Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 389

Chapter 388 It’s over again

“Defeat the Romans! Catch Levi alive!”

Chinbrius said.

“Defeat the Romans! Catch Levi alive!”

“Defeat the Romans! Catch Levi alive!”


Everyone responded one after another. Their sluggish morale these days was wiped out, but there were also people who were not so courageous on the surface, including Saxon General El.

Germanic warfare has always been led by generals, and many generals have been killed or injured in these five days.

Although they are extremely powerful, the god-given weapons in the face of the enemy are of no use.

Moreover, he was directly stunned by the enemy’s weapon the last time he attacked, so he was actually a little frightened.

“Then attack the enemy now. I promise you that no matter which tribe breaks that wall, that general will become the first German warrior, and they will have 20 times the territory they have now.”

“You heard it right, it’s 20 times. Rome has a very large territory. They have Gaul, Spain, Greece, Africa, Armenia, and their territories are everywhere from Europe to Africa and Asia. Their territory is at least ours. More than 20 times the entire Germanic territory.”

“As long as you can defeat Levy, then no one in Rome will be able to defeat us again. Those territories will surely be in our pockets, and he will pick whichever piece you want.”

Wufa really knows these Germanic generals too well. You may not understand beauty and wealth if you tell them about beauty and wealth.

The Germans are still in the primitive barter exchange stage with the heaven and the earth, and there is no concept of money at all. They don’t understand that gold and silver can be exchanged for many things they could not even think of.

But when it comes to honors and territories, it is guaranteed that everyone will jump out to grab it. This is what every tribe desires so much. Sure enough, some German generals breathe thickly.

“Today I am going to take the lead, none of you should rob me.”

Said a German general.

“Very well, I allow you to attack from the east.”

Wu Fa laughed and said.

“I want to attack from the south.”

“Let me come.”


Seeing all the generals expressing their opinions, El felt a little dissatisfied, but for the sake of face, he had to say that he was willing to participate in the offensive.

The atmosphere at the scene was very warm, which made Wu Fa a good mood.

He looked at everyone, and then said to El, “Saxon General El, since you personally invite the fight, then the first game of the day will be handed over to you. The battle must have a main attack direction, and our main attack direction today is the south.”

El was completely confused, how could it be like this?

So many German generals, why have they chosen him?

Seeing the envy of everyone, El felt as if he had eaten a fly.

But he had to order the people of Saxony to assemble, and the Anglo-General Taiti walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

“be careful.”

The Anglo and Saxon races are closely related, and they are almost the same as allies. Therefore, Taiti will come to remind him personally.

“I will.”

El said.

Many people surrounded him, and they trusted him because he was the strongest fighter among the Saxons.

Seeing everyone’s trusting eyes and Wufa’s encouraging eyes, El’s face twitched lightly.

“Pass my order and attack.”

Looking at the Germanic people all over the sky, Li Wei knew they were going to move.

The melodious bugle sounded, and all the Roman soldiers immediately stood ready.

According to Germanic tradition, El rushed to the front, followed by some attendants.

Each of these attendants is strong, and only the strongest young man in the clan is qualified to be his attendant.

They held a short spear in one hand and a skin shield in the other, and followed him closely with a few javelins behind their backs.

They were getting closer and closer to the enemy’s camp, and El became more and more vigilant, because he knew that terrible weapon was about to be used.

The last time he charged, it was this weapon that almost killed him.

At this moment, a large number of shells fell from the sky, and then landed behind him.

El could not help but fly away, these terrible things finally appeared.

He rushed forward desperately, trying to avoid the terrible explosion.




There was a burst of earth-shattering explosions behind him, and a terrifying wave of air surged from behind him.

El was thrown forward fiercely by the terrible air wave again.

By the way, why do you want to say it again?

After a long time, he shook his head, and then shook off the dirt on his body.

Didn’t faint yourself? El was surprised.

He looked back and found that the attendant following him had lay down more than twenty.

Some died in a miserable state, and their bodies were torn apart by the explosion.

Some are still alive, but lying on the ground are wailing, stumps and broken arms everywhere.

A flash of fear flashed in his eyes. Although the previous battlefield was very tragic, he had never seen such a terrifying scene.

“Give me a little faster.”

El roared.

He knew that the interval between enemy trebuchets was very long, and it was at least safe to pass this period of time.

The Saxons behind immediately accelerated and rushed forward desperately.

El quietly fell behind the crowd. Except for the trench below the city wall, the remaining two trenches had been filled in these days, and they easily crossed these trenches.

The cautious El did not rush up immediately. He knew that the enemy had two terrible god-given weapons to show off.

Sure enough, he guessed right, there was a rumble of cannons on the wall.

A large amount of lead shot over the sky, and El fell to the ground very decisively.

After a long time, he looked up and found that the clansmen in front had fallen again.

He couldn’t help but wiped his cold sweat, it was terrible.

He didn’t get up right away, but continued to play dead on the ground, another terrifying weapon he was waiting for.

“General, what’s the matter with you? Are you injured?”

At this time, an attendant ran over and said anxiously.

If the general dies, their attendants are fine, and they will be regarded as a lifelong shame, which is even sadder than death.

El shook his head deliberately, “I’m a little dizzy.”

At this time, the mud all over him, coupled with the blood stains on his body, looked very miserable.

“Why don’t you go down first, let us fight.”

Said the attendant.

El shook his head, he couldn’t look like this.

If you retreat directly again, the tribe will look down upon it.

He is a general of Saxony, and he must not be looked down upon.




At this moment, there was another explosion in front of him.

A light flashed in El’s eyes, and his decision was indeed correct. It should be the enemy’s grenade.

