Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 158

Chapter 157 Injured

The Egyptian deserts and semi-deserts are widespread. In the west is the Libyan Desert, which occupies two-thirds of the country’s area. Most of it is quicksand, with oasis such as Harijie and Siwa in the middle. The Arabian Desert in the east has gravel deserts and exposed rock dunes.

It can be said that 95% of the whole territory is desert, and you must go to Egypt if you want to go to Egypt.

In a black gathering place, an elderly black man was answering Zafros’ question respectfully.

Thanks to Li Wei’s victory, the Romans are now very prestigious in Numidia.

Knowing that there was a Roman master who wanted to ask questions, the chief of this tribe found the most knowledgeable person in the village.

This black elder, who traveled north and south when he was young, was the only black person in the tribe who could speak Greek and Latin. .

“If you want to pass through this desert, is there really no other way besides joining the caravan?”

Zafros asked with a gloomy face.

“Yes, this desert to the east is very dangerous. There are quicksands everywhere. Only the most experienced guides can pass through this desert. When most people enter the desert, there is only one dead end. There is absolutely no physiology.”

The old man said tremblingly.

“So how can I join the caravan?”

Zafros asked.

“There will be a caravan passing by here every other week. You just have to wait a few days.”

Wait a few days? How could this be possible, let alone a few days, he couldn’t wait for two days.

Those Romans are not idiots, they may catch up at any time.

“So can you hire a guide?”

“My child is a guide for a caravan. Apart from him, I was the only one who had ever walked out of the desert.”

Zafros looked at him speechlessly as he fell when the wind blows. It is probably also time for him to cross the desert.

The enthusiastic chief supplemented them with food and fresh water, and Zavros left the tribe.

“He didn’t lie. It is very dangerous to pass through this desert.”

Back to where Li Wei and Wufa were hiding, Zafros said.

As Wufa’s size is too conspicuous, Zafros will be responsible for all negotiations.

After arriving at the edge of the desert, Li Wei discovered that Wufa and Zafros were not prepared and were about to enter the desert, almost frightened.

You two idiots are going to die, don’t pull me, is it possible to enter the desert casually?

But think about it and understand that Wufa came from Germania without any desert, and Zavros came from the later Bulgarian area, where there are no deserts, and I don’t know how terrifying the desert is.

After Li Wei’s strong protest, they finally decided to find a tribe and ask how to pass through this desert.

After hearing Zafros’ words, Wufa hesitated.

What should they do next? If you go south, it will be the territory of Numidia, and they may encounter those Roman troops who are going south.

To the north is the province of Africa, not even to the west, they just fled from there.

After discussion between the two, they finally decided to go all the way north while looking for a caravan that could cross the desert.

One day later, a Roman cavalry and Numidian cavalry came to this tribe together.

After all, Plautus was not an idiot. After discovering that Wufa and Zaflos were missing at the same time, he immediately formulated a capture strategy for Wufa’s height.

The scouts went around and notified all tribes that all people over 1.85 meters tall would be arrested, whether they were black or white, and they could only be released after the Roman army had identified them.

Whistleblowers have heavy rewards, and those who dare to hide from reporting will be reported to the clan and banned.

Hepsar was also taken aback when he knew it. He still wanted Li Wei to nominate him as the king of Numidia. What about Li Wei’s disappearance?

The anger in the heart can be imagined, so the two sides joined hands to set the most severe punishment.

Their measures quickly paid off. Someone found the trail of Li Wei and his party in the wild, and Protus immediately sent someone to chase him.

Seeing Anius sitting on his beloved chair with a cold face, the tribal chief carefully reported everything yesterday.

After listening to him describing what Zafros looked like, Anius was in ecstasy.

That’s right, it must be Zafros, there can be nothing wrong.

Finally found the two chopsticks!

Are they going to Egypt?

“Hurry up and notify the captain of this incident, saying that Zafros’ whereabouts have been discovered. In addition, any caravans are prohibited from going to Egypt. Anyone who dares to violate the order will be put to death.”

Anius said viciously.

“Yes, sir.”

Although the ban on caravans from going to Egypt is a bit big, it is nothing compared to Levi’s life, and he believes that Hepsar will definitely support him.

“In addition, you provided supplies to those **** who should be crucified and burned to death by public enemies of Rome. Tell me how you should make up for your mistakes.”

Anius felt that his anger had nowhere to vent, so he said to the chief of the tribe.

The chief of the minister screamed wrong, he was only very enthusiastic about providing supplies to the Romans, but he didn’t expect to flatter his horse on the leg.

Seeing Anius’ aggressive look, the black old man next to him said at this time: “I know that there are several oases in the desert that are necessary supply points. If they want to go to Egypt, those places must stop for supplies. Why don’t you send someone to those supplement points and wait for them there.”

“Yes, it’s a good idea.”

Anius thought for a while and said.

Although sending troops to Egypt is somewhat abrupt, but with the relationship between Rome and Egypt, Egypt must not dare to oppose it at all.

The black old man couldn’t help but widen his eyes. He just mentioned casually. He didn’t expect that he really decided to send troops into Egypt. You know this is a terrible event.

What did that person commit that caused them to go into such a big fight.



In the dark night, the three of Li Wei surrounded a fire.

Wufa leaned on a tree with a face like golden paper. He was clutching his right arm with a deep wound on it.

Li Wei tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, washed it and boiled it in boiling water and then wrapped it up for Wufa.

“Be careful, don’t do vigorous activities during this time, or the wound may tear a second time. You’d better find a place to buy some medicine, or the wound may become infected.”

Li Wei said.

Wu Fa stared at his every move warily, and only said after he found out that he hadn’t messed up.

“I know.”

Wufa, they didn’t know the news that the Roman army had chased them. Some time ago they hoped to contact a tribe, hoping to join a caravan going to Egypt.

However, the tribe reported that the three were surrounded by a large number of Numidian cavalry.

The two sides fought a battle and finally Wufa was injured.

If it weren’t for Zavros’ threats with Levy’s life, maybe they would have died there.

In fact, the news of Li Wei’s hijacking was held tightly by Getta and the others, and no one dared to poke the news out.

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