Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 207 Political Compromise (Part 1)

The Royal Palace of Tretidian was always considered a building of a different rank by all the players who frequented the capital. This was a property that stood at the northern end of the Royal City, opposite where most of the population and players were concentrated, and it was the only place where the projection of the giant shadows of the Two Guardians did not reach.

Moreover, the imposing presence of the Royal Palace exuded respect and order. The four parts of its wall were the same height, width and thickness, as were the four towers, which were identical to each other.

In the center of this estate was what looked like a single large building with a round roof, and few had the benefit of entering there. The noble architecture of the entire palace abused white marble, quartz columns and gold painted details.

The White Houses district, the neighborhood bordering the Royal Palace with the rest of the city, followed this same architectural pattern obligatorily, and only the richest and most influential nobles could live so close to the palace.

All players who saw this noble area of the capital, whether from the Commercial District, the Lower District or the more common areas of the city, had the impression that they should not go near the palace, otherwise they would have problems with the nobles.

Often, noble NPCs were problems for weaker players, as happened between Kaizen and Elfire Waylan. This happened both because of the difference in level and also equipment, so most players purposely avoided going to areas with many nobles so they wouldn't end up getting into bigger trouble than they could handle.

For these reasons, the Tretidian Royal Palace was naturally seen as a difficult place for any player to approach. However, Kaizen was a New Yorker from Long Island, but that didn't change the fact, that is, he didn't care what people on the street thought, or if they would judge him or try to intimidate him. He walked without any concern. In this way, passing through the White House District was not even a challenge for him, who also exuded such confidence and stateliness that no one dared to bother him.

He walked for a few minutes until he reached the main entrance of the Royal Palace. There, there were a few armed guards protected by white armor ornamented in silver. The walls bore banners of the kingdom and were filled with archers. And the towers, with mages ready to act against any invader.

Kaizen was not intimidated by all this security system, not least because he was wearing the Guardian's Elm and no one could recognize him as an equipment salesman.

When he got closer than he should have, the guards near the gate tapped their feet on the ground and pointed their spears forward. The man who appeared to be the captain of this fleet shouted:

"Step back and identify yourself, or die now, stranger!"

"... That mask... Sir Captain, if I am not mistaken, that is the very famous Kaizen." One of the guards close to the captain soon warned.

"What?" surprised, this man, who had more golden details on his white armor and even had a different helmet, swallowed his own saliva for realizing it a little late to notice it. 'I wonder what he's doing here?'

As usual, Psyker was straightforward. 'My name is Kaizen and I am here for an unscheduled meeting with the Queen. Pass on the message that I will reconsider her proposal after we discuss the terms in person."

The captain was slightly surprised, but he did not relent. After all, Kaizen had gained much prestige and fame after defeating Taznaar and Ricroar in public.

'There is no doubt about it. That really is Kaizen. That intimidating aura is unmistakable after I first saw him in that arena.' Thought the noble man. "Su-your message will be passed on, Mister Kaizen!" The captain exclaimed and then looked at one of his subordinates, who immediately understood the message and ran to get through the gates.

While Kaizen waited to hear whether Queen Niah would receive him or not, he used this time to analyze some things in the game's interface. For convenience to the players, no NPC could see these letter-filled windows.

[Quest History.


- History Mission: Botanical Garden (Completed).

- History Quest: Political Compromise (In Progress)].

As he had earlier rushed to prepare for this ongoing mission, Kaizen had not had time to look carefully at what the rewards of this mission he acquired from Ravastine and Lydia were. Therefore, he clicked on the mission icon to get an update on all that he would gain.

If Niah's proposed rewards were stratospherically greater, and she was not lying about the King's situation, Kaizen knew that it would not be all bad to be her ally. Despite her disgusting personality.

[Mission Name: Political Compromise.

The Spelloyal Princesses believe that there is a possibility that their stepmother, Queen Niah, is lying about what really happens to the King. As such, they have asked you to help them personally distract Niah at a meeting in the Royal Palace.

Current Objective of this Quest: Enter the Palace and distract Queen Niah as much as you can.

Rewards Upon Completing this Quest:

- You will discover the truth about the King of Tretidian's situation.

- Eternal Gratitude of the Princesses of Tretidian.

- Gratitude of Petril Wyvernjack.

- Gratitude of Davster Herond.

- Mysterious reward (1).

- Mysterious reward (2).

- Mysterious reward (3).

- +20,000 XP.

- +50 Fame].

'Humph! Why are none of the visible rewards gold coins? What's wrong with these royalty people? I was hoping that getting intimately involved with them would make me swim in the money, but so far nothing.... Which is it? Getting gratitude from you guys isn't going to pay my bills!' Kaizen thought, annoyed.

While Psyker was distracted with his internal annoyance, he heard a distant voice calling him.

"Hey, mister! Hello? Did he sleep with his eyes open?" The captain tried to get Kaizen's attention for a few seconds and was almost unsuccessful.

"What is it?" Kaizen inquired when he finally noticed the nobleman's attempts.

"The Queen will receive you as you requested. Some wall guards will escort you to the Throne Room."

The black-haired boy smiled and nodded. He then moved closer to the large iron gate that opened, passed the defense guards, and finally entered the wall.

By the time the gate was closing and Kaizen was having his pockets searched, he could hear one of the defense guards ask the captain:

"Is it really okay to let him in so easily? I know he's practically a friend of Princess Ravastine, but he's still a complete stranger in a mask."

"No, it's fine. If they are the Queen's orders, we must comply. Besides, there's nothing to fear. The Palace is a fortress on the outside and a prison on the inside. What's outside can't get in without permission, and what's in can't get out."

Several knights with spears, who were protecting the inside of the wall, began to escort Kaizen along the corridor that lay between the gate and the garden.

The instant he finally set foot in the garden, Kaizen noticed how agitated the palace forces were after his entry.

The archers on top of the walls were moving to watch the Psyker's passage through the garden, ignoring the outside of the palace. And although Kaizen's eyes were unable to see what was going on inside the grandiose towers on the ramparts, he could bet that the mages were also taking action.

The Tretidian Royal Palace had a vast garden with flowers, trees and fountains. The place was not often used to host parties and special events, but it was always pruned and watered with magic to keep it looking beautiful at the height of spring. In addition, there were usually many gardening, cleaning and other staff there, and Kaizen had already witnessed this on his first visit, but this time there were no staff other than the guards in the garden.

In front of the large entrance door to the main palace building, there were a few soldiers with armor different from the usual royalty. Instead of white and pompous, their armor was more robust and completely black with red details. Their helmet was the kind that hid their faces completely, allowing them to see only through three very thin scratches.

The defense guards themselves were confused by the presence of the New Royal Guard. It was very rare to see them far from the Throne Room and the King's Chambers, let alone outside the main building.

One of the men in black armor, who looked like a giant next to the other guards, held out his hand, gesturing to Kaizen and the other guards to stop, and said:

"We will take over the escort of the visitor from now on."

"But we have orders to escort him to the Throne Room."

"You of the wall defense have no jurisdiction to act inside the main building, so it is our responsibility to escort the visitor down the stretch. And also those were the Queen's orders. Come with us, Mr. Kaizen. We will take you to meet the Queen."

The poor soldiers accompanying the Psyker didn't even have to argue with the members of the New Royal Guard and released him without resistance.

Kaizen nodded, took a few steps forward and was immediately enveloped by these men of imposing aura as he entered the entrance hall.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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