Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 57: The Former Glory of Humanity

Suddenly, the arena below burst into a brilliant light, followed by blood-pumping music.

Then, the scene on the arena changed.

"A battlefield?" Xu Luo was puzzled, seeing the familiar scene. How could a God Fighter battle feature a battlefield scene?

"I wonder what fighting style they'll choose this time," Xiang Lu asked curiously, noticing that tonight's two protagonists hadn't appeared yet.

"It's just the same old tricks," Zuo Jiaojiao said nonchalantly.

"Who are you betting on?"

Hearing the conversation between them, Xu Luo realized he had touched upon his knowledge blind spot, so he promptly kept quiet and silently observed everything around him.

"Hey, Xu Luo, don't be so reserved. Loosen up a bit! We're all young people. Why are you as stiff as my dad and his friends?" Fang Xuan joked with Xu Luo.

"How about it? Interested in playing a round?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Luo picked up a skewer of grilled meat, looking at the girl's pretty face without much change in his expression.

He wasn't clear about these people's personalities or backgrounds, so it was better not to reveal too much.

"When we watch God Fighter battles, we usually bet on the God Fighter we favor. But that's not very interesting, so we also make private bets among ourselves on who will win," Zheng Qiao smiled at him.

"How about it? Interested in joining?"

"Who's fighting tonight?" Seeing that the two protagonists hadn't appeared, Xu Luo didn't rush to conclude. It was better to understand the situation before doing anything.

"Tonight's battle is between the God Fighters 'Clear River' and 'Mad Iron.' They're both Level 2 God Fighters," Wang Xiaoling explained.

"In the God Fighter Guild, you need to win ten matches arranged by the guild to advance from Level 1 to Level 2. These two are ordinary Level 2 fighters."

Hearing these names, Xu Luo directly searched for related information through his personal assistant. However, he found no battle videos online, only brief mentions.

"So, there are levels above ordinary?"

"That's right. Ordinary, Elite, Lord, and Monarch, just like unit rankings," Xiang Lu looked at Xu Luo strangely, surprised that he didn't even know this.

"The most powerful one in Mingfeng Guild is a Level 4 Monarch God Fighter."

As they were talking, the arena had already transformed.

Two figures appeared on the battlefield.

"Clear River's luck is a bit better. It's actually his most proficient jungle scene," Zheng Qiao said excitedly. He had bet on Clear River winning, so naturally hoped for an advantage.

"But I didn't expect them to choose a duel!"

"What's a duel?" Xu Luo finally voiced his confusion.

Watching this God Fighter match, how did it feel so similar to his usual tests?

"You probably don't pay attention to these underground God Fighter battles. Compared to orthodox God Fighter battles, there's an additional mode called dueling," Xiang Lu explained.

"Usually, God Fighters command their troops and use various enhancement spells, but isn't that boring? So, dueling was introduced!"

"Two God Fighters directly possess the bodies of chosen believers and fight, testing their real strength in hand-to-hand combat."

"Isn't that a huge loss?"

For a God to possess someone, at least a fanatic-level believer was needed. For permanent possession, only a saint-level believer would do.

Others weren't like Xu Luo, whose units were all fanatic-level believers. One possession would result in the believer's death.

The loss of a fanatic believer was already significant enough.

"The loss is big, but the profit is bigger!" Fang Xuan poured a glass of beer and clinked it with Xu Luo's.

"I heard you have Lord-level units. You could try participating too! The appearance fee for Lord-level units is terrifying."

Xu Luo just watched the battle on the field without responding to her comment.

At this moment, they could clearly see on the projected arena scene two figures appearing in different positions within the dense forest.

One was a tall, jade-like human, while the other was a muscular man with two horns on his head.

"Clear River actually let out his precious darling?" Zheng Qiao was very surprised to see the tall, jade-like man.

This was a Weapon Master, a Silver Tier 5 unit of the human race. If Clear River hadn't nurtured him from childhood, it would be very difficult for such a warrior with a firm mind to believe in someone. But this time, he actually chose him as the possession subject.

"Looks like he's really going all out for this battle," Xiang Lu sighed.

"Win or lose, this Weapon Master is going to be wasted!"

"What can we do? Since my great-grandfather was harmed, the human race lost its advancement path. Clear River has a Silver Tier 5 Weapon Master but no way to advance him to a Gold Tier 9 Cultivator!" Zuo Jiaojiao sighed.

Her great-grandfather was truly a prodigy. When the Cultivator advancement first appeared, everyone was stunned.

Jumping from Silver Tier 5 to Gold Tier 9, who could have imagined that?

Hearing this, Xu Luo's mind stirred. After hearing Zuo Jiaojiao's words, he would be too stupid not to know who she was.

This was Zuo Tianyao's great-granddaughter!

But hearing their conversation, he was also truly surprised. Could human units make such a huge leap?

From Silver Tier 5 to Gold Tier 9?

He thought his Zerg jumped quite far, but compared to humans, it wasn't much at all!

"Mad Iron is going all out too. How could Clear River not do the same?" Wang Xiaoling looked admiringly at the muscular man with twin horns on the other side.

The World of Gods was fair.

Some races were naturally powerful, with all members being born warriors, like Zerg, Trolls, Dragons, and Ogres. But they basically had no professions, only tiers to distinguish their strength.

But there were also some special creatures.

Like humans and goblins.

They were born weak, with humans at Bronze Tier 1 and goblins at Bronze Tier 3, but they weren't useless.

That's because they had corresponding professions!

For example, humans had Sword Saints, Weapon Masters, Monks, and so on, while goblins had Goblin Mages, Goblin Throwers, and other distinctions.

Having a complete profession advancement chart was the true foundation of a species' strength.

Humans once had such an opportunity, but unfortunately, with Zuo Tianyao's death, everything came to nothing.

Clear River's contender was a human Weapon Master, while Mad Iron deployed a Berserker!

As a powerful force among barbarians, Berserkers, although low in intelligence and prone to going berserk and hurting allies in battle, were undeniably powerful units.

[22/18+14 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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