Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 219 Momentary Advantage [Bonus ]

Psyker instantly felt weaker, and his legs went wobbly.

"Argh... What's that?" Kaizen said aloud.

[You have been affected by Queen Niah's 'Mind Control' Skill].

[To resist the causes of this skill you need to have more than 80 Intelligence.]

[You resisted.]

Unlike the first time Niah tried to use this same ability, this time Kaizen felt as if there was something trying to suck out his consciousness. His vision blurred for a second, and he felt as if something was trying to take control of his body, and that feeling persisted even after he resisted.

'It's very different from that time.... Also, if I'm not mistaken the amount of Intelligence required for nullification was 70. Considering that I'm on a -10 Intelligence debuff, I was only able to resist this more evolved form of the ability because I evolved it when I killed Lieutenant Morrisson.' Kaizen thought.

At the same time, the soldiers and the King looked wide-eyed at what was happening, as they couldn't believe that while those dozens of soldiers couldn't even move inside the bubble, Kaizen not only kept moving, but was advancing.

To Psyker, being inside this bubble was similar to how he imagined being inside an aquarium. Everything outside the bubble was cloudy and all around him the sounds were muffled, just like inside the water. However, instead of fish around him, there were several soldiers standing practically still, like statues. The feeling of being surrounded by potential enemies was similar to watching a character in a zombie series walk into a horde of them.

Naturally, Kaizen was walking carefully among these men to get to Niah, since they didn't seem to want to attack him yet. However, like it or not, he was still a large man, and this caused him to unintentionally bump an elbow into one of the soldiers as he passed through a narrow stretch that several of them formed.

Kaizen felt a strong regret and when he looked at the man he had leaned against, he saw that the man was shivering as if he was cold. Then the man slowly turned his head towards Psyker and then his whole body.

"Grrr... Kill Kaizen... Grr..."

"Ah, sorry I leaned on you. How about I go my way and you go yours?" Kaizen tried to dialogue with a nervous smile as he walked backwards.

The man who was touched raised his axe and struck in Kaizen's direction, who dodged to the side. Although the soldier's attack didn't hit the Psyker, it ended up accidentally hitting a Lieutenant with a large club who was just behind.

"Gah!" The lieutenant cried out in pain as he was struck by the axe. "Kill Kaizen... I need to kill Kaizen..."

Kaizen was paralyzed for a moment, but then he remembered his true goal. Since there was no longer any reason to care about not awakening these soldiers if they were going to hit each other, then he just needed to focus on getting to Niah, who was completely out of control of the power emanating from her necklace, as quickly as possible.

He ran and jumped to the side, avoiding the men who were moving to attack him. The faster he ran, the more soldiers around him awoke and joined in trying to attack him. Although Niah wasn't exactly giving orders to them, it seemed that her subconscious will was powerful enough to make the weaker ones obey her.

However, the amount of awakened soldiers increased at an alarming speed and quantity.

Before Kaizen realized it, there was already a large horde behind him that was only increasing.

In a moment Kaizen looked back over one shoulder, he saw that there were three archers on the second floor aiming their bows at him.

'How did those guys wake up too if they are so far away?' Kaizen wondered, startled.

Then simultaneous buzzing of arrows flying towards him was heard, but the Psyker had great reflexes. With a simple hand movement, Kaizen created a shield with his psychic abilities and the arrows stopped in mid-air. Soon after, Kaizen turned a finger and made the arrows return to the shooter. Only one of them managed to hit an archer, and the other two managed to protect themselves in time.

Kaizen didn't stop for that, he kept running towards Niah.

He still had to deal with the soldiers who were running at him and the ones he bumped into along the way, but he managed to create a good distance from most of them. When he saw that he was getting close to the Queen, Kaizen extended his left hand forward and concentrated his <Telekinesis> on her.

'If my theory about that necklace being a supernatural item is right and I can get this off her, maybe her powers will get weaker and this will all be over!'

