Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 51: Preparing for Mass Production

The True God's strike had pierced through the five Divine Realms, but it also left behind a trace of Divine Power. For those who had reached a certain level, this was insignificant, but for newcomers like Xu Luo, it was different.

Moreover, the two Queens had previously devoured four Demi-God avatars.

These avatars carried enormous amounts of faith power.

After absorbing both, the two Queens immediately lay down and entered a state of hibernation. They secreted a liquid that enveloped their bodies, forming thick cocoons.

Ignoring the evolving Queens, Xu Luo turned his attention to his other gains.

Ten rare resources - these were truly priceless treasures!

Magic Crystal Mine: A small vein producing a certain amount of magic crystals daily. (Divine Realm Capital Market Price: 8 million faith power!)

The first resource being magic crystals, such a valuable item, truly surprised Xu Luo.

Magic crystals were essential for many mage-type creatures, with consistently high demand in the market. The price was stable, but it provided a steady income.

Most importantly, having such a resource meant a stable output.

With the first item being so valuable, he became even more curious about the rest.

Elven Fruit Tree: Produces Elven fruit, one of the elves' favorite fruits and a main ingredient in low-grade mana potions. (Divine Realm Capital Market Price: 4.5 million!)

There were only three trees, bearing fruit every three days in the real world. The yield was considerable, so the price was quite good. However, it required relevant talents for care and cultivation, and had specific planting requirements.

Of course, although these items had a market price, such rare items couldn't be measured by market value alone.

Mentioning elves' favorite food, Xu Luo thought of someone who might be willing to pay a high price for it.

Weapon Workshop: One of the magical buildings. Input raw materials to produce a certain quantity of low-grade weapons, with a chance of quality upgrade. (Divine Realm Capital Market Price: 5.5 million!)

"What a pity!" Xu Luo sighed. His Zerg didn't need weapons or equipment, otherwise having such a rare building could have saved a lot of costs.

As for crafting weapons to sell? Xu Luo hadn't considered it at all. After all, doing business wasn't just about opening a shop; sales channels, raw materials, and many other factors needed consideration. He could already gain plenty of faith power by developing his Zerg, so why bother with this?

However, this was a valuable item that could fetch a good price.

Arrow Bamboo: A rare material, one of the main sources for elven arrows, producing new bamboo periodically. (Divine Realm Capital Market Price: 6 million faith power!)

After reviewing each rare material, Xu Luo sighed. None were suitable for his use; they were all destined to be sold.

However, these ten rare resources had a total market value of around 60 million. Adding a premium, selling them for 70-80 million wouldn't be a problem, making it a significant profit.

Besides these, the expansion of his Divine Realm couldn't be measured in faith power, and he had also gained considerable evolution points. The captured equipment could also fetch a large sum.

For Xu Luo, the most precious gains were the five gene samples.

Although he couldn't use them now, in the future, when he obtained more genes, he might be able to combine them to create new, powerful Zerg.

Having only one or two unit types was too monotonous; he needed to diversify.

After waiting for some time, the cocoons encasing the Queens finally cracked open.

Looking at the Queens now, Xu Luo was very satisfied.

Their appearance hadn't changed much, just growing larger, like small tanks, with a more imposing presence.

What delighted Xu Luo most was that there were now four Queens before him.

After absorbing the True God's Divine Power and the large amount of faith power carried by the four avatars, the Queens not only evolved but also split again.

Although they were still somewhat weak, this would pass quickly.

Four Queens meant Xu Luo's Zerg army plan could be realized faster.

Zerg Queen (Weakened) Level: Silver Tier 9 Talents: Splitting, Swarm Control Skills: Egg Laying, Burrowing, Low-altitude Flight, Dive Strike, Jump Attack, Earth Shield, Armor, Divine Might...

The changes seemed minor, with their original abilities merely strengthened.

However, the actual power difference was immense.

The Queens were now rated as Monarchs.

From Elite to Lord, Lord to Monarch, each step was a vast leap, with enormous differences.

This meant Xu Luo had made a huge leap, directly possessing four Silver Tier 9 Monarch creatures.

Furthermore, the Queens' daily egg production, originally limited, had increased to 5,000 each after absorbing the True God's Divine Power. With four Queens, that meant 20,000, and with the tenfold time difference, it amounted to 200,000 eggs per real-world day.

This was a terrifying number.

Although the pressure to maintain so many Zerg was great, it was merely a matter of converting harvested faith power into resources to sustain them. The wool comes from the sheep's back; Xu Luo himself didn't have to pay much.

Without hesitation, Xu Luo entered a state of mass production.

He had been planning to invade, and the more units he had, the better.

High evolution point demand?

He would simply increase the number of Mayflies, letting them harvest from the Divine Realm, which was now large enough for them to feed freely.

With more Zerg, he would also gain more faith power.

To obtain a large number of Earth Dragon Zerg still required a significant investment of faith power. Xu Luo, now broke, urgently needed faith power.

One Earth Dragon Zerg provided 20 faith power, only a fraction of what other fanatic creatures of the same tier provided. However, while others needed to invest considerable effort to cultivate a fanatic, Xu Luo's were inherently in a fanatical state.

Now he only needed to wait for time to pass and use faith power to cultivate newborn Zerg.

Although he planned to create a big commotion, it didn't mean he had to start bustling about immediately.

Plan before action. Even if he was to act, he needed to complete the preparatory work first, then make a big move in one fell swoop, and retreat successfully before anyone could react.

This kind of finale would be ideal, completing the mission without giving others a chance for retaliation.

Otherwise, with alien races currently holding the upper hand and human civilization at a disadvantage, they couldn't withstand the pressure from the other side.

[16/18+4 - Chapters Released this week]

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