Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 65: Joint Siege

As Xu Luo was cleaning up the aftermath and preparing for the next wave of attacks, he failed to notice the approaching danger.

The World of Gods was vast and boundless, with no visible edge, occupied by countless civilizations.

It was like a starry sky, with each Divine Realm a speck of dust adorning it.

Though small, they were beautiful.

The range of a standard Divine Realm coordinate point was actually quite extensive, with considerable distance between each Divine Realm.

At this moment, the Demi-Gods two Divine Realm coordinate points away from Xu Luo had united to send troops against him.

They didn't choose the most convenient option of directly locating the opponent's Divine Realm and opening a transfer channel to enter it.

While this method was convenient, it was also the most costly. In fact, real hunting teams generally didn't use this method unless pressed for time.

Usually, they roamed around in starships, attacking suitable targets when encountered, plundering and leaving immediately.

Using transfers was too expensive, whether for locating the target, constructing channels, or transporting troops. Hunting teams were essentially bandits, so they naturally wouldn't choose this method.

Starships were low-cost and allowed for escape if things went south. Even if they encountered tough opponents, at most they'd sacrifice their current units without affecting their main base.

These united Demi-Gods, distributed in different locations with numerous units, couldn't afford the transfer fees, so they directly purchased starships for troop transport.

The distance of two Divine Realm coordinate points wasn't close, but with the starships' speed and some acceleration-type divine arts, they could reach their destination quickly.

Just as Xu Luo was cleaning up the battlefield, these alien troops silently approached.

Banners stretched endlessly, and before they fully approached, a barrage of spells was launched.

Xu Luo, who was pulling fragments of shattered Divine Realms towards his own, was interrupted. The connection between them broke, causing one fragment to fail to be pulled in and drift into the void turbulence.

Naturally, Xu Luo was unhappy about being interrupted.

But the scene projected from his Divine Realm to the outside made him very alarmed.

For the first time, he felt he had stirred up a hornet's nest.

Around his Divine Realm, hundreds of starships surrounded it. If not for the outer protection, they would have likely charged in directly.

Seeing the units packed densely on the starships, Xu Luo was greatly shocked. Whose army was this?

With several million units, even if they were all Bronze-tier, his Earth Dragon Zerg couldn't defeat them!

After all, the Earth Dragon Zerg had already suffered significant losses, and he no longer had spare breeding cards to refresh the Queen's egg-laying count.

The enemy used starships to launch a joint attack on the Divine Realm, creating a breach in the outer defenses before beginning their landing operation.

Their units were diverse, including all types, even aquatic creatures like Merfolk.

Although most of these units were Bronze-tier, there were also numerous Silver-tier units, and no shortage of elite Lords.

Xu Luo, who had originally planned to let the Zerg heal slowly, couldn't wait any longer seeing this situation. He immediately used the healing items he had prepared to restore the injured Earth Dragon Zerg's combat ability.

Although they still couldn't win, at least they could delay for some time!

Meanwhile, he secretly sought help from others.

While distant water couldn't quench a nearby fire, it could at least provide some material support!

After entering Xu Luo's Divine Realm, the joint army began widespread destruction and battled with the charging Earth Dragon Zerg.

The remaining Acid Zerg were no longer conservative, directly causing explosion after explosion.

The enemy suffered significant casualties, but to protect the Divine Realm core, the Earth Dragon Zerg fought to the death without retreat, also suffering considerable losses under the encirclement of various enemy units.

Xu Luo could only wait for communications to connect while using the enhancement items he had prepared but hadn't used much before on the Earth Dragon Zerg, adding whatever combat power he could.

On the starships, a group of Demi-God avatars hadn't descended. An avatar cost several hundred million to over a billion faith power to create, and they would be very distressed if lost.

Demi-Gods hadn't ignited their divine flame. If they condensed divine power, they would immediately be expelled from the novice Divine Realm. To enhance their combat power, they would condense excess faith power into avatars to act on their behalf, conquering and fighting. The avatar's combat strength depended entirely on the amount of faith power condensed.

At this moment, the group of united Demi-Gods watched the great battle in the Divine Realm with great trepidation.

"The strength of this hunting team is terrifying, to have so many Silver-tier elite units!" exclaimed an alien with a triangular head and a pufferfish-like body.

"If we hadn't come together, dealing with them one by one would have been disastrous!"

The surrounding aliens nodded in agreement. This combat power was already after resolving several nearby Divine Realms; what would it have been like at full strength?

"Everyone, such a hunter absolutely cannot be allowed to remain!" coldly spoke a blue-skinned, human-like creature standing three meters tall.

"Hunters only plunder others, producing nothing and only destroying. Such individuals absolutely cannot be allowed to remain, or we'll all suffer!"

No one refuted his words, as most farming-style players disliked hunters who gained without labor.

Especially this one, who was too brutal, annihilating so many Divine Realms at once. It was precisely because they felt fear that they had united together.

A group of aliens excitedly watched the great battle in the Divine Realm below. They were like observers hovering in a planet's atmosphere.

When had they, usually bullied by invading hunters, ever experienced such a situation?

Now the tables had turned, and they were actively encircling the once-invincible hunter.

However, after the initial excitement, watching the battle situation, the group of aliens' expressions began to change. Their much-anticipated joint army wasn't engaging in one-sided slaughter against the opponent's forces.

Although they had a numerical advantage, their losses were actually greater.

"All Silver-tier elites?" Nolan of the Blue Blood civilization couldn't help but look grave.

In the novice Divine Realm, he had seen individuals with all Silver-tier elite-level units before, but such beings were stars in their Blue Blood civilization, hopes for the future.

To see so many powerful units possessed by a hunter, he wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

With such strength, shouldn't they be protected like treasures by their civilization, fearing discovery by other civilizations? How could they be out plundering everywhere?

[22/18+14 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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