Remarkably, things couldn't be as easy as Psyker wanted them to be. His hand that was stretched forward was ripped away by a quick and precise cut, and Captain Thenomor appeared on the scene, holding his black Katanas.

"You have not yet learned that I will not allow you to touch Niah, have you?" He said with a contemptuous tone. The expression on his face showed that he was almost on the verge of exploding with rage despite his calmness.

Kaizen immediately took a step back and gripped the handle of the Storm Eye Sword tighter. Finding someone as strong as Thenomor was everything he didn't want at this moment.

Thenomor swung one of his swords forward, wiping away the blood on it, and then Kaizen's left hand fell on the first steps of the staircase. The Psyker looked at his left arm and saw that he was indeed without a hand. Of course he had already felt the pain of the cut, but he preferred not to risk taking his eyes too far from Thenomor for even a second.

Kaizen smiled. "That kind of hurt."

Thenomor's eyebrows rose. "You're a nutcase. You think this is something to laugh about? Why haven't you quit yet? Look at all the destruction you've already caused in this palace, and yet we have the upper hand." Thenomor replied with a tone of surprise.

Kaizen looked back and saw the chaos that had ensued. He could see the mesmerized soldiers running towards him, as well as the archers preparing for another round of attack, and there were even some still paralyzed. Still, Psyker turned forward again and then said:

"You are wrong. I'm the one with the advantage now."

"You can't be serious. You have lost the hand that best wields your sword, man. Do you think I didn't notice that while you were fighting in the throne hall?"

"É... That was the part you didn't understand. If it wasn't for Taznaar and his friends, all of this would have ended much earlier, in that very hall you mention. But pay attention to your surroundings now, Captain. Where are those same friends of the Queen?"

Thenomor didn't need to look around the hall to check if the members of the Desert Lions Guild were there, for he had already done that a few seconds ago.

"I-I'm sure they are devising a strategy and will be back to help."

Kaizen shook his head negatively. "No, they won't. Do you know why? Because they are players and they don't care about third-rate NPCs like you and Niah."

Thenomor's expression changed dramatically, from doubt to amazement. "What is that language you just spoke? What does it mean?"

Again, Psyker smiled reassuringly and punched his forehead weakly as he stuck out his tongue. "Oops, I got a little out of character!"

In Rise Online, despite the promised infinite freedom, there is a filter against ANTI <anno data-annotation-id="d9d82f82-6762-b171-f834-4ac6179e3889">RP </anno>that makes it impossible for characters to find out they are in a game.

"Anyway, you get the message. Your friends won't be back, so here's the tip: give up, Captain, but if you don't give up, don't be afraid to take me on with everything you've got." Kaizen looked with a mixture of defiance and disdain at Thenomor.

Thenomor took a deep breath and relaxed his posture. "You are a brave man, Kaizen. But still, I must protect Niah. I have no choice."

Thenomor dropped his swords to the ground and both fell with their blades jammed into the ground.

"You want me to go at full strength, don't you? Then I will show you the true meaning of physical strength."

Kaizen didn't understand what that meant, but took a step back.

Without delay, Thenomor took off the black gloves that covered his hands and showed that his hands had huge fingernails. Then he closed his hands, and at that moment his fingers suddenly began to grow, as did his fingernails, which began to grow thick as well. Soon, his arms also began to transform, and the Captain of the New Kingsguard quickly began to increase in size all over his body.

Kaizen looked at this scene with curiosity. He already knew that Thenomor was no ordinary human, but this sudden evolution of body, from a tall, thin man to someone with muscles so stringy that they tore through his clothes, was something beyond his imagination.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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<annotations style="display: none;"><ol class="tinymce-annotation-container"><li data-annotation-id="d9d82f82-6762-b171-f834-4ac6179e3889">Role Play = Basically, act as a character from the game world.</li></ol></annotations>",

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