Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 101: Evil Aura

"This world..."

Upon arriving in this strange place, Xu Luo immediately dispatched all his worker bees, but the feedback he received was astounding.

There was no sign of life, which was normal for a broken Divine Kingdom. However, the absence of any resources, movements, or other signs was unusual.

Even if the Divine Kingdom was shattered, resources like minerals shouldn't have vanished so quickly. How could there be no activity at all?

Concerned about encountering lingering Divine Abominations, he sent his Zerg to explore slowly from the periphery towards the center of the Divine Kingdom.

He preferred a slower pace to ensure safety.

Through the Zerg's perspective, Xu Luo could see this world had cities, now in ruins, but their outlines still visible.

These cities seemed unusually large, with a single remaining archway standing several thousand meters high.

The entire city's style was very rugged, not at all delicate.

Some pedestals in the cities bore murals, but not being an expert, Xu Luo couldn't decipher their meaning.

Slowly guiding the Zerg to explore the entire city, all units eventually converged at the center, where the only building with a discernible shape remained.

This building appeared to be a palace, with a vast plaza before it.

The palace still had countless white jade pillars supporting it, each intricately carved with clear images.

There were dragons, phoenixes, angels, behemoths, and other creatures depicted.

However, their sizes were all very small.

On the murals, only one type of figure was enormous.

They had human-like forms, but with terrifying, ferocious faces, like giants. In one hand, they held dragons as if they were mere insects.

"Is this a structure of the Giant race?" Xu Luo wondered.

Even for giants, this seemed too exaggerated!

Although giants were powerful, if dragons saw these images, wouldn't they be enraged?

Modern giants with impure bloodlines could reach heights of several dozen meters at most. Even ancient giants were only comparable to ancient dragons. Holding a dragon like an insect in one hand?

It seemed that when it came to self-aggrandizement, every race spared no effort.

While observing the carved pillars, Xu Luo approached the front of the entire temple.

Looking at the building with only its basic framework remaining, Xu Luo craned his neck but couldn't see the top, unable to gauge its height.

He sent worker bees to investigate, but they couldn't fly high enough. Finally, Viia managed to reach a conclusion.

"Three thousand meters?" Hearing Viia's report, Xu Luo's first reaction was disbelief.

What kind of being would need a building 3,000 meters tall?

Even ancient dragons with their massive size wouldn't need such structures!

The tallest known Gold-tier beings in God's Domain, like the Hundred-Eyed Giant, were only a few hundred meters tall, making them dwarfs compared to this palace.

"Do giants need such a tall palace?"

"My Lord, this might be a Titan's temple!" Viia calmly reminded him.

"Titans?" Xu Luo suddenly realized the source of his earlier unease.

Giants were descendants of Titans. If this place belonged to Titans, it would explain the architectural style.

Before the innately divine Titans, what were dragons and angels?

Knowing this could be a Titan's domain, he became more attentive.

Observing the entire palace, he discovered that all pillars were made of pure magic stone, without any other materials mixed in.

Formed as a single piece, when Viia attempted to attack, her great sword couldn't leave even a scratch. Xu Luo reluctantly abandoned the idea of taking the entire pillar.

It was painful to give up so much magic stone!

"Break through the entrance!" Looking at the tightly closed doors, Xu Luo channeled his frustration into action, hoping the palace interior still held something of value.

The Titan era had long passed, and he didn't know if anything from that time remained, or if there might be unexpected discoveries.

Receiving their deity's oracle, the Zerg frantically assaulted the palace doors.

The doors, already weakened by time's erosion, soon began to give way.

Amid a series of thunderous crashes and flying dust, the palace stood firm under repeated impacts, but the ground seemed to tremble slightly.

After countless ages, under the Zerg's violent assault, the doors finally opened a crack.

But the moment the doors parted, an indescribable evil seeped out.

This power was so vast and mighty that mere contact drove many Zerg mad, conflicting with their fanatical faith and causing them to self-destruct.

If the Zerg weren't fanatics, would this brief contact have turned them against Xu Luo?

This nameless evil power contained endless fear. Even Viia, a Gold-Tier Monarch, could barely withstand it. She cast a deep, pained look at Xu Luo before taking her own life with her sword.

Being intelligent, she could better comprehend the horror of that power. To prevent her cognition from being altered, she chose to end her life.

The other Zerg, lacking intelligence, didn't know fear, but the power itself was highly contaminating, causing mass self-destructions among the Zerg army.

This was the conflict between faith and that power.

Especially for the Xenomorphs, already in a state of genetic collapse, this evil power's appearance further disrupted their balance.

However, the evil power was just a fleeting aura, coming and going quickly, so its impact on Xu Luo wasn't too severe, allowing him to easily endure.

Yet he regretted losing his strongest force before it could be utilized. Although Viia could be revived upon return, the cost would be substantial.

Now he couldn't retreat, only continue exploring, hoping the palace held something valuable to compensate for his losses.

Otherwise, losing a Gold-Tier Monarch and numerous Zerg units would make this expedition a massive loss.

Not to mention the starship lost during their forced entry and descent.

Driving the remaining Zerg through the vast palace, Xu Luo's only impression was its sheer size!

The palace stood 3,000 meters tall, and as for its area? He had no inclination to measure.

