiria reaches across the table to clasp her tiny hand around mine.

All of a sudden there is a loud creaking sound coming from the stairs behind us. Meri awkwardly strolls down them wearing her full suit of armor and touting her titanic shield. She holds on carefully to the guard rail so as not to fall over from her own armored weight until finally she rejoins us at the table.

She takes the seat furthest from my own and sits down, placing her shield down the long rectangular table and out of the way.

“I-I’m sorry. I get carried away a lot and assume the worst...” Meri says in a sad, apologetic tone. “T-There’s probably a lot more to this situation than I understand, so...”

“Would you like to hear the full story?” I ask.

Meri meekly smiles and nods her head, briefly making eye contact with me while doing so.

“Well I hope it can wait till after breakfast. I came over for a reason, you know!” Opalina excitedly stands up and takes her wand out of her sleeve, then removes her coat and rolls up her sleeves. She points the wand at her torso and the tip lights up, summoning a frilly apron that ties itself over top of her sweater.

The apron reads ‘Mommy Knows Best’.

“Go get dressed, you three. I’ll get started.” The older woman smiles and sways herself off to the kitchen in a hurry, eager to serve us all up a good meal to start our day correctly.

The three of us follow her orders and make our way to my bedroom, but from the top of the stairs I can see Meri has already begun reading the erotic tome once again...

“Boss, check this shit out!” Sam excitedly holds up a pair of Meri’s panties that were accidentally left out. They’re very, very cute and don’t match her age at all. They have a cute little cartoon bear in the center and seem to be much bigger than anything I’ve seen Sam wearing.

Sammy, no.’ Zutiria says for me as she rips the panties out of the Princess’s hands before she can do anything weirder to them.

We all remove our motley assortment of casual wear and get dressed in our typical, everyday attire and head back downstairs to be greeted with the delicious smell of breakfast in the air. Meri is even more absorbed in the erotic tome by this time and doesn’t even notice us until we draw closer.

When she does, she lets out a shy yelp and hides the lewd book under her shield for future access.

“If it interests you then by all means, read. I have plenty more that you can look through at any time.” I smile and try to sit closer to her than I was before. To my surprise, she lets me although she’s still shifting around slightly uncomfortably.

“I-I-It’s not like I’m particularly interested in... l-lewd things...” She shyly looks away with a blush redder than Sam’s armor.

Sam takes a seat across from the Shield Maiden and leans across the counter. She holds her cheeks up with her hands as she stares flirtatiously into Meri’s eyes. “Uh huh. I totally believe that. You don’t strike me as a closet perv at all.”

Meri’s nervousness takes hold of her and she sweats, until Zutiria sits beside her. ‘Ignore her, Meri. Sam’s thirst is incorrigible and she didn’t get enough dick this morning.

The Shield Maiden feels sorry, apparently, as she looks to the Princess with remorse. “Oh... I’m sorry... you all d-don’t need to... h-hold back, you know... um... I-I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.” I smile at her reassuringly. “I was just worried that the sound would trouble you.”

Meri looks like she wants to say something, but it’s interrupted by the smell of breakfast drawing ever closer. “Coming through! Get it while it’s hot, young ones, the secret ingredient is love!” Opalina shouts in a melodramatic tone.

To my surprise, she’s bringing the food out using a cart that I haven’t had to use in gods know how many years. There’s an excellent display of breakfast foods, most of which I am all but certain I don’t even have the ingredients for. Opalina must have used some magic to summon them up from her own supplies to feed us, and I’m very grateful for it. We all are.

Any remaining tension breaks and all five of us share a wonderful meal from Opalina’s massive spread. Pancakes, as one would expect from her, hash browns, bacon, sausages, toast, the list just goes on and on- she made damn well sure to cover each breakfast essential and then some.

We all eat and talk, though Meri mainly just eats with a ravenous hunger and keeps to herself. It’s not out of disinterest, but I’d imagine her journey from Perlshaw to here took a lot out of her and she hasn’t had a good, proper meal in the weeks it took. The dinner I cooked last night was just child’s play compared to this bounty. Her plate is fuller than any of ours, even Opalina’s.

