Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 157

Chapter 156 hijack

Li Weishang didn’t know, someone was already beating his idea, and he was still asleep at this time.

There is no beauty, no entertainment, he has nothing to do except sleep.

In his sleep, he vaguely heard something outside, and when he opened his eyes, he found a dark figure slamming on the back of his neck.

I X, which **** is this? Commit disorder.

Before going into a coma, Li Wei cursed in his heart.

Wu Fa directly stretched out his hand to remove the gold ring from his hand, which was actually equivalent to the official seal of the East, and Roman generals used this gold ring to seal it.

During the Hannibal War, a consul died in battle and the ring was seized. Rome hurriedly sent troops to spread all over the country. Never believe the order with the consul’s seal.

Since the war was over and the guards were not strict, they easily escaped from the village.

Two hours later, when the guard post was changed, they found that the guard on duty was missing.

They immediately rushed into Li Wei’s residence and found that it was messy, and Li Wei was not in bed.

The whole village quickly boiled, and martial law soldiers were everywhere.

The guard captain Plautus was sweating profusely. After searching for a long time, he did not find Li Wei, but found the body of the guard. Li Wei’s fate is self-evident.

“Chasing them all for me, and we must chase the generals back.”

Plautus roared angrily.

He couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be if this incident were passed back to Rome? The general won the battle and was kidnapped. This is simply a shame to him.



Li Wei let out a difficult moan, and he felt as uncomfortable as falling apart.

But soon he discovered something was wrong, because he felt like he was bumping constantly.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was actually tied to a war horse.

“I have left enough clues for them, I believe they will chase south.”

Wufa’s voice came from nearby.

“Then we quickly headed east, turning to Egypt?”

Zafros said.


“Why not go west?”

“There are all black people. The three of us are so conspicuous.”

Hearing this, Li Wei’s shock can be imagined, Zafros turned out to betray him.

He didn’t speak, but thought about all this quietly.

What Wufa tried to steal was the steel sword technology. He hijacked himself for this goal.

He should come up with a way to get out as soon as possible, and it is best to find a technique to replace the steel sword.

Li Wei kept thinking, and finally he came up with a barely feasible way to get out.

“you’re awake?”

At this time Wu Fa unexpectedly discovered Li Wei’s anomaly.

Li Wei raised his head and looked around and found that they were still on the prairie.

Some zebras are grazing leisurely in the distance, and Wufa and Zaflos, wearing leather armor, are watching him quietly.

“Yes, do I have a place to be sorry for you, why are you betraying me?”

Li Wei said.

“Hahahaha? I’m sorry for my place, look at this.”

Wufa laughed and pulled up his trouser legs, revealing his furry thighs, with the three letters L.P.L imprinted on it, which is the abbreviation of Li Wei’s full name.

“As a German general, he was branded with such shame, do you think I would be grateful to you?”

Wufa said angrily.

Li Wei finally understood that Wufa was completely different from other slaves.

Other slaves may accept his love, but Wufa will never.

He is the kind of person with a very arrogant personality and will never endure the shame of being a slave.

“Zavros, how about you? I think you are the most merciful slave owner in Rome. I am sorry for you.”

Li Wei continued.

Zafros was silent. Before Li Wei bought it, he was already a slave gladiator, and it was Li Wei who gave him freedom. It stands to reason that he should be grateful to Li Wei.

“Wufa is my friend, I can’t watch him die.”

Zafros said.

“If you let me go, I will assume that this has never happened, and our grievances have been wiped out.”

Li Wei said.

“You thought I was a three-year-old kid. If I let you go, you must send someone to chase me down.”

Wufa laughed haha.

“What do you want? I hope I can exchange something for my life.”

Li Wei said.

“Tell me how to make a sword.”

Wu Fa said greedily.

As long as they have this method of forging swords, their tribe can become extremely powerful, and can even unify the surrounding tribes.

“No problem, if I give it to you, can you let me go?”

Li Wei said.


Wufa said with blinking eyes.

Li Wei looked into his eyes, he knew Wu Fa was lying, but it didn’t matter.

“Zavros, can you testify?”

Li Wei asked, he knew he couldn’t act too indifferently, otherwise Wufa might become suspicious.

“I…no problem.”

Zafros said.

Wufa glanced at him dissatisfied, but said nothing in the end.

“Do you have paper? I will write it down for you.”

Li Wei said.

“No, but you can talk about it first.”

Wufa said.

“Well, first dissolve some saltpeter in water, then take some carbon powder and burn it and pass the gas into the solution, then take some sulfur and burn it and pass it into the solution, and finally dry the solution in the sun. This It is a special kind of catalyst that is used in the furnace.”

Li Wei said.

“What is the catalyst?”

Wu Fa asked suspiciously.

“This is a long story. Democritus is one of the proponents of the atom theory, and I am also a supporter of this theory. The so-called catalyzer, I think it is the exchange of atoms…”

Li Wei said, and spoke very professionally, all kinds of professional terms came casually.

“Stop it!”

After listening to Li Wei’s words, Wufa felt the same as listening to the heavenly scriptures.

He glanced at Zafros, “Do you understand?”

Zafros shook his head with a dumbfounded look. He knew what every word meant, but he didn’t understand anything at all.

“This is just one of the preparations. In addition, lime sawdust, pork bone meal, glass…”

Li Wei said a lot of things, including a lot of useless things.

Wu Fating’s brain hurts, and when Li Wei also mentioned a lot of special terms such as temperature, he felt that even if he gave the formula to him, he might not be able to cast a steel sword.

No wonder the steel sword is so expensive and so complicated to make.

Wu Fa thought secretly.

“When I get somewhere, you teach me how to forge a sword, and I will let you go.”

Wufa said.

“No problem, it’s just that there must be a melting pot, the kind of iron smelting.”

Li Wei said.

After thinking about it, Wu Fa agreed.

The three dared not stay long and went all the way east, but after a few days of walking, they were blocked by a desert.

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