Rise of the Zerg in the World of Gods

Chapter 98: Developing Downstream Members


u Luo piloted his starship aimlessly through the void, without purpose or direction.

When encountering battles, he would rescue humans and display his talent for winning over alien races with virtue, bringing them under his Umbrella organization.

As for those who didn't need protection?

No, you do need it!

For those stubborn ones who thought they didn't need protection, it was simple: demonstrate his strength and teach them what "virtue" meant and why they should submit to it.

After a good beating, they would naturally understand whether they needed protection or not.

If they were truly hard-headed, there was no choice but to tearfully destroy their Divine Realm, lamenting the loss of potential revenue.

In fact, Xu Luo found many alien races quite interesting. After joining the Umbrella, they actively leveraged their pioneer advantage, continuously recommending new members.

Although some members were not entirely obedient, that wasn't a problem.

Inspired by these aliens' actions, Xu Luo felt he should have more models, such as leading the Umbrella organization's members to grow together!

How many members could he develop alone?

But with so many Umbrella members, wouldn't it be more convenient to mobilize them all?

Therefore, Xu Luo directly instructed those aliens he had forcibly "protected" to go protect others. If they encountered targets they couldn't handle, they could call him. For each additional target they "protected," they would also gain more benefits. As for Xu Luo, he only took ten percent. For tough cases, he would intervene, but the costs for his appearance would be borne by the requester.

Some aliens felt their strength was insufficient, so they hadn't thought about invading others. However, some stronger ones saw this as an opportunity. If they couldn't win alone, they had Xu Luo's backing. As long as they succeeded, after paying a portion, the rest was theirs, which could compensate for their losses.

Some even sold information about other alien races they had grudges against to Xu Luo, thinking if they were unfortunate, others shouldn't have it easy either.

As a result, the number of aliens under Xu Luo's Umbrella legion increased dramatically.

Not to mention those directly "protected" by him, he also benefited from their downstream developments, so the more, the better.

Consequently, the originally intense battlefield suddenly changed. A group of aliens shouted about winning people over with virtue, then went around beating others, forcibly making them accept their "protection"!

Of course, their numbers were still insignificant compared to the entire star region, so this only happened in some places. Battles were still widespread.

Especially the human core members, those powerful seeds, penetrated deep into alien territories, fighting individually to attract the aliens' attention, all to buy time for Ying Yingluo to complete her final ascension.

Although advancing from a Demi-God to a God wasn't easy, it wasn't supposed to be this difficult.

However, Ying Yingluo had made too many enemies, and her talent was too strong. Naturally, alien races didn't want to see her become a God, adding a powerful enemy, so they were determined to stop her.

This was why the human side mobilized these precious seeds.

Ying Yingluo wasn't just a genius but also a powerful combat force. Once she successfully ascended, she would immediately transform.

It wasn't that there were no geniuses among the alien races, but at this time, they were all attracted by Ying Yingluo's expeditionary forces and running around, unable to return in time.

Moreover, these human experts weren't operating from their own Divine Realms but directly piloting starships, relying on high mobility to cause destruction everywhere. Their goal wasn't plunder but to keep the enemy in chaos.

Some rode dragons through the sky, others flew on phoenixes, each with their own methods.

Various types of units poured out, making the alien races fear the depth of human resources.

Although humans were only a Level 1 civilization, having joined the interstellar community for just a few hundred years, with core technologies still blocked and even having to pay exorbitant annual fees to the Mercury Civilization for using stargates, it was undeniable that humans had developed rapidly in God's Domain. Leveraging their large population and concentrating superior resources to cultivate geniuses, their current strength had surpassed some Level 2 civilizations. If not for the lack of a Main God, even Level 3 civilizations would have no advantage when facing them.

Now, with hidden geniuses emerging one after another, alien races felt that blocking humans and delaying their development was the right decision.

What would happen if humans didn't have so many extra expenses and used large sums of money to cultivate young people?

As for the geniuses being exposed?

This wasn't a problem. The All-Race Conference was about to begin, and everyone would have to appear then. All would have to fight their way up step by step, so hiding was impossible. Appearing in advance didn't matter much.

Coming out at this time was also a way to gain fame and announce their existence to others.

With Ying Yingluo about to leave the novice Divine Realm, humans needed someone to take the lead, and everyone wanted to prove themselves.

Although outstanding performance at this time didn't guarantee anything, it could leave an impression on those above.

With this competitive mindset, these people went all out, turning the alien territories upside down.

Humans fought aliens, aliens fought aliens, and everyone suffered significant losses.

The star regions neighboring the Ancestral Star's region suffered especially heavy losses.

This was the case in the novice Divine Realm, and even more so on the Continent of the Gods and in the Star Realm.

On the Continent of the Gods, numerous Demi-Gods and High Gods fell.

In the Star Realm, although no True Gods fell, the divine power consumed in True God battles, if converted to faith power, would be an astronomical figure.

It was fortunate that no God Kings intervened, or the situation would have been even more uncontrollable.

The local chaos on the Continent of the Gods even attracted the attention of native Gods from top-tier plane worlds in God's Domain.

However, fearing the overwhelming numbers, they dared not do anything.

Besides Gods from the real world like humans and aliens, there were many native Gods born in the numerous plane worlds of God's Domain. After all, among so many living beings, some powerful entities were bound to emerge.

Among them were even powerful beings like God Kings and Main Gods.

In fact, in the Hall of Gods, native Gods occupied more positions than these outsiders.

There were even many ancient Gods in slumber.

Native Gods and these foreign Gods had fought before.

The result was clear: the native Gods lost, and now the Continent of the Gods was the domain of foreign Gods.

As for the reason?

Because they were immortal. Even if their Divine Kingdoms were shattered, they could start over again and again, with endless support from their home worlds, and they grew extremely fast. These advantages were incomparable to native Gods, so their defeat was not surprising.

[03/21+1 - Chapters Released this week]

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Tomorrow Planned Release: +3 Chapters

Planned Bonus Chapters: October 14 (+15 Chapters); October 31 (+15 Chapters)

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