Rise of the Guild Master

Put a Ring On it

The pleasure of enjoying my first time buried deep inside of Snow’s steaming pussy is all but overshadowed by the intense pressure of the cock ring, keeping me from blowing my load. Despite my suffering, at least Snow’s having fun. Her face briefly loses its graceful, sadistic composure and becomes that of any other Beastgirl when mating with her lover for the first time- pure bliss.

She tries to shake off her smile, afraid that it will make her look too weak, perhaps, but the maid has a tough time holding it back. Snowball was looking forward to this just as much as I was, no matter how bad she wants to hide the fact. This stubborn side of her is just another one of the things I love about her. Even after the trouble it’s caused us, I can’t help finding it adorable.

Snow’s pussy, like the rest of her kind, is textured and ‘scratchy.’ It seems even this part of her was designed to be torturous, too, since hers specifically gets even bumpier than Cherry’s the further back I go. Bottoming out in her causes the tip of my cock and its upper few inches to be covered in her hard little nubs. The scratching draws out immense, frustrated pleasure, the likes of which are made even worse by the tightness of her tunnel.

“Gods...” Snow purrs, running her paws against the area that connects us. “This is too much, Myaster... I... I can’t believe I tried to fight so hard against being with you... not after getting to see how good this feels...”

“That’s n-nice, please... please let me cum, now...”

“No,” She giggles before slowly drawing her hips up off my shaft and sinking her slickness down the length again. 

“It’ll be ok, Myaster... focus on us, too...” Peri whispers into my sensitive ear, shoving my hand towards her groin.

“Here, distract yourself with our bodies...!” Cherry takes my other hand as well and slips it between her thighs.

Without any choice in the matter, I start to finger both of the kittens laying by my side in the vain hopes of distracting myself from the ever-escalating hell of pleasure Snow’s installed upon my cock. As I unintentionally thrust up into the maid, I shove two fingers into each of their tight, tiny cunts and begin exploring for their weak spots.

“Aren’t you talented, nyaa?” Snow laughs as she bucks her hips a little harder, causing her luscious, round tits to bounce in place. “You must have lots of experience with group sex by now, I imagine...” The thought brings a smile to her face.

Ignoring her taunting, I plead to the maid in agony. “Snow, please... say the magic words... please...” I shut my eyes and start finger-fucking Cherry and Peri’s pussies with even more ferocity.

“You’re no fun, Myaster...” The sadistic cat makes a pouty face at me, then slams her hips down the hardest she’s done yet. A loud slap echoes out from our skin clapping against each other.  “Mnn! A... Aren’t you even going to guess... what the words are?”

“No, I can’t... I fucking CAN’T-!”

“NYAA!” Peri cries, my fingers whisking around her insides with no restraint.

“S-Snow...! NYAN-” Cherry tries to talk but is interrupted by her pleasures, her naked, sweaty body twisting and seizing at my relentless assault. “M-Maybe you’re taking it too far for tonight...!!”

Snow sighs and looks down at me with a pronounced frown. “I made it really easy to guess, too... Ah, well... I can stop here if we need to...” She crosses her arms over her tits and slows to a crawl.

“Thank you, oh, thank you, Gods...” I sigh with overwhelming relief. About ten seconds pass in silence before I realize what Snow actually meant. “Aren’t you going to take it off...?!” I ask, hoping I’m wrong.

“No. I just said I’d stop, silly Myaster. If you want to cum, then you have to make me say the magic words...” Snow’s teasing knows no limits, nor does her perversity. She becomes even wetter as she watches me writhe beneath her, and I feel her quivering cunt constrict around me as I sob for relief. With nothing better to do, I continue to finger Peri and Cherry into orgasm.

My desperation leaks out and influences them both. As my cries become louder and more pained, theirs become more blissful and wracked in pleasure. It isn’t long before both of them are gushing against my fingers and cumming their brains out.

“MYASTERRRR!!” Peri screams for what must be the hundredth time tonight.

“I’M CUMMINGGGG, NGH, I LOVE YOU, MYASTER!!” Cherry screams, too, before lodging her teeth into my neck to stabilize her overwhelming pleasure.

Their juices squirt out onto my relentless fingers, all as Snow watches on with sadistic glee. A twitch on her lewd expression draws attention to Cherry’s words just now, though. No doubt it’s a cue that only eyes like mine could have picked up on. I suppose this means I have only one course of action...

I pull both hands out of the kitten’s little pussies and wrap them around Snow’s hips so I can thrust hard up into her. She moans at the sudden impact and leans over my body, grabbing my shoulders for support and digging her claws into my skin. “AH! Just... Mn... what do you think you’re doing...?”

“I just have... to make you... say... you’re cumming... don’t I...?” Clenching my eyes to try and distract my poor cock from the inability to achieve sweet relief, I grit my teeth and start bucking while pulling Snow’s hips down against my own.

“Maybe...” She purrs, squeezing my aching manhood inside her tight pussy. “Maybe not.”

