Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 94: Preparations for Advancement

In the dream realm, the Emerald Dragon and Viia were in constant pursuit. Without Viia's suppression, the Gold-tier units and Demi-God avatars could finally unleash their full power, launching massive attacks.

Especially after most of the alien units had been killed, they could now attack freely without worrying about friendly fire.

Xenomorphs charged in packs, dying in large numbers, but Xu Luo watched coldly, completely indifferent.

He had discovered the Xenomorphs' flaw.

Once spawned, Xenomorphs actually had a limited lifespan, and after fusing too many genes, they would suffer genetic collapse. Even without fighting, they would die on their own.

This flaw was too fatal, and he didn't know how to solve it.

Because of this, it was better to use their combat power now, consuming as much of the enemy's forces as possible.

Having fused the genes of several Gold-tier units, at the Silver tier, without Lords present, Xenomorphs were invincible.

Although Xenomorphs didn't exist for long due to their limited lifespan, it's worth noting that among conventional units, they were still very powerful, and Face Huggers had low evolution and transmission costs.

Without restraint, the terrifying nature of those Demi-God avatars finally manifested.

Various magical attacks filled the sky, not only eliminating Zerg and other human units on a large scale but also delivering devastating blows to Divine Realms. Large patches of land fell away under the attacks of numerous Demi-God avatars and Gold-tier units.

At this moment, there was no time to feel heartache; everyone was fighting fiercely.

Xiang Wang no longer stayed on the starship but jumped down to join the battlefield.

Xu Luo didn't ask for his name, just as Xiang Wang hadn't asked for his.

At this moment, they were part of the same faction, comrades fighting side by side.

In fact, many parts of the entire novice Divine Realm were in chaos. Although the fighting was only in the star region where the humans of the ancestral planet were located, battling with nearby alien races, the humans in other planetary star regions naturally weren't idle either.

Although they hadn't started fighting like this side, they were also flexing their muscles with their neighbors, ready to act at any moment.

If the novice Divine Realm was like this, the situation on the Continent of the Gods was even more intense, with various High Gods already in full-scale battles.

Some True Gods in the Star Realm had also begun to take action.

Often, one person represents more than just themselves.

The current situation was like a single spark that could start a prairie fire.

Who could have imagined that one person's invasion would lead to many star regions going to war?

At this time, Ying Yingluo's invasion hadn't stopped, and various alien races were frantically searching for her expeditionary force, hoping to intercept her when she made a move.

However, Ying Yingluo wasn't a fool. She constantly changed her route, without a specific target. Even she didn't know where she would arrive next.

Because of this, it was very difficult for the enemy to find her.

Many alien geniuses were tied up by her, unable to join the battle. Otherwise, the situation for the human side would be even more dire.

While her avatar was out there, what was Ying Yingluo herself doing?

In an unknown star region, there was a vast Divine Realm where countless people were busy.

"Hurry up, bring that Spirit Sealing Stone over here. The position can't be off by even a hair!"

A group of bare-chested young men were constantly carrying huge stones, placing them in designated positions according to the array diagram.

"Move faster, all of you!" The overseer above had a serious expression, his gaze sweeping around like a hawk.

"I won't say much more. Over these years, we've fought from north to south, destroying countless Divine Realms and offending many Demi-Gods. This time, our War God is ascending to True God. How many Gods do you think will come? If her aura leaks out, you should know what will happen."

Hearing this, the working soldiers below couldn't help but shudder collectively.

They didn't need to imagine what would happen in such a situation.

Their War God was a fierce character. Massacring cities and exterminating races was routine for her, and the number of Divine Realms she had destroyed was countless. In any case, she always reaped a great harvest during hunts.

In this situation, the number of people she had offended was innumerable.

If others knew she was ascending to the ranks of the Gods, the scene would be too beautiful to imagine.

The disturbance of igniting the divine flame was enormous, and the final moment's fluctuation couldn't be concealed.

However, the early stages could be hidden, which was why they were arranging the Spirit Sealing Stones.

It was to seal off this fluctuation.

As long as no one came to stop them at the beginning, even if the alien races found out at the last moment, it would be too late to stop it.

For their homeland, these human soldiers became full of energy.

Seeing this situation, the commander above also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was on tenterhooks now, fearing they couldn't place the Spirit Sealing Stones in the designated positions within the specified time, completing the project.

If they couldn't use the anti-magic array to conceal that disturbance when the signs of igniting the divine flame appeared, if even a little sign leaked out, they would all be in great difficulty.

Although they knew their God was very powerful, having killed countless enemy Gods, it was hard to fight against overwhelming odds. At that time, they would face an unknown number of alien races.

On this vast land, possessing a powerful empire, as the actual controller of this country and its only God, Ying Yingluo's true body was now sitting in the imperial garden of the palace, with multiple projection screens in front of her.

As a powerful empire, it took her decades of development to reach its current scale.

Although only the Ascetic's ascension path remained among the three major human unit types, human units weren't limited to just these three advancement directions.

These projections were magical screens created by human Archmages, powerful assistants for her to observe all directions.

Now, each screen showed battle scenes everywhere.

The expeditionary force she dispatched wasn't just one, which was one reason why it was difficult for alien races to find her whereabouts. Her elusive form was one aspect, but more importantly, she appeared in many places simultaneously, making it hard for aliens to confirm which was real.

The scenes she was watching now included not only her expeditionary forces but also other human battlefields.

She didn't look at the smaller ones, as there were too many to watch. Those displayed on her side were all relatively large scenes.

"Enlarge screen number four!" Ying Yingluo said calmly.

"Yes!" An old and calm voice responded.

Then, one of the screens in front of Ying Yingluo suddenly enlarged, allowing her to watch as if she were there in person.

"A Gold-Tier Monarch!" Seeing the figure wreaking havoc on the battlefield, Ying Yingluo raised an eyebrow.

[26/21+5- Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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