With an exaggerated sigh of fulfillment and newly rounded bellies, we all thank the motherly chef.

“T-thank you so much... it was delicious, Miss... Opal, was it?” Meri asks happily. 

“You’re very much welcome, Sweetie. You seem like a girl who appreciates a full plate and I’m very happy to provide it! Ah, getting to cook for others after so very, very long has filled my heart with joy...” Opalina sighs in pure bliss.

“You gonna stay around today, Opal?” Sam asks hopefully.

It would be nice, but the clinic won’t run itself.’ Zutiria reminds her.

“Alas, that’s true. I’ve got to be getting back soon. I’m sorry we don’t have any time for fun, Dear.” Opalina looks at me with sadness. We haven’t been able to make love much since our initial coupling and it saddens her, but the scum of Dewhurst who can afford her healing services take up a lot of her time.

I’m very understanding of course, knowing that I’ll work hard until the day she can set up shop as the Guild’s permanent onsite healer.

“Actually, Opal. If you wouldn’t mind staying for just a slight bit longer I wanted you to help me explain something to Meri.” I hint and Opalina catches my drift.

“Ah, that’s right. I suppose I have a little bit more time.” She smiles reassuringly.

“Do ya want us around, Boss? I know I’m not the best when it comes to delicate shit.” Well at least she’s conscious of the fact.

Probably best for us to go, Sammy. They can handle it. Meet you in the training yard, Sir?’ Zutiria asks, deftly remembering the early goal for the day.

“Yes, please.” I nod my head as the Princess and the Mage both rise from the table and lean over to give me a kiss on the opposite cheek, much to my and Meri’s embarrassment. Sam shoots me a teasing wink as she shakes her bikini armored thong butt at me while making her way to her great sword and heading out back into the yard.

“W-What is this about, Mr. Guild Master...?” Now alone with me and the good doctor, a tiny bit of her apprehension returns but it’s much more tolerable after the good breakfast we all shared together.

“I wanted to be honest with you about the exact situation going on here between myself and these three girls, though mainly Sam and Zutiria. And I wanted to stress that if it makes you uncomfortable in any way, shape or form I will personally see to it that you get transferred to a Guild of your choosing.”

“Oh.” She blushes, taken off guard. “Alright then... l-let me hear it.” If I’m not mistaken there’s a small ember of excitement burning in her eyes...

“As his doctor, I just want to mention ahead of time that everything he’s saying is completely true. I’ve looked after him since he was five years old.” Opalina proudly states.

“Right.” The thought makes me blush ever so slightly, something that Meri catches and it encourages a small laugh from her lips. “So, how do I put this...” I sigh and look away, adjusting the rim of my glasses.

“I have a strange condition. My eyes are supernaturally gifted, and I can’t open them without my glasses on unless I want to feel excruciating pain. At least, that was until I met Sam and I discovered I could look at... certain, special women without pain.”

“Certain women...?” Meri’s curiosity grows.

“Girls who were drawn to him, or in my case, girls that he chose.” Opalina smiles comfortingly, doing her best to not make this sound like some weird sex cult.

“Let me demonstrate that I’m not lying.” I stand up, turn the opposite direction and take off my glasses. That doesn’t make the sudden pain and easier, and I gasp from the torment.

“DEAR-” Opalina rises to help me if I need it, but I put out a hand towards her.

“I’m fine, I’m fine...” I put back my glasses on and turn back to face Meri, only now my face is covered in the signature eye blood from the strain of doing such a feat.

“HYAA?!” Meri jumps out of her seat in fear and... concern? “ARE YOU OKAY?!”

“Yes. It’s nothing I’m not used to.” Opalina hands me a napkin from breakfast so that I can carefully lap up the blood without disturbing the glasses too much.

“Goddess above... how have you lived like this your whole life...?” Meri’s face becomes that of a sympathetic angel. Tears well up in her eyes and I start to get a feel for her as a person. She’s kind, and with a beautiful heart who cares deeply for others. Even if she’s afraid of their scary faces and crude words.

