Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 86: The Embryonic Form of the Umbrella (Protection Racket)

"Oh?" Xu Luo's avatar on the starship was surprised to hear the other's words, not expecting an alien to surrender.

But on second thought, it was the same for all civilizations. Divine Realms weren't easy to develop, so naturally, no one wanted theirs destroyed, forcing them back to square one.

Just as there were traitors and fence-sitters among humans, it wasn't strange for them to appear among aliens.

He descended his consciousness into a Worker Bee and flew directly in front of the other's avatar.

"How do you propose to surrender?" Xu Luo asked in the abstruse universal language of the stars, still feeling uncomfortable using it.

This was one of the few assets left by the original body. However, he hadn't used it much in the past two months, so he wasn't familiar with it.

"Respected strong one, I'm willing to submit to you and become the sharpest knife in your hand!" The Mercury alien behaved very humbly.

He had no choice but to be humble. His Divine Realm core was surrounded by dense Zerg. With just a thought from Xu Luo, the core would be destroyed. He couldn't even relocate it.

"I don't need submissive followers," Xu Luo said calmly.

"What?" Hearing this, the Mercury alien's heart sank. Did the other find it troublesome and prefer to destroy the Divine Realm and plunder instead?

"I'm a reasonable person. I won't bully others just because I'm strong. On the contrary, I prefer to win people over with virtue and protect the weak."

Xu Luo's words were quite strange.

At first, the Mercury alien didn't understand what this meant.

Until Xu Luo's next sentence.

"You're too weak. Let me protect you from now on."

As a flexible alien, hearing his words so directly, if he still didn't understand the meaning, he wouldn't have surrendered on the battlefield.

At this moment, he immediately understood the implied meaning.

"I'm willing to swear by the name of the Temple of Gods to form a contract with you, requesting your protection and paying you a fee."

"That's too formal!" Xu Luo's voice didn't fluctuate much.

"We're all friends, naturally there's no need for such formalities. What need is there for a Temple of Gods contract? We're friends. I'll help you when you need it, and you just need to pay a small travel fee. Of course, to make it convenient for me to locate you anytime when you're in danger, you just need to give me a trace of your Divine Realm core's aura!"

"Ah, this..." The Mercury alien was dumbfounded.

What protection? This was blatant extortion!

And it was a no-investment business. He didn't even want to sign a contract, so there were no obligations, only rights.

He took all the benefits, and having the Divine Realm core's aura meant he could locate him anytime, descending into his Divine Realm whenever he wanted.

Life and death were no longer in his own hands. What could he do?

But now, with a knife at his throat, agreeing meant being controlled by someone else, and not agreeing meant the immediate destruction of his Divine Realm.

If he could sign a contract, there would be some constraints on the other party. But now, everything was in the other's favor. Even if he encountered danger, the other could stay out of it. What could he do then?

"You don't need to worry that I won't help you," Xu Luo's tone was persuasive.

"What benefit is there for me in destroying your Divine Realm? If you develop steadily, my benefits will be greater. I'm an Umbrella, your protection Umbrella. You pay me fees and I'll protect you when it rains; we're friends after all, and this is merely a friendly transaction!"

Although the Mercury alien inwardly disagreed, he felt Xu Luo's words made sense. After all, if his Divine Realm was destroyed, it wouldn't benefit the other. As long as he continued to develop, the other would continuously benefit.

Seeing the other fall into his verbal trap, Xu Luo smiled slightly.

Afterwards, they had a "friendly" discussion, negotiating the protection fees.

Finally, Xu Luo smiled satisfactorily. As for his first client, he should also be "satisfied"!

He gave the other several united Divine Realms, now all merged together, with many remaining units, all benefiting the other. Naturally, Xu Luo wasn't doing this for free. After plundering all the faith power and resources from this Mercury alien, Xu Luo signed a contract with him, allowing him to pay in installments. Only then did he begin to search for other Divine Realms in the surroundings, also looking for suitable targets.

Oh, during this period, Xu Luo would temporarily use his Divine Realm as a foothold.

The concept of the Umbrella appeared for the first time in this world.

Xu Luo felt he had finally found his ideology: "protecting" others and receiving payment.

As for those who didn't need protection?

Well, hurry up and face humanitarian destruction. What else were they kept around for?

At first, the Face Huggers were small and didn't occupy much space, but now that they had split into numerous Xenomorphs, the original fifteen starships could no longer contain them.

Fortunately, Xu Luo had a solution.

This was a Divine Realm, so he directly had this Mercury alien help him purchase some starships from the Mercury civilization's novice main city, solving his transportation problem.

After one battle, not only did his forces not decrease, but they actually increased. This was unprecedented.

At this time, there were battles everywhere in the surrounding area. Human Divine Realms were being destroyed one after another, but the alien races weren't completely unscathed either. The human counterattacks were very sharp, especially with geniuses forming spearhead teams destroying everywhere, and there was also Ying Yingluo, who currently had no match, steamrolling through.

Moreover, the alien races weren't at peace with each other either.

As a result of his exploration, Xu Luo saw one destroyed Divine Realm after another. Only after searching for a long time could he find one or two Divine Realms, and these were basically all engaged in combat.

Seeing this situation, he didn't hesitate. He directly charged in, first controlling the situation, rescuing the human side, and forcing the alien side to hand over their Divine Realm core's aura, grasping their fate. Afterwards, he just had to wait for them to pay protection fees at regular intervals.

This was the correct way to do things!

Developing on your own was too slow. Continuously developing Down-Streams, providing protection yourself, and having them pay you protection fees was fair and reasonable.

As for whether they needed protection?

Obviously, they did need it, because those who didn't need protection had already met a miserable end.

The targets under his Umbrella grew more and more numerous, and he obtained more and more Divine Realm core auras, meaning that in the future, even if he did nothing, he could obtain a large number of resources.

Moreover, these people "purchased" a large number of units and creatures from him. They had no money, so they opted for installment plans.

Where did the units and creatures come from?

Hadn't he defeated the opponents? So those units and creatures were his prisoners of war, and now he was just selling them back to the owners.

[17/21+2- Chapters Released this week]

T/L Note: I decided to go with Umbrella instead of Protection Racket I'll quote the reason why but you probably already read it.

     - I'm an Umbrella, your protection Umbrella. You pay me fees and I'll protect you when it rains; we're friends after all, and this is merely a friendly transaction!

( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ Thanks for Reading. \(゚ー゚\)

Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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