Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 60: Pre-Battle Preparations!

"Indeed, the outcome is decided!" Zheng Qiao exclaimed excitedly.

"Xu Luo, while betting is still open, you should place a bet too. It's a chance to earn a little!"

Zheng Qiao was happy not because of the money he'd win from his bet, but because he had a side bet with the others, and winning meant he'd get their stakes.

"Hmm?" Xu Luo was mentally filled with question marks.

Why was Zheng Qiao so excited? Had he misunderstood something?

However, hearing Zheng Qiao's suggestion, Xu Luo didn't hesitate. He stood up and connected to the betting platform nearby with his personal assistant.

Why refuse free benefits?

In this era, because everything was tied to one's personal identity, many things were actually very convenient.

For instance, now he could directly connect to the betting platform with his personal assistant, choose his bet amount, and have it deducted from his personal account.

Moreover, for betting, you could choose either credit points or faith power.

Using faith power would directly deduct it from the Divine Realm, without needing to log in personally.

Xu Luo didn't have many credit points, so he directly bet with faith power, and the amount was substantial.

Just after Xu Luo placed his bet, the betting channel quietly closed.

This wasn't just because of the sudden large faith power bet, but also because the outcome was becoming clear.

"How much did you bet?" Zheng Qiao asked curiously.

"I can't afford too much right now, so I only bet 10 million faith power. Ah, if only I could bet more, I could earn more!"

"50 million," Xu Luo stated his number concisely.

Upon hearing this, the others couldn't help but turn their attention to him.

It wasn't that 50 million was a huge amount, but everyone was in the development stage, and the faith power they could spare wasn't much.

More importantly, they knew Xu Luo came from an ordinary family background. Suddenly producing so much faith power, how could it not surprise them?

However, they didn't say anything.

Winning or losing a few million faith power was insignificant to them, but for Xu Luo... Involuntarily, their impression of him plummeted.

Whether it was to show off in front of them or truly having a big gambling streak, their evaluation of him had lowered significantly.

It was just for fun, yet he diverted large funds from his Divine Realm's development. Such a person was too short-sighted.

At this moment, the battle between the two on the field was also reaching its conclusion.

Clear River, relying on his terrain advantage, had gradually gained the upper hand and was now dominating Mad Iron.

Seeing this, Zheng Qiao became even more excited.

Wang Xiaoling looked a bit unhappy.

Xu Luo, noticing the increasing wounds on the Berserker possessed by Mad Iron, shook his head.

Clear River was too hasty. Although it was unavoidable, he had clearly lost the gamble!

Mad Iron suddenly let out a roar, his combat power surging. He began to overwhelm Clear River and, within a few rounds, beheaded him.

The entire venue was in an uproar. How did the situation suddenly reverse when Clear River had the upper hand just moments ago?

Some spectators cursed angrily, but it couldn't change the outcome.

Those who bet on Mad Iron's victory were excitedly cheering.

Mad Iron had won the final victory, and their investment had paid off.

"Berserkers, forever godly!" Wang Xiaoling was so happy she almost jumped up.

Zheng Qiao looked a bit dazed.

"How did we lose?"

He had been so excited earlier, not expecting to be slapped in the face so quickly!

"Bro, I'm sorry. It's all my fault, causing you to lose so much!" He looked at Xu Luo apologetically. If it weren't for his words, Xu Luo wouldn't have bet so much.

"Lose? No, I bet on Mad Iron!" Xu Luo raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Zheng Qiao was dumbfounded. So he was the only fool?

The joke was on him!

Hearing this, Xiang Lu and the others were also surprised. Initially, they thought Xu Luo had also bet on Clear River's victory!

"You knew Mad Iron would win from the start?" It was then they remembered that Xu Luo hadn't placed his bet casually.

"Of course. I'm not some rich fool who'd gamble on luck!" Xu Luo nodded affirmatively.

"Clear River was still dominating just now. How did you see that Mad Iron would win?" Zuo Jiaojiao asked, puzzled.

"Clear River was constantly on the offensive, seemingly having the upper hand, but he was actually trying to drain Mad Iron's life force. He was just giving Mad Iron opportunities. Clear River knew this situation but had no way to resolve it, so he could only continue like that," Xu Luo sighed.

"Berserkers get stronger the more injured they are. To deal with them, you usually need to kill them in one strike, or constantly wear them down, retreat when they burst, wait for their berserk time to pass, and then kill them when they're weakened."

The rest didn't need explanation.

Because Clear River lacked the ability to kill in one strike, he could only try to drain Mad Iron's life force, forcing him to berserk early. However, due to the match's restrictions, he couldn't flee to wait out the time, and had to fight head-on.

After going berserk, the Berserker's strength surged, and the Weapon Master, at the end of his rope, was powerless against the Berserker's sudden outburst.

Hearing Xu Luo's explanation, Zheng Qiao's face looked like a bitter gourd.

However, this knowledge reserve also surprised them.

They weren't actually very clear about this characteristic of Berserkers.

There were simply too many species and units. Everyone generally chose to understand a portion, and only roughly at that. Knowing that Berserkers get stronger as their health lowers was already the limit; they didn't know much beyond that.

It wasn't that they were ignorant, but because human energy is limited, and with so many species and units, it's impossible to learn about them all.

Betting 50 million and winning 55.5 million, plus his original stake, totaled 105.5 million. Winning so much in such a short time showed that making money with money was indeed very fast, but the risk was also enormous.

Just like Zheng Qiao, who directly lost 10 million.

The group had other activities, and now that Xu Luo understood what God Fighters were about, he bid farewell and left.

Riding his flying board, ignoring others' surprised looks, he wobbled through the sky filled with motorcycles and aircraft.

For Xu Luo, the biggest gain this evening wasn't the 5 million he earned, but the knowledge he gained about things he didn't know before.

More importantly, he was no longer confused.

Some things were intriguing when unknown, but once understood, they turned out to be not so special.

And now, the most important thing before Xu Luo was just one matter.

Prepare for invasion!

He had destroyed quite a few before, and although there were duplicates, he had collected a fair number of gene templates. Unfortunately, they were of no use and could only be stored away.

He hoped to obtain more gene templates this time. If they could have an evolutionary effect on the Zerg or derive new species, that would be even better.

Currently, the Zerg species were too monotonous with only so many types.

Moreover, they basically only had physical output capabilities, which would prove very ineffective against some species.

[22/18+14 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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