However, entering the palace interior, he found it far from the splendor he had imagined.

The palace, originally built of pure white magic stone, should have been sacred, but now everything was far from it.

It seemed the place had endured a great battle, with everything blackened as if polluted. A faint evil aura emanated, identical to the one that had escaped earlier.

But this was just the outer area. The deeper they went, the more profound the evil became.

"This is..." Xu Luo momentarily lost focus!

In the central hall of the palace, a towering figure sat on a throne, glaring forward with a majestic expression.

Even seated, this figure was several hundred meters tall. Its eyes were far larger than copper bells; Xu Luo's entire body was smaller than one of its eyes.

Though lifeless, the figure still exuded supreme authority.

Despite a massive wound piercing its chest and back.

No blood flowed; after countless years, it had long dried up.

After all, the legends of Titans dated back to countless millennia ago, to an era when the Tianyuan race still existed.

The Tianyuan race had vanished from the real world many years ago, let alone in God's Domain with its tenfold time difference.

Beside this Titan's throne lay a severed arm, the source of the evil aura.

Faced with the pressure from both auras, the Zerg now showed no reaction, unlike earlier when the power carried contamination.

Mere pressure had no effect on the Zerg.

[Ancient God power detected, Titan genes, can form new Zerg evolution path.]

[Leviathan: Face Hugger + Dragon genes + Angel genes + Ancient God power + Behemoth genes + Giant genes, consumes large amount of evolution points, faith power can simulate evolution.]

[Note: Leviathan simulation failed, insufficient evolution points, insufficient faith power!]

The Zerg Overlord prompt sounded.

Although the simulation failed, Xu Luo still saw the estimated attributes of the Leviathan.

Leviathan: Gold Tier 9 Monarch.

Talents: Multi-attack, Stealth Detection, Anti-air, Shape-shifting...

Skills: Particle Breath, Dragon Charge, Ancient God Power, Chaos Devour...

Seeing the Leviathan's attributes, Xu Luo could only say, "Absolutely overpowered!"

But he liked such units.

Chaos Devour, formed by fusing various powers, could absorb attacks of all attributes and return them to enemies, while also being usable for direct attacks. It could also transform into a flying dragon to target aerial enemies, giving Xu Luo true air units.

This ability likely came from angels, dragons, and other flying creatures.

In Xenomorph form, it perfectly fused genes from various creatures, with extremely powerful effects!

And the surprises didn't end there.

[Titan Mega-Zerg: Leviathan + Titan genes + ??? + ??? + ???]

However, with the Leviathan not even simulated, the next stage was out of the question.

But regardless, now that Titan genes were obtained, the hardest part was solved; the rest were minor issues.

Yet, as Xu Luo rejoiced, he failed to notice that as he extracted the Titan's genes, the towering figure on the throne silently turned to ash.

And the severed arm beside it, now without suppression, once again emitted that indescribable evil aura, even more violently than before.

The arm made no movement, but without the Titan's aura to suppress it, the evil aura became active.

Even this slight natural resurgence of the aura was extremely dangerous for Xu Luo.

The aura spread unconsciously, and due to its strong contaminating effect, the surrounding Zerg immediately suffered.

Zerg after Zerg experienced the earlier encounter, constantly exploding.

Xu Luo himself was being eroded, but his avatar carried considerable faith power, allowing him to resist temporarily.

However, when he sensed an invisible force following the connection between his avatar and main body towards his Divine Realm, his expression finally changed.

Problems with his avatar were inconsequential, not affecting his foundation.

But if it affected his main body, the result would be different.

Xu Luo's main body in the Divine Realm also focused its attention.

[Host is being eroded by Ancient God power, consume all evolution points and faith power to expel the invasion?]

The Zerg Overlord prompt appeared, flashing red, seeming to indicate a critical situation.

Xu Luo didn't hesitate, immediately agreeing.

His accumulated faith power and evolution points were instantly depleted, and the invisible erosion disappeared.

In the Titan's temple, the aura on the severed arm suddenly raged, evil power permeating the great hall. Zerg touching this aura exploded one after another.

At this point, Xu Luo's avatar was struggling to resist.

Seeing the evil aura showing no signs of subsiding, he simply dispersed this avatar.

The faith power carried by the avatar was a small matter; more important were the numerous units.

But at this moment, he dared not open a transmission channel to teleport the Zerg away.

Having just expelled the evil aura, opening a channel to bring it into his Divine Realm would be foolish.

Although the current losses were enormous, compared to his gains, they were insignificant.

Just as Xu Luo's avatar dispersed, a giant eye opened in the sky of this broken Divine Kingdom.

[Ancient God power awakening detected, executing ancient contract, initiating strike mode!]

A majestic voice sounded, then beams of light descended from the sky, enveloping the entire broken Divine Kingdom.

After an unknown duration of strikes, until no evil aura could be sensed and the entire Divine Kingdom was thoroughly destroyed, the giant eye finally vanished.

[Ancient God power reappears, those old Gods are becoming restless!]

As if speaking to itself, these words were heard by no one.

Just as the giant eye didn't notice that before its arrival, a strand of evil aura had already escaped this broken Divine Kingdom and begun wandering in the void.

[07/21+1 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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