Rise of the Guild Master

Satisfied Kittens

After cumming for far, far longer than is possible without the aid of magic, the two of us collapse into each other’s arms and roll to our sides. We fall back hard on the bed, happy to be together above anything else. “I don’t take it we’ll be playing anymore tonight... will we...?” Snow giggles, looking me up and down with her eyes.

“I’m afraid not... you’ve ruined it for everyone else, Snow.” I sigh. I could certainly keep going if I absolutely had to, but... mentally, I’m just about checked out.

Snow, smiling with mischief as ever, pecks me softly on the lips. “You knew what you were getting into when you put this collar around my neck, Myaster,” she says.

“I suppose you’re right. I don’t regret it in the slightest, though.” I lean into Snow’s ear and whisper a quick question, “You took some Succu-Bye beforehand, right?”

“I was already on it. It’s beneficial for avoiding a woman’s troubles.” She smirks.

As Snow giggles to herself, Peri and Cherry cuddle up to both of us. The blue-haired kitten behind me strokes her hands up and down my side, purring as she says, “I think we had enough fun, anyway...”

“You’re satisfied, Peri? You?” I turn my head to give her a look of disbelief.

“M-Myaster...!” She blushes as her voice becomes defensive. “I-I’m not super crazy with lust ALL the time...! This week was just... um... hard...”

“It was hard on everyone, I think...” Cherry yawns as she nuzzles Snow’s neck before smiling softly to herself. “But we all ended up in better places than we started, nyaa...”

“I think I could agree with that statement, more or less...” Snow lays on her back so that Cherry can hug her better. Then, she leans in and gives the pink-haired kitten a gentle kiss on the lips that becomes lewder as it lingers, much to the surprise- but not disapproval- of Cherry.

As their kiss ends, I feel the need to ask Snow something that might sour her mood, but it needs to come out. “You’re sure this wasn’t a mistake?”

“Are you?” Snow laughs, proving my fears wrong. “You looked like you were in so much agony, after all...”

I laugh and shake my head. “No, normally I would’ve been into play like that... but... you sort of just sprang it on me.”

“You’ll never forget our first time now, Myaster.” Snow whispers as she turns to kiss me on my cheek.

“That’s an understatement...”

“I know I won’t. Not ever.” She whispers. I reach out to cup Snow’s cheek and stroke it with my thumb, prompting the beautiful maid to purr.

“How does it look?” She picks up the collar around her neck with her thumb and forefinger, presenting it to me.

“Like you were born to wear it.”

Snow smiles and closes her eyes. “Mmm. There’s that ego of yours again, Myaster... you’re lucky I find men who think the world of themselves so adorable because I doubt I’d ever find someone half as self-obsessed as you.”

“And don’t you forget it, Snow.”

The room has long since grown dark after many hours of playing together. Silence fills the air as the four of us enjoy being a part of one big, warm pile of cuddles until Snow breaks this silence with a rather severe statement. “Things are going to be very different from here on out, Myaster... as the head maid, I’m your partner. Whatever you ask of me, I’ll do it, and when I have no commands, I’ll work on my own ideas to improve this Guild and get it running smoothly. I’ll need more maid staff eventually, but with just the three of us, I should be able to make a sizeable impact on the Guild as-is.”

“I couldn’t ask for anything more. You have my express permission to do whatever you see fit, whenever you see fit. You’re the homemaker, not me.” I nuzzle Snow, rubbing my own nose against her pink, wet kitty nose, much to her satisfaction.

Upon hearing her Mistress’s words, Peri swells with confidence and hugs me even tighter from behind. “I-I’m gonna work my hardest, too, Myaster...! I’ll never be as good as Snow, but... my paws are meant to take care of my new home, so that’s what they’re gonna do!”

“And as for me, um...” Cherry blushes as she stammers her words. “I’m not good at the whole epic declaration thing but, as long as you take good care of us... I’ll always be here to take care of you, Myaster...”

“The three of you are more than I could ever ask for... now that I have both maids and a head maid to lead them, it feels like a new era is about to begin. I love the three of you so much, and I swear that as my mates, you’ll never want for anything for the rest of your lives.”

“That’s a lot to promise, Myaster...” Snow’s eyes become teasing, and she smirks. “I deserve to be treated like a Queen, after all.”

“I’ll manage, somehow.”

The three feminine felines all contentedly purr at my promise to always look after them. “Does this mean you’re gonna get us nice collars, too?” Peri asks.

“I plan on it. Ideally, I’d want yours and Cherry’s to match each other stylistically, but we don’t have rubies or sapphires laying around.”

“You don’t gotta worry about it, Myaster... I’m plenty happy enough already...” Cherry admits before stifling a yawn. “But if you do get us collars, I... um...” She blushes, betraying how much she actually wants one. “It’s not like I’d turn one down, y’know...?”

Peri pouts, her desire for a collar much less hidden than her counterpart. “Matching collars would be adorable... nyaa...” She ends her thought with a long, tired yawn. “Mnn... losing your virginity really takes a lot out of you, I guess... I’m getting tired...”

