Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 390

Chapter 389

They are calling for help everywhere, but no one can save them.

I’m dumbfounded!

Taiti looked dumbfounded!

Chin Bailius looked dumbfounded!

Those Angolivares who had just charged up immediately backed away in fear, and finally hurriedly became deserters.

This is really terrible. They can die in battle, but they don’t want to die so miserably.

Li Wei boarded the city wall and looked at the terrible scene below the city wall. It seemed that the oil was unexpectedly useful. Maybe the Arabs should be transported a little more.

“We have won.”

Lucias said excitedly.

The enemy suffered countless casualties in this war, and enemy corpses were everywhere under the walls.

On the contrary, their losses are minimal, and it is estimated that less than one-tenth of the enemy’s.

Li Wei crossed his face with pity, “May God forgive these lost lambs!”

Everyone looked at Li Wei with admiration, as expected to be under the crown of the Pope, winning without arrogance, losing without discouragement, and always so benevolent.

“We should have their captives in our hands. Send a captive to tell them that I will allow them to condense the remains of these soldiers. Their bravery should be commended.”

Li Wei said.

“Accomplished, Mianxia.”

Lucias said.



At this time Wufa was in a dilemma. The sudden incendiary bomb made all the Germans extremely terrified. They had never thought that there were such terrible weapons in the world, and even Wufa had no desire to attack.

“What should we do? Shall we continue to attack?”

Chin Bailius said.

Now he is probably the only one who dares to say this kind of thing. Not long after he said the impassioned words in the morning, he is now beaten by the enemy and he doesn’t even have the courage to attack.

Wufa had a gloomy face and did not speak. The enemy’s weapon is so powerful, is it really a weapon given by the gods?

At this moment, a soldier ran over.

“Report to the general that one of our captives was released by the Romans. He said that the Romans had something for him to bring to you.”

“Bring him here.”

Wufa thought for a while and said.

Soon a Germanic man covered in blood was brought in. He drooped his head and looked ashamed.

“Which tribe are you from, and who asked you to send me a message.”

Wufa asked coldly.

“I am an Anglo, a Roman named Lycias asked me to send a message to His Majesty. He said that Li Wei allowed us to send people to conquer the corpses of the dead. This is a commendation for their bravery.”

said the Anglo man.

Wu Fa’s eyes changed, it turned out to be Li Wei, he would definitely laugh at his failure.

The expressions of the other German generals changed slightly. The Romans said it nicely, but in fact they just wanted them to clean up the corpses under the walls.

Some of these corpses have already piled up to the height of the city wall, which is very detrimental to the Romans.

“Your Majesty, please agree to their request and allow us to send someone to conquer the corpses of the tribe.”

At this time, the Anglo general Taiti said.

Several more generals stood up. These were all tribal generals who had attacked the city this morning.

They suffered heavy casualties in today’s siege, and of course they hope to bring back the bodies of their own people.

Wufa looked at these Germanic generals with a gloomy expression. Don’t they know what it means to clean up these corpses?

“I understand what you think, but do you plan to just give up like this?”

Wufa said angrily, “Our 400,000 army was blocked by an earthen wall. You were defeated by the Romans willingly, and then went back griefly.”

The generals remained silent, and Li Wei led his troops on an expedition to Germany, and his ambition to conquer Germany was clearly revealed.

But this battle was too tragic. Today, the Anglo and Saxon tribes who are attacking the south have more than 20,000 casualties.

In ancient times, ordinary troops can be judged as unable to continue fighting as long as the casualties exceed one-third of the number.

If you can continue to fight, you can definitely call it an iron army.

Therefore, the expedition army of the two clans has actually been abandoned, and none of them wants to follow the footsteps of the two clans.

“I know that you are worried about the loss of your tribe and the weapons of the Romans. But you can rest assured that this time the main attack is coming from our Spebius. Chinbrius!”

Wufa said.

“Big Brother!”

Chinbrius said loudly.

“I order you to lead fifty thousand people to attack from the south, and you are not allowed to stop without my order.”

Wufa said.

“Yes, brother.”

Chin Bailius said.

“Now that you are satisfied, we Speybe people have taken on the most difficult task.”

