Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 206 Fundamentally Trust

The possibility that Queen Niah was plotting a coup was impressive to Kaizen. At least, this explained to him why Taznaar had come so close to killing Ravastine and had so easily gotten Lydia as a bride, which should not be easy at all considering the importance of the two characters to the entire Tretidian Kingdom.

"Why are you telling me all this? I said I could keep helping you guys, but telling something like this to me...I mean, we've known each other for such a short time." Kaizen asked, looking at the two princesses with a serious look.

Lydia shook her head negatively with a closed smile.

"Although you are correct, about us knowing each other for such a short time, you have already done so much for us.... We know that we may be involving you more than we should exactly because you have already helped us, and we feel bad abusing your compassion, but what can we do? We're pretty much on our own in this."

Ravastine took advantage of the fact that one of Kaizen's hands was on the table and placed a hand on hers. Looking him in the eye, she said:

"I feel like I owe you so much, not just my life. You saved me from Leohorn, then you saved me during the attack in the city, you gave me another chance to help save Lydia, and you even made a wonderful sword for me... Kaizen, we trust you because we know that you are a great man, not only because you have helped us many times... We tell you this because we know that maybe without your help our chances will be drastically smaller.

Kaizen looked at Ravastine for a moment, without saying anything. Then, slowly, he nodded. "All right then. Now, tell me, you guys have something on your mind, don't you? It is stamped on the faces of all of you here that you have a plan in mind."

The black man with braided hair, Davster, calmly placed the cup he was drinking some tea in on the saucer and looked at Psyker.

"Yes, actually, we have two plans. One of them that involves you directly and one that does not. Both are risky." He stated. "However, first I have to tell you something, Kaizen. In the past, when I talked alone with Petril after returning from my long trip, he told me about the complicated situation the queen had put the princesses in and also told me about you. Both Petril and I doubted that you could defeat someone as illustrious as Taznaar was. I heard about your achievements and still doubted you. I went to the Arena that day, ready to save Ravastine in case something went wrong, but you far exceeded my expectations and managed to save both sisters..."

"Where are you going with this?" inquired Kaizen.

"Because the second plan was not devised by me, but by Lydia after seeing you in the Arena. We both knew your strength that day, saw it with our own eyes and felt it in our souls, only for some reason she trusts you more than I do. Maybe this is Ravastine's influence, I don't know. What I mean is that the second plan will be especially risky for you and will depend on how much time you get for us." Davster confessed.

Ravastine sighed and stood up from the table as she pushed her chair away. She then turned around on her back and said:

"Tell him right away, Davster. No need to make a mystery when it comes to Kaizen."

Davster nodded. "Kaizen, the kickoff of the second plan is for you to agree to talk to the queen. Lydia told me that after the Queen saw Taznaar being defeated, she saw you as a potential new 'business partner'. If you go to the Royal Palace and say that you agree to talk to the Queen, I bet she will welcome you. And while you are in a meeting with the Queen, everyone's attention in the Palace will be focused on that meeting, and Lydia can take advantage of that to go up to the King's chambers to check on how he really is."

"I'm not one to brag about it, but I am a talented mage. I can check to see if my father's magic core is really sick or being degenerated." Lidia said, placing a hand on her chest.

Ravastine turned around and looked Psyker in the eye. He could feel the apprehension in her gaze when she said:

"It's a very good plan, but it's very dangerous."

"But the first one is much more." Petril finally said something.

"What's the foreground?" Curious, Psyker asked.

"A stealth infiltration." The butler answered on the spot. "Before I met you, Davster intended to enter the Palace during the early morning hours and try to proceed to the king's chambers. In my opinion, that is the plan with the least chance of success, because it is almost impossible to infiltrate the Palace in such a conventional way. I say this with propriety because I have always lived there. There are more than five hundred soldiers patrolling during the day and the same number does not decrease during the night. It is a real fortress. The walls are massive, thick and there are magicians everywhere. I believe that even Lord Kaizen would have a hard time getting past the main gate using all his strength, let alone stealthily."

"But I am stronger than him, I can do it." Davster spoke up.

"Ah! With those little braided hairs swaying in front of your vision you would never beat me." Kaizen assured Davster, who was holding his arms crossed now in a proud pose.

"What did you say?" Feeling challenged, Davster asked seriously.

"It doesn't matter what the plan is. If anything goes wrong in either plan, either of you two will be surrounded by the Captain of the Royal Guard, all the Royal Guards and all the soldiers protecting the Palace walls, the garden and the White House District if you go beyond the wall."

"Princess Ravastine, if that is your concern. Know that if anything goes wrong, Kaizen or Davster will not be alone." Petril stated. "I will let a friend know about the decision we make. He will be ready to help at any time should the need arise."

"A friend?" Kaizen asked.

"Yes, sir. Someone so strong that even Niah fears him. However, I think it best not to reveal to you who he is, because in case his help is not needed, I would rather not involve his name for his own sake."

Kaizen bowed his head to look at the tea before him as he let his mind organize his thoughts. He felt his heart race as he thought about how many elements they had to take into consideration. It was encouraging.

"Fine, have it your way, but I already have my decision. I will go to meet the queen."

Ravastine frowned. "Are you sure?"

Psyker stood up and placed a hand on her head, stroking her to reassure her just as Rhyzer did with him when they were younger. Then Kaizen smiled at Ravastine with a reassuring look.

"You are too serious, princess. I will be fine. I think the second plan is the best chance we have to make that happen. Lydia and Petril are already used to the Palace, they know the best way to the king's chambers. With less security, it will be much easier for them. Besides, I am curious to know what the Queen offered Taznaar besides Lydia's hand, and what he offered the Queen as well. Perhaps, she demands something from me as well. Some things like this need to be answered. And if you believe you need my help, the best way I can help will be this."

Assenting, Davster seemed to agree. "But that doesn't mean you are stronger than me. While you infiltrate the Palace, I will be strategically positioned to provide support should things get out of hand."

Lidia laughed briefly at the man's comment. "Just please don't be positioned 'strategically' inside a tavern on the day, okay?"

The firstborn's line made Petril and Ravastine laugh, and that day Kaizen discovered that this man of such firm presence actually had the damaging habit of getting drunk at times he shouldn't, especially during long rounds and vigils. No wonder that despite being very strong, cunning and wise, Davster never reached a position of command within the Tretidian Army, nor the Kingsguard.

Finally, everyone felt that there was no time to lose. The longer they took planning, the longer the King would have to wait, and as Kaizen and everyone else thought, if the King was not truly ill, it could only mean that he was being held prisoner or worse, might already be dead.

With the base plan established, Kaizen went to prepare for the meeting with Queen Niah, while Lydia, Ravastine, and Petril went back to the Royal Palace.

As promised, Davster helped Petril send the message to his friend to be on the lookout. To do this, Davster used his invocation of a messenger cat, the same cat that had warned Kaizen of the time for the meeting.

When Kaizen finished preparing himself, physically and mentally, he made his way to the Royal Palace of enormous walls and even more imposing towers.

However, although Psyker had no idea how this History Mission might end, something told him that it would not be as peacefully as the princesses had hoped it would be.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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