Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 218 Red Bubble

The soldiers who were around the Queen, instead of trying to stop her, started running as far away as they could. They were the only ones who had experienced Niah's powers enough times to wish they didn't have to go through this again.

Red rays started coming out of the necklace of the now black haired woman, as if they were tentacles, and these tentacles extended all over the staircase. At the same time, a strange kind of reddish bubble was formed around her and quickly began to expand evenly everywhere.

"Run! Run immediately! Otherwise..."

"AHHH! I don't want to! Not this again!"

"That bubble is like hell! Don't be reached!"

"Fuck! She's started again!"

The soldiers' cries of fear echoed through the castle as the guards who were still in front of Niah ran around completely desperate, trying to escape the red bubble.

​ King Spelloyal was so confused by what was happening that he didn't know whether to give the order for the soldiers to advance against Niah or to order them to keep running.

Either way, there was nothing he could do, because the red bubble expanded at a faster rate than most of the people nearby could run. The people who were swallowed by the bubble simply stopped moving and remained static, only a little red light began to shine through the visors of the soldiers' helmets.

Since Kaizen had resisted Niah's attempt at control once before, it wasn't hard to deduce that perhaps the men were running in fear of this as well.

'Is she once again trying to control those around her? If this were a scene from an anime, this would be the ideal moment for the protagonist to appear. It is clear that someone needs to make her stop. Otherwise who knows where her powers might reach? This entire room? The entire palace? Or maybe even a part of the city?' Kaizen thought.

So the Psyker looked around, searching for this person who would stop Niah, and soon realized that no one seemed to know for sure what to do in this situation, not Arthas, Davster or Ravastine, not even the King knew. Like Kaizen, this was the first time they were seeing something like this happen.

In addition, Kaizen also noticed that the members of the Desert Lions Guild were completely gone, as was their Leader, Taznaar.

'At what point did they manage to escape? Argh! That doesn't matter to me. They must have thought that the King's appearance was too big a game-changer and so they ran away. Well, I would do the same if I were them. If they were here, they could be accused of conspiracy too... They are definitely a bunch of cowards, but smarter than I thought they were. Anyway, thinking about it doesn't solve the situation. Who will stop Niah?'

From the beginning, Kaizen was never the type of person who wanted to draw too much attention in Rise Online, because he knew that it would bring him problems, and that these problems would quickly become rocks to hinder his path to getting the easy money he sought. He had experienced fame once before, and how much trouble it brought to the E-sports team he was on.

However, Kaizen caught the world's attention from the very beginning. His Class, his unique way of playing, his skills, attitudes, titles, professions, quests, choices, grandiose achievements and all the rest, made him different from the vast majority of players.

Naturally, Kaizen was someone who drew attention, whether he wanted to carry that burden or not.

'In a way, it always seems that everything that happens around me falls into my lap, waiting for me to solve it.... That's what people call 'responsibility' maybe?' Kaizen reflected on this as he watched all those soldiers running as far away from Niah as they could.

Kaizen finally understood that with the other players fleeing, he was the only player present in this History Mission, perhaps the biggest History Mission that has ever happened in the Tretidian Kingdom since the launch of the game. It was logical to think that if Niah was not stopped by a player, there would be no point to this mission, because this was not a movie that Kaizen should just be rooting for the protagonist to show up and save everyone. He was the one who needed to do that.

'I am the only one here who can stop it. So I have to take my responsibility.'

Kaizen started walking towards the big staircase where the epicenter of the bubble, Niah, was.

Some soldiers who were running away realized what he was doing and some of them started shouting at him.

"What are you doing, man? Run!"

"The exit is the other way!"

"Don't be controlled by her, Kaizen!"

"You won't get out of there alive!"

But he didn't hear them and kept going.

Arthas, Davster and Ravastine were one of the few who were standing still, because they didn't understand why everyone was running. They saw Psyker start walking alone and were confused by this attitude. After all, was he being an idiot for running into something unknown, or did he already know exactly what this ever-increasing field was doing?

"Why is he going there?" Arthas asked.

"I don't know, but I think he knows what he's doing." Davster replied.

"He's a great guy. You guys can trust him." Ravastine said, impressed.

At that moment, some of the soldiers who were running realized that three of the most amazing figures present in this hall were not running away, so some of them also stopped running.

"Gentlemen, maybe we should help Kaizen." One of the soldiers suggested.

"Are you crazy? Who knows what the Queen might do to us if she controls us again?" Another soldier replied.

"I think it is best to support Kaizen since he is on our side now. He is the only one who seems to have the confidence to stop her. He even seems to have a plan." Another soldier said.

"Do you think he can really do something?"

"I don't know, but he is Kaizen. You saw how he was running away from us like it was nothing. He's the only one who can try."

"Then let's go."

All the soldiers who were still in the hall and who had not been controlled by Niah began to stop running. They numbered about thirty soldiers and since they had confidence in Psyker, they began to shout.

"Go, Kaizen! For the honor of the Spelloyal Family!"

"For freedom!"

"Finish it!"

The King, who was being guided by Lydia to flee as well, noticed that some brave soldiers stopped fleeing and that there was a man walking toward his former wife.

He smiled excitedly.

"Wait, my child." He said and held on to the railing.

"But, father, we have to get away from here as fast as we can. It is dangerous for you to remain here. You know how weak you are. The artifact is still on you."

"I know I'm weak, but if Ravastine hasn't retreated yet, neither can I. That man...who exactly is he?"

Lidia smiled as she looked down and saw who her father was talking about.

"That's Kaizen."

"Kaizen? I don't remember anyone so powerful in town with that name."

"Apparently, he's new in town. Besides, how do you know he's strong?"

"For him to be wanting to face head-on such a corrupted aura as that Niah necklace is emanating, he's either powerful or an idiot. And even if I couldn't feel his strength from here either, I can tell how strong he is just by seeing that Arthas and Davster don't seem worried about him."

Kaizen didn't know that all those soldiers and even the King were looking at him as he advanced, his mind clear and focused on the goal. He knew nothing about what the others were thinking or shouting at him, but somehow he felt their trust in him. Since Kaizen was practically incapable of being nervous in a rush, he felt only a little excitement. A warmth suddenly made his heart race and concentrating on this warmth, Kaizen suddenly stopped walking, stretched his left hand forward and used <Telekinesis>.

Suddenly, the red bubble, which kept expanding until then, finally stopped when it was about to swallow a few soldiers.

By making that bubble stop, Kaizen gives his fingertips a tingle.

'That bubble is paranormal, something tells me so.... However, that ability of hers is not as it was before. Does that mean the necklace is amplifying her control spell? It's a natural thing to think about. That is, in case the control spell is hers and not the necklace's? Anyway, that must have been what she used to 'convince' the court mages and then the King... So in both the necklace is the item that is giving her so much power. Is there something like that in this game? There must be. A supernatural buff item is not impossible if you use runes.'

Obviously, to confirm his theories, Kaizen needed to analyze the necklace with his own hands, so he took a step to enter the bubble.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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