If he rushed forward just now, 80% of them would be injured by these grenades.

“You help me up, I will continue to fight.”

El said.

His attendants looked at him with admiration, they really deserved to be their general, even if they were injured, they would not go down the line.

They kept persuading, but El still insisted not to withdraw.

But what he didn’t know was that their group had already been targeted.

The Germans still generally wear animal skins, and the ability to wear armor is undoubtedly the elite of them.

El is not only wearing sophisticated chain mail, but also surrounded by a group of Germans in armor, which has proven his identity.

Suddenly, at least 3 crossbowmen, 2 javelinmen, 2 Armenian shooters, a Numidian javelinman, and a grenadier looked in his direction, but El still had nothing to do with it. Known.

After standing up, El picked up his javelin and rushed to the front of the barracks.

He aimed at an Armenian archer, and to his surprise, the archer was also staring at him, while aiming at him with his bow and arrow.

not good!

El let out an exclamation, he quickly forcibly changed his actions, raised the shield of his left hand, and rolled to the right at the same time.

At this moment, he felt his forehead hot, and he didn’t know what was wiped from the edge of his forehead, and at the same time his hand sank.

Three arrows and a javelin fell on his body. Two arrows were blocked by the bow and arrow. At the same time, a javelin pierced his shield and hung on the shield.

El was horrified and terrified, these Romans were really hateful.

At this moment, he heard an attendant say “General, be careful.”

Although El did not understand why he said this, he was a battle-tested fighter.

He was about to roll to the side, and at this moment, a guard threw him under him severely.

When he fell down, out of the corner of his eye, he found a grenade rolling here.

I x, don’t die.


A huge explosion sounded, and then El was no longer aware of the situation, and the attendants grabbed El in a desperate manner.

Wu Fa was personally supervising the battle from behind, and soon learned of this situation.

Seeing El, who was covered in blood and fell into a coma, Wufa couldn’t help but praised, “Sure enough, we deserve to be a German warrior. Take him down for treatment.”

“It is indeed a warrior.”

Chinbrius also praised.

Although El is unconscious, the offense cannot be stopped.

Wufa personally commanded and ordered the Saxons to keep attacking.

A famous Saxon launched a life-long attack on the Roman barracks, but the losses were too great.

Just filling the trenches under the city walls did not know how many people died. After discovering that the Saxons had suffered huge losses and were unable to attack, Wufa immediately ordered the Anglians to replace them.

The entire offensive lasted for a morning. Some bodies in front of the wall were already three meters high. Those Angloans could even climb the wall without a ladder.

Li Wei personally inspected the various sections of the city wall, constantly arranging hand rotations.

Since only two sections of the wall need to be defended, the Romans are very well manned.

Even the Guards can rotate with other sections of the city wall, but even so, there are still many problems.


A cannon on a section of the city wall suddenly exploded, killing and wounding nearby guards.

Due to the frequent use of artillery, some artillery finally couldn’t bear it.

Seeing some Germans rushing up the city wall in excitement, Li Wei said decisively, “Go ahead and use special bombs.”

“Yes, submissive.”

The Anglo general Taiti walked towards Wufa covered in blood.

“His Majesty, our casualties are too great. We have already suffered more than 10,000 casualties. I hope we can change to another race.”

“Well then, inform the Angolivares to take over the Anglo offensive, and the Matiyas to prepare.”

Wufa said with a smile.

At this time, he was in a good mood. He found that many Anglo people rushed to the wall, and he felt that the Romans were about to die.

Since they don’t want such a huge amount of credit, leave it to others.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Taiti said.

At this time, the guards had received orders to use special ammunition.

Many people took a deep breath, and at the same time stood in silence for the enemy.

They all know what special ammunition is? Compared with dying on special road bombs, other methods of death are simply enjoyable.

A famous grenadier took the special ammunition sent from the rear. Because the quantity was scarce and too dangerous, the special road ammunition was strictly controlled. Even the slingers received a special artillery ammunition sent from the rear.

At this time, many places were extremely dangerous. Some Anglo people had already rushed to the wall, and started fighting with the Romans on the wall.

The grenadiers ignited the fuze and threw it out with all their strength, while shouting “Get down.”

After throwing them, they all fell down, and the other soldiers also received a prompt, and all those who could get down fell down.




Those special road bombs exploded very quickly These special bombs are actually just oil.

Propelled by the explosion, the oil burned quickly, and then flew in all directions.

At this time, a large number of Anglo people gathered under the wall, and they were excitedly preparing to rush to the wall.

The oil spilled on the animal skins on their bodies, and then quickly began to burn.




The Anglo people who had been spilled by the oil screamed in horror. They slapped the flames desperately, but instead burned the fire into their hands.

Someone was rolling desperately, but it was of no use at all, and the oil was still burning.

Only some smart people took off their skins directly, revealing their strong chests, and then they recovered a small life.

The fire men desperately asked for help from the people around them, hoping that they could help him, but the people around them backed away in fear.

Compared with the shells thrown by the trebuchet, these are nothing more than real pediatrics.

Those slingers carefully lightened the counterweight, and reducing the counterweight meant that the range of the catapult was shortened, which was more threatening to the Germans under the city wall.

Soon one by one shells flew into the sky, and their trajectories were more curved this time, and some fell directly at 60 Roman steps in front of the city wall.




It was like huge fireworks blooming, and the oil flew in all directions under the action of the air waves.

Not only were some of the Angolivares who had just attacked been splashed by oil, but even some of the Anglians who retreated in fear under the walls were not spared.

It immediately became a world of flames, and there were burning people wailing everywhere.


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