My angry cockhead scratches her backmost walls, causing Snow to shriek with delight and myself to whimper through the skin of my teeth. Her furthest depths do their thing, grinding against my most sensitive area of pleasure. “Can you even... mmn... make me cum with that thing on...?” The maid asks, seductive lust influencing her voice and forcing it to crack under pressure.

“I don’t have any choice...!” As I shout back at her, the beautiful maid only laughs like a true sadist. Snow allows me to fuck her with everything I’ve got, and thus far, this has been the most significant test of my infinite stamina to date. My body doesn’t get overexerted while fucking, but the mental anguish of prolonged teasing is almost preferable to physical pain. As much as she likes to be high and mighty, Snow is still just a woman the same as any other. I can make her cum if I work hard enough.

The kittens both rouse themselves from tiredness, each cuddling up to me again while I fuck Snow. “You’re almost there, Myaster...” Peri massages my inner thigh, licking my ear to comfort me. “Make Mistress cum just like you did to us...”

Cherry starts licking one of the many bite wounds she inflicted on my body in a tender way, then traces a path with her tongue to my opposite ear, whispering, “I wanna see what Mistress looks like when cumming... don’t you...?”

The thought spurs me to action, and I dig my fingers into Snow’s ass. With a deep groan, I work myself into a frenzy of relentless thrusting despite the immense pressure of the cock ring keeping me from orgasm. Although it’s hard to pull off under the circumstances, I study Snow’s reactions and manage to figure out a few spots that she likes having my cock grind up against. To increase the pleasure on Snow as much as I can, my left hand shoots to fondle her right breast, and my right hand begins thumbing her clit with great intensity.

If Snow cares that I’m ‘topping from the bottom,’ then she doesn’t make it known. This is likely because even as I fuck her, the maid is still the one with the real power here. Knowing this, she allows me to use her body while getting off on my desperation and suffering. “Al... most... there...!!” Snow’s face twists with unrivaled ecstasy as she rolls her eyes back. Her long, fluffy tail stiffens out behind her, trembling with pleasure amidst the wet, meaty smacks of my thrusting.

“Cum for me, please, Mistress, do it... fucking DO IT!” I beg and beg until finally, my cock brings Snow to the release that I so desperately long for.

“I’M CUMMING, MYASTERRR!!” Snow’s pussy squeezes and milks me with its tight walls and its sharp bumps, convulsing nonstop as her juices flood all over my naked manhood. Yet even as she says the same words that brought out a strange reaction from her face, the magic cock ring does not relieve me of my suffering. I keep fucking her tight little hole until her orgasm is calm and settled, hoping that it would make a difference. It didn’t.

“Why...?” I seize from a violent twitch. “Why didn’t it...”

“Mmm...” Basking in the first orgasm she’s ever experienced from her mate’s cock, Snow has a deep, contented look on her face. “Because you didn’t make me say the right words, silly man.” She says in a low, husky voice.

“Mistress, let Myaster cum in you!” Peri sits up, whining and pawing at Snow in my defense.

Cherry follows after and looks down to where the two of us are connected. “Gods, Mistress, his cock is almost purple...” She whimpers worriedly.

“I read the instructions. I know how long he can wear it for without being dangerous...” Snow makes a pouty face again and glares down at Cherry. “You better hurry up and figure it out if you want to cum inside of me and not all over my paws when I take it off, Myaster.”

I stare at her, delirious with frustration and pleasure all at once. “Please...”

She frowns and then blushes while scratching the back of her head. Peri and Cherry both make angry faces at their Mistress, firmly on my side now despite the potential consequence. “Come on, think about it... isn’t there something you should say to me now that we’ve come this far, nyaa...?” Snow averts her eyes, her cheeks becoming even redder. Is she actually embarrassed despite everything we’ve done? Really?

I knew she was out of touch with her feelings, but... damn. Luckily for me, this narrows it down a whole lot. Looking into her needy yellow eyes, I find in them a passionate longing that she feels challenging to express. With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I tell her, “I love you, Snow.”

Snow’s mouth falls open in surprise before twisting into a wholehearted smile. She looks me straight in the eyes, draws her hips back, and thrusts down on my cock one last time before telling me, “I love you too, Myaster.”

The magic cock ring is released just in time for the head of my penis to rub against her deepest depths. From within, I let loose an absolutely massive load seeming that is no doubt one of the largest I’ve ever cum before. The force and volume are so absurd that Snow’s eyes open wide from shock as she feels the burning manhood spilling into her without end. It isn’t long before the feeling of coming inside brings out another orgasm from her Beastfolk body, her instincts rewarding her desire to be bred with a powerful release of her own.

The two of us scream and shout, Snow falling down against my torso as we hug and eventually kiss our mutual orgasm to utter completion, each of us humping and moaning away at the other like animals.

Sorry for the slowness, the last few days I've been writing a huge outline of the next arc. It's available for all patrons to read, so join up if you want to read a huge preview of everything that happens on GM and Opal's trip to Dawnstead!

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