Wufa said.

The generals looked ashamed, they felt that they were too selfish.

But Taiti’s face was a bit ugly, and letting the corpses of his own tribe be trampled on, which is really against the tradition of their tribe.

But in the face of this situation, what can he do?

At the strong request of Wufa, these Germanic troops launched another offensive.

Seeing this, Li Wei couldn’t help frowning. He didn’t expect Wu Fa to have such a strong desire to attack.

But what use is this? Without dying tens of thousands of people, it is impossible to break through this line of defense, but the bastion is notoriously difficult to attack.

“Let them come back.”

Li Wei thought for a while and said.

Taking the opportunity of the Germans to retreat, he sent some soldiers to clean up the corpses piled up under the city wall, and now he had to let them retreat.

After they returned to the barracks, the Speybes, led by Chimbrius, quickly rushed to the front of the city wall.

Spey people are powerful, but this is of little use before gunpowder.

It didn’t take long for the city wall to blast again with the sound of rumbling cannons. The sound of explosions was endless. One after another Speybe was killed and wounded. Chimbrius who rushed in front was also their key care object.

So it didn’t take long for Chimbrius to be back covered with blood.

“Your Majesty, we are guilty! We did not protect General Chinbrius!”

A Chimbrius guard said with a sad expression on his face.

“younger brother.”

Wufa looked at Chinbrius with a shocked look. He didn’t expect his brother would be so badly injured.

“This… don’t blame… them. Brother… be careful…”

Chin Bilius struggled and said, and then he passed out completely in a coma.

“Take him down for treatment.”

Wufa said with flushed eyes.

Soon someone took Chinberius down, watching Wufa who was in a rage, and the Germanic generals were silent.

Under Wufa’s personal command, those Speybeians attacked the city wall as if they were crazy.

The battle fought from noon to the afternoon, and many earth walls almost fell.

Li Wei had to use special bombs several times to force the enemy to stop the attack.

then took the opportunity to burn the corpse in front of the city wall, and the raging fire prevented the enemy’s attack.

Wufa looked at the enemy camp angrily. These **** enemies actually burned the corpses.

At this moment, a large number of chiefs of the Speybe tribe came over.

The Spebians are divided into about 100 tribes, each of these chiefs is in charge of a tribe.

They are equivalent to a party of princes, even if they are Wufa, they must take their opinions seriously.

“What’s the matter with you?”

asked Wufa happily.

“Your Majesty, let’s stop the attack first.”

said one of the chiefs.

“Why? I said that our attack will never stop unless we break through the enemy camp.”

Wufa’s face changed.

“Your Majesty, our tribe has brought more than 1,000 warriors, and now more than 600 people have been killed or injured. Leave a little seed for our tribe.”

the chief cried.

“Our tribe killed more than 500 people.”

“Our tribe killed more than 400 people.”


said tribal chiefs after another.

Wufa didn’t expect their casualties to be so great. You must know that the Speyby tribe was the foundation for him to become the German king.

Without the support of these tribal chiefs, he would never become a German king.

“Are your casualties so big?”

Wufa asked.

“Yes, we have counted it. It is just that our Speybe people have suffered more than 15,000 casualties. Your Majesty, we can’t fight anymore. Let’s change to another tribe.”

said a tribal chief.

Although Wu Fa had been mentally prepared for the huge casualties, he did not expect the casualties to be so large.

If we fight like this for a day, Speyby’s army will probably be crushed.

He glanced at the other generals. Those generals were all taken aback. He didn’t expect the casualties to be so heavy.

“Our Anglo and Saxon tribes died and injured more than 22,000 people this morning, and we are no longer able to fight.”

Taiti said plainly.

In this way, there were more than 37,000 casualties in the south, and in the east, there were probably more than 40,000 casualties.

In other words, six and a half Roman legions are gone in one day.

Wu Fa could not help but was surprised, it seems that today’s decision is wrong.

Looking at Wufa’s constantly changing face, the other Germanic generals were clearly aware of this.

The 40,000 army is a huge number no matter which tribe it is, even the Speybe tribe.

“Send my order, retreat.”

Wufa thought for a while and said.

