Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 41: Zhong Tianyue’s Hope

No one had anticipated that the grand alliance of so many people would crumble before Xu Luo like clay chickens and pottery dogs, offering almost no meaningful resistance.

Their numbers were several times that of Xu Luo's Zerg army, yet it was useless. Many of their own units died from trampling each other.

Especially the Mountain Shakers' charge was overwhelmingly powerful, with no unit able to restrain them.

At this stage among the newcomers, those with Silver tier units were rare. In the Sixth Middle School, having one or two was normal, but a full formation of Silver tier units was unheard of.

"Is this the strength you've been hiding?" Zhong Tianyue and the school's senior leadership watched everything, their minds on other matters.

He wasn't surprised that Xu Luo could defeat fellow newcomers. How could this kid who frantically targeted aliens not have some tricks up his sleeve?

But he hadn't expected the hidden strength to be so terrifying.

"I propose giving him a seed qualification," Zhong Tianyue looked at the others, bringing up the old topic again.

This time, surprisingly, these leaders didn't immediately refuse.

Even Zhao Yiming opened his mouth but didn't speak.

Seed qualifications were, of course, extremely precious. A school only had three spots, and that was for ten years.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't be willing to give them out.

A seed qualification also represented huge benefits, with the school's full support in cultivation.

Previously, seed qualifications were not just about talent, but also the result of balancing interests.

This time, they didn't immediately object when Zhong Tianyue spoke up because they saw hope in Xu Luo.

A hope named 'advancement'.

Seed qualifications were given after weighing pros and cons, even after various interest exchanges. But there was one exception: when someone was truly outstanding and could bring greater benefits than interest exchanges.

Clearly, this was such a situation.

In Xu Luo, these senior leaders saw the possibility of advancing in the city-level league, something the Sixth Middle School hadn't achieved in many years. Cultivating such a genius would earn them rewards from the Education Department, which was what they cared about.

Not just tangible benefits, but also accumulation of qualifications - these were intangible assets more precious than any interests.

"This young man has cultivated Silver tier units without major capital support, clearly showing outstanding talent. I agree to give him a seed qualification," the Training Director spoke up directly.

"I agree too!" Seeing the Silver tier units in action, the Logistics Director also agreed promptly.

With these three agreeing, even if Zhao Yiming was unwilling, he had to grudgingly accept.

He knew what these people wanted. Although the Xiang family had considerable influence, they couldn't provide what these leaders desired. If he obstructed now, he would only offend these people.

Although he agreed on the surface, only he knew what he was really thinking.

With these four bigwigs agreeing, naturally, others had no objections.

"Good!" Zhong Tianyue nodded.

"Since everyone agrees, I'll submit a report to the higher-ups after the test results come out."

Although their school's leadership team had agreed, the necessary procedures still needed to be followed, though it was generally just a formality.

After everyone unanimously agreed, watching the battle on the field became somewhat uninteresting.

The gap was simply too large, like adults bullying children.

"His current strength could probably match the elite second-year students, right? Although the second-years have Silver tier units, he has so many other units," the Training Director wondered about Xu Luo's limits and what units he hadn't deployed yet.

Second-year students had only improved their unit levels, not necessarily greatly increasing their numbers.

The more units, the more resources needed to feed them. Generally, people maintained a certain number and didn't deliberately increase it. Only those on the path of invasion would mass-produce units.

"Raising so many units, his intentions aren't pure," Zhao Yiming sneered.

His meaning was clear: raising so many units meant he was taking the path of an invader.

"So what?" the Training Director didn't mind.

"Lacking resources, naturally one has to take. I have high hopes for this kid. Without big powers supporting him, how else can he develop if not by taking?"

These people weren't strangers to taking from others in their youth.

"Just afraid he might stumble, failing to take and instead being taken from," Zhao Yiming jabbed mildly.

"Director Zhao, I know you have issues with student Xu Luo, but please remember your position. As educators, it's beneath us to hold grudges against a student," Zhong Tianyue turned his gaze to Zhao Yiming.

"Besides, fortunes can change. Never underestimate the young and poor. Who knows what the future holds?"

Zhao Yiming didn't speak further.

Zhong Tianyue's words seemed like advice, but they were actually a severe warning.

As people of status, some things weren't said directly. But for him, an Education Director, to be admonished like this in front of other school leaders was already sending a signal.

"He's not a seed yet!" Zhao Yiming sneered inwardly.

"It seems Director Zhao is not convinced," Zhong Tianyue smiled faintly, not saying more.

But inwardly, alarm bells were ringing. He felt he had been too hasty and should have waited for the kid to be better prepared before bringing up the seed qualification. That way, even if the Xiang family tried something, he would have enough strength to deal with it.

Now, it was too rushed.

But what's done is done. They could only take it step by step. If the Xiang family dared to do anything, he wasn't a pushover either. Anyone who dared to block his path to promotion would be his enemy.

He had no choice. After lying low for so long, he eagerly hoped to cultivate a student who could participate in the global league. It didn't matter about rankings; just participating in the global league was itself a symbol of talent.

Standing out in the region of Tianhai City already surpassed many, many others.

Cultivating a genius student would give Zhong Tianyue enough reason to apply for a transfer and return to the frontline battlefield.

After lying low for so long, he really didn't want to keep waiting.

Now, students with some talent were basically monopolized by wealthy consortiums. Missing this chance, who knew how long it would be before encountering another one.

Therefore, Zhong Tianyue was truly determined. The Xiang family better stay quiet, or this matter wouldn't end here.

[08/18+2 - Chapters Released this week]

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