Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 39: Forming Alliances

[Local Network Established.]

[Combat Content: Entertainment mode!]

[This battle is a free-for-all mode, battlefield scene selected: Plains!]

[Number combat participants: 50!]

[Divine Realm connections for all participants have completed; units will now be deployed to the battlefield!]

[This is entertainment mode, unit deaths will not result in losses, Good Luck!]

Under the mechanical voice prompts in the game pod, units from the Divine Realms began to be deployed onto the battlefield.

"Huh? Why isn't there a choice for the number of units? Is entertainment mode different from combat mode?"

Xu Luo was puzzled. Last time when he fought Xiang Xun, he could choose the number of units to deploy. Why wasn't this option available now?

Regardless of his confusion, at this moment, he saw from a god's-eye view that all his units were being deployed onto the battlefield.

"Good thing I was smart and didn't replenish the Zerg numbers."

Seeing this, Xu Luo inwardly sighed in relief. He had suffered significant losses just days ago when invading alien Divine Realms. Because he was busy upgrading the Zerg, he was saving faith power and hadn't replenished their numbers.

This time, all the Zerg appearing before others wasn't too big of a deal.

"You little rascal, let's see how you hide now!" Zhong Tianyue muttered to himself as he watched.

He had clearly warned that kid to keep a low profile, and he seemed to have listened, only invading twice in a month.

But invading five targets at once? How inflated could he get!

Now the first year of Sixth High School, had officially destroyed twenty-seven alien Divine Realms, immediately attracting attention from above. 

As the principal and class teacher, not knowing the specific strength of his students was a real failure.

This time, deploying all units for everyone was his decision, just to get a good look at these students' full strength.

However, seeing the number of units deployed on the battlefield still shocked Zhong Tianyue.

The battlefield selection would only choose combat units, not bringing non-combat ones.

But seeing the vast swarm on Xu Luo's side, Zhong Tianyue gritted his teeth.

"This brat is still holding back."

He didn't believe that just this much force could simultaneously invade five targets.

It must be that he hadn't replenished his forces after the previous invasions.

But even what was shown now was enough to surprise people.

This was likely the remaining force after invading five alien realms, yet it still numbered in the tens of thousands. How many would there be at peak strength?

At this moment, not only were the school leaders observing on-site, but other first-year students were also watching via live projection screens in their classrooms.

Even some second and third-year students were paying attention.

Seeing the units of all fifty people, some were surprised at their rapid development, others marveled at the sheer number of Xu Luo's units, while also curious about what his species actually was.

After all, the Zerg had never been seen before, and naturally, there were no records of them in the Book of Species Origins.

In the elite class battle, the bottom five would be eliminated.

Everyone knew this news now.

Not just the first years, but the second and third years followed the same approach.

However, the gaps between second and third-year students had long since widened. Even if five students from regular classes entered, they would likely only stay for a month before being pushed out again by the five who were eliminated.

The first year was different. The gaps weren't so huge yet, with infinite possibilities for the future, making it more attractive.

Upon entering the battlefield, endless plains surrounded everyone, distributed around the perimeter, unable to directly see each other.

The first thing everyone did was to start searching for others' whereabouts.

Whether it was those who had agreed to team up or those wanting to eliminate others, everyone began to move.

Xu Luo didn't mind not seeing others.

After all, it was entertainment mode, and deaths here weren't real. He couldn't get talent or gene rewards, so he was actually quite disinterested.

Even if he got first place in the monthly exam, it would just be some faith power rewards. If not for the rare resources, he wouldn't even bother competing.

His own Divine Realm's daily output already far exceeded these rewards.

Only rare rewards, which might not be purchasable even with faith power, were worth it.

At this time, others began to gather, and Xiang Xun even stopped those who had started fighting.

"What are you thinking? Letting others take advantage? If we team up and eliminate the strongest, won't spots open up? Why fight among ourselves?"

Xiang Xun went around persuading everyone he saw, while others spread the word to others.

Surprisingly, it was effective. Students who had already started fighting immediately stopped.

Eliminating someone of similar strength was risky.

But a group teaming up to eliminate Xu Luo? That was naturally a very safe thing to do!

No matter how strong Xu Luo was, could he really fight against all forty-nine of them?

"Xiang Xun, you want revenge and you're using everyone's power to do it. Have you no shame?" Wang Xiaoling's beautiful eyes widened as she scolded.

"Wang Xiaoling, you don't want to team up with us? Fine, then we'll eliminate you first." Xiang Xun sneered.

But as he said this, he saw others hesitate, no one daring to make a move.

"Useless!" Xiang Xun cursed inwardly, but he didn't dare to actually act. After all, the Wang family had many business ties in Tianhai City and connections with many powers. If they eliminated Wang Xiaoling now, there would be consequences later.

"Hmph, you don't want to team up with us. Don't tell me you want to eliminate all of us instead?" Although he couldn't act, he could still irritate her.

Wang Xiaoling hesitated.

They were all classmates after all, and some had known each other since childhood, moving in the same circles. She felt uncomfortable eliminating people she'd see again soon.

"Ah, I don't care anymore. I'll just watch what you do after eliminating Xu Luo. There are still four spots left. What will you do then?" Wang Xiaoling said, commanding her units to move aside.

Hearing this, others exchanged glances. Eliminating Xu Luo was just one person; there were still four spots!

Some people exchanged meaningful looks, their gazes subtly falling on Xiang Xun.

Wasn't he also a potential target?

At this moment, Xiang Xun, surrounded by over forty people and countless units, was in high spirits, giving off the air of a supreme commander, unaware of what others were thinking.

"Don't worry, everyone. After we take down Xu Luo, for the remaining four, we'll compensate with resources. It's just one month, they can quickly fight their way back!"

[08/18+2 - Chapters Released this week]

Thanks for Reading.

Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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