The melodious bugle sounded, and the Germans retreated one after another.

Wufa left here alone. What no one noticed was that his hands were shaking constantly.



Late at night, Wufa went to visit Chinbrius in person.

This is a big tent, and two guards are guarding the door.

After seeing Wu Fa, he quickly saluted, and Wu Fa nodded and opened the curtain and walked in.

Although Chinbrius is General Speyby, the furnishings inside are still very simple.

Except for a bed, there are only some simple furniture.

is just full of a strong smell of alcohol, which should be used to clean the wound.

Alcohol is extremely expensive in the Germanic region, and it is only affordable to some very high-ranking people.

Chinbrius was lying on a bed with a pale face.

A slightly thin, tall and thin doctor is persuading Chinberius to drink herbal medicine. This doctor is a Roman doctor living in Gaul. After being sent to the Sbeby tribe by Ariovestus, he was killed. Dharma is regarded as a treasure, and he has always been with him.

But Chinbrius didn’t seem to want to drink those herbs, which made the doctor very embarrassed.

“Brother, drink it down.”

Wufa said.

“Big brother, you don’t know. This thing is terrible, I really don’t want to drink this kind of thing.

Chin Bailius said bitterly.

“Are you going to let me feed you?”

Wufa said with a smile.

Chin Bilius looked helpless, so he could only drink the bowl of medicine.

“How is my brother’s injury?”

Wufa asked.

“I removed the lead pellets from his body, cleaned and bandaged him, there shouldn’t be much problem.”

said the doctor.

“Lead pill?”

Wufa asked.

“Yes, the enemy’s weapons are full of such things. I heard from great philosophers… I heard people say that lead is poisonous. I don’t know if it will affect his injuries. I have never encountered this before. Kind of situation.”

said the doctor, while quietly covering up his mistakes.

Wu Fa was expressionless, as if he hadn’t noticed his tricks.

Although he hates Li Wei very much, he has an inexplicable trust in Li Wei’s ability. This is a mentality that even he is extremely entangled with.

“You go down first, pay attention to his condition during this period, and don’t get worse.”

Wufa said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After the doctor retired, Chinbrius asked, “Brother, did the fight go badly today?”

“You are right, the enemy’s god-given weapon is too powerful.”

Wufa sighed and said.

“Will we fail?”

Chin Bailius asked.

“Who knows this.”

Wufa said.

“Brother, you have to be careful of our food. Some tribes have run out of food. I heard that some of them only have less than 20 days. The key is that they have to keep the food for the return trip.”

“I see.”

Wufa said.

Some tribes are very far away, and they only brought food for more than a month.

But it takes more than ten days for them to come once, how can they eat enough food?

It can be said that food is his biggest crisis, and it is the lack of food that makes him have to attack Li Wei.

“I have asked the Ubi people and the Kadi people to find ways to raise food to be delivered. In addition, we will also bring more food from our Spey people, but I am afraid it will not be too much.”

Wufa said.

Chin Bilius couldn’t help but curl his mouth The Ubi tribe was defeated in Naibo City last year, and the result was a great loss of vitality. It has not been able to slow down until now. The clan complains about Wufa.

The Kadi people just moved a large number of their tribesmen, where can they get food?

The Teutonic tribe, not to mention, either suffered heavy losses last year, or was just driven out of the clan by Li Wei, and they were completely overwhelmed by themselves.

And they provided nearly 100,000 troops this time, Wu Fa also understood their difficulties, and did not ask them for food at all.

He looked around, and there was no one who could take out food.

Cinberius finally realized that if they could not break the Roman barracks in a short time, then they would fall into a real crisis.



spent another sleepless night. The next morning, he was neatly dressed and ready to command the army again.

At this moment, Burton suddenly rushed into his camp with a look of panic.

“Your Majesty, thousands of Roman cavalry appeared at our northernmost point. They massacred our people. I beg to allow us to go and save our people.”

Hearing this, Wu Fa couldn’t help being shocked.

“What did you say? Thousands of cavalry? How did they get there.”

“It should have been by boat. Our family land is being burned by them. I beg your Majesty to allow us to come and support.”

Burton said anxiously.

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