“Very poorly.” I stifle a chuckle. “But I needed to explain this because it makes the next part make slightly more sense. At least, I hope.”

“I’m listening...” Meri says with great anticipation.

“When I look at one of the girls that were drawn to me, I feel... intensely passionate about doing sexual acts with them. And acting on that has led to certain... magical results.”

Meri’s concern fades ever so slightly and she draws back again.

“Let me take over this part, Dear. I’m the doctor after all.” Opal puffs out her chest. “He and the girls have done certain experiments and as silly as this sounds, beyond a shadow of a doubt I can confirm that when a girl takes his semen, she’s blessed with increased physical and magical power. I’ve analyzed a sample of it myself and the mana concentration in his seed is... unfathomably high.”

This is news to me. I didn’t know she procured a sample and ran some tests, but I’m glad she did.

Meri starts to tremble in her armor and shirks back. “W-w-why are you telling me all this...? I-It’s not that I don’t believe you, but...” She whimpers, and for a second I feel as if she’s remembering her former Guild Master. “It almost sounds like you’re telling me this to try and set me up t-t-t-to have... suh... sex with you...”

Opalina frowns and I nod my head. “That’s why I wanted you to know- so that I could tell you that’s not the case. I’m telling you right here, right now, that I’m trying to build a powerful Guild that functions doubly as a... Harem.”

“A H-H-HAREM?!” She jerks back and drops her jaw.

“If I have a large team of girls that I can send powered up on quests, the results and the gold would be astonishing. But I’m trying to say that you are welcome to stay with us even if you want to be completely separate from anything sexual. Despite the double purpose, I will not force anyone to join the... harem side of things. And if staying here while I’m having sex with all these other girls is too weird for you, I will send you off as I said. I’ll even pay for your travel expenses.”

Meri hangs her head, biting her lip fiercely. There’s a long, pronounced silence that only breaks when she raises her heads. “T-Take off your glasses and look at me.”

Opalina looks at me with concern but I just shake my head and do what I’m told. 

There’s no pain, and I’m overcome with an intense desire to make this beautiful Shield Maiden sitting next to me into yet another one of my lovers. I blush, and my lips open in awe of her adorable face, her plush lips, the deep red eyes... everything about her is just so...

“W-w-well...?” Meri snaps me out of it and I hurriedly return my glasses.

Unable to say anything without it sounding creepy, I just nod my head meekly as Opalina comforts me by placing her hand on mine.

The Shield Maiden blushes so heavily that I fear for her health, wondering if she suddenly got heat stroke in that huge set of armor of hers. But then I watch her hide her face behind her armored hands, but not before my powerful eyes catch the slightest hint of a smile forming on her lips.

“His... thingy is really magic a-and makes girls stronger... then?” She turns to face Opalina.

“Yes, Sweetie. I swear on my license as a healer.”

“What about... b... braver...” She looks at me with all seriousness.

“Well,” I look away, thinking I might know where this is going. “Sam and Zutiria have said it makes them feel much more energetic and motivated after receiving my... ‘blessing’, and I mean that with no small amount of sarcasm. Although that just might be the natural effects of sexual intercou-”

“I’m staying.” Meri says with a look of conviction in her scarlet eyes, not a hint of timidity or apprehension about her.

This courage doesn’t last for long, though, and quickly rushes to her shield before I can utter a word.

“I-I’LL BE OUT BACK! JOIN US W-W-W-WHEN YOU’RE READY...!!” She awkwardly runs off and trips over her own armored foot, before whining, pulling herself up, and running out to be with Sam and Zutiria. She’s going the wrong way, though...

“Other door, Meri. To the right.”

“Y-YES, THANK YOU!” She blushes and runs to the correct door this time and staggers on out.

Opalina turns to me and gives me a tender kiss and pulls me in to nuzzle her breasts. “I think that went as well as it could have, Dear.”

I smile with no small amount of nervousness. “Yeah. Me too.”

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