“I think it would be best if we retire for the night, girls, Myaster. I’m told you have a business trip to attend to tomorrow, and us maids will need to wake up early to see to your affairs.”

“Wait... you don’t mean...” Cherry sits up, a panicked sweat forming on her already sweaty brow.

“Of course,” Snow smirks as she watches the distress on Cherry’s face grow. “From here on out, you two maids will be living an ordered, structured, and disciplined life of servitude to the Myaster. This includes waking up bright and early every single day to maximize your efficiency, just like how you lived when training under me. Surely you didn’t think I was going to let you sleep in past noon every day, take frequent sunbaths?”

“NO!” Cherry falls backward on the bed, “I-I thought we were chill now?”

Giggling, Snow reaches over to give the tanned kitten some head scratches. “We are chill, Cherry. I’m not going to run you ragged. You still need to have enough energy to service the Myaster’s sexual needs at any given moment, after all.”

“O-Oh, uh... yeah...” Cherry calms herself, thoughts of sexual service racing through her mind.

“I don’t care when we have to wake up, nyaa... if that’s the price, we have to pay for you to help us out then by all means...” Peri purrs, even if she’s not entirely sold on the idea of waking up early. To reward her for her subservience, Snow gives Peri a delicate and 

“Sorry girls, but Snow’s officially in charge of you from now on. I’ll defer to her judgment at all times.” I offer my sympathies to Cherry. Meanwhile, the head maid is pleased when she hears my admission of her full authority. Snow smiles smugly, appreciating her newfound power before yawning and stretching herself out.

Despite her growing weariness, a question comes to the head maid’s mind. “Before we sleep, there’s one thing I have to ask...” She says, “What exactly is the bathing situation like in this Guild, Myaster?”

Figures that a prissy cat such as Snow would enjoy bathing. She must spend a lot of time cleaning that huge, bushy tail of hers. “We have an arcane tech shower and bathtub in the bathroom right over there,” I point towards the door in question, “Other than that, the Guild itself doesn’t have any. The largest building in the backyard out behind the training yard is actually a bathhouse, but... needless to say, It’s in quite a state of disrepair since I had no one else to help me maintain it.”

“Hmm. Sounds like that’s going to be a problem...” Snow muses. “You have seven people living here now. You cant expect to share one tub with that many people, nyaa... let alone have any fun with us all.”

Peri makes a tired, mewing sound of approval at the idea of bathtime shenanigans, and I nod my head at Snow. Actually, the Guild will soon have eight people living in it if everything works out regarding the long-awaited healer. No need to confuse Snow with that correction, though. She’ll learn about our next expected arrival in due time, if not from me, then from one of the girls.

“I’ll take a look at it while you’re gone,” Snow says, already plotting out the number of ways she plans on making herself useful in meticulous detail.

“Ask Nikita or Sam about seeing if Gwin can help you. She’s a Dwarf, a friend of the Guild, and she helps out around here... if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to get you your collar in time, actually.”

“...So you really do have a Dwarven craftswoman.” Snow laughs at a joke I don’t quite get. When I tilt my head and ask for clarification, the aloof Catfolk woman brushes off my inquisitiveness. “Nothing, nothing... just thinking to myself. I’ll have to thank her for the collar, then...” She lets out a pleasant-sounding sigh of relief.

I’d love to spend even more time with these fantastic kittens of mine, but my tiredness is becoming overwhelming, and I have a big trip tomorrow. I’m lucky enough to have all these beautiful women around to comfort me. Otherwise, thinking about Dawnstead would be giving me significant anxiety right about now. Letting the unpleasant thought drift, I lay on my flat on my back, allowing Peri and Snowball to cuddle up to me. Once they’re both situated nice and snug, it doesn’t take long for Cherry to sneak herself on top of my body and curl up like a cat, too. With a sense of deep-seated contentment, I close my eyes and relax, drowning in comfort brought about by three naked women smothering my naked self on all sides.

Amidst the deafening quiet of the night, I whisper to the newest woman at my side. “Thank you for changing your mind, Snow.” 

“Thank you for helping me realize I would be happier if I changed it, Myaster.” She whispers back, warmth and love coating her words in a pleasant silky affection.

“I love you, kittens,” I tell Peri and Cherry, intent on showing them that Snow’s arrival doesn’t devalue my affection for them in the slightest.

“We love you too, Myaster...!” Both girls quietly yawn, a broad smile plastered on both of their faces.

“I love you, Mistress,” I tell my new head maid with a hint of sarcasm.

“And I love you, you adorable, pathetic little man...” Snow responds, giggling and nuzzling into the right side of my neck as she gives it a tender kiss. Soon after, the four of us all fall into a shared, blissful rest, the likes of which are only ever earned after hours of sensual, life-changing lovemaking.

And thus, the Maid Adoption Arc (name pending) is complete. I had no idea it was going to last for so long, but that's because at the start of the arc Snow wasn't a part of it, and I had no way of knowing the Pimpfort would take so many chapters to write. Up next we've got a much smaller arc that I've been waiting for, the Dawnstead Arc! Before GM takes off, though, the other girls need a little attention... don't you think? Stick around, lots of fun sex coming in the next 10 chapters!

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