Romanian Eagle

Chapter 60 - The crisis is over

   After receiving Edel’s reply, the German ambassador quickly sent Romania’s decision to Berlin via an encrypted message.

   After receiving the news that Romania is willing to act with the Allies in this crisis. Kaiser Wilhelm II was very pleased to speak to his Chief of Staff Mooch. “I know that the Hohenzollern family is united, and Romania did not disappoint us this time.”

   “Yes, your Majesty, I will ask the staff to take part in the plan for the Eastern Front after Romania joins the League, which can avoid our lack of preparation.” Xiao Moqi was also very happy to be able to pull Romania into the chariot.

   After all, Romania has a very good army. It has the food and oil that Germany needs. In addition, the industry is also good now. Volkswagen has the largest car production plant in Europe and can provide transportation for Germany.

   Just when the German emperor was satisfied with Romania’s participation in the military operation, Edel also summoned the Chief of Staff Prieshan and asked him to prepare an emergency plan for the military maneuver.

   “His Royal Highness, I don’t know what the content of this exercise is?” Puleshan asked.

   “The content of this exercise is a sudden Russian attack. Our army rushed to the battlefield to repel the opponent.” Edel thought of acting and made a full set to let Germany see the strength of Romania.

“His Royal Highness, I will go back to the staff to prepare for three days. We will start the exercise on the fifth day, and we will try to arrive at the designated place within one week after the exercise.” Puleshan also prepared according to wartime, and he also wanted to see the reorganized army. , In the end, what is the whole army maneuver like.

   After returning to the General Staff Headquarters, Pleven arranged for his staff to make plans for the exercise overnight. After almost three days of rushing to the system, the plan was finally reported to Pleven. After looking at the unsteady staff in front of him, Pleven ordered the plan to be distributed to the divisional headquarters. And asked them to start taking action on the third day after receiving this order. Each unit is based on divisions and advances in accordance with established goals.

   After receiving a telegram from the General Staff Headquarters, the various division-level command headquarters also jumped up and down. Each division is issuing orders for the marching route to its subordinate units. After layer-by-layer transmission, the content of the marching route of each unit in the exercise is finally communicated to the company level.

   “Tor Ti, are you not ready with your luggage? Tomorrow will be marching for six days in a row.” In the barracks of the Romanian Third Division, Devasili told Tor Ti, who was in his own village.

   “Okay, Devasili, I knew it a long time ago, I was just sorry that I couldn’t see Jimmy.” Thor said his feelings to his friend.

   Devasili knew about a month ago that his friend was dating a girl named Jimina. Every Sunday when he is off, Thor will go to tryst with the girl. Now the emergency drills made him unable to do this anymore, and of course Thor, who was in love, was quite dissatisfied.

   “If you don’t prepare anymore, be careful that squad leader Billek will hit you when he sees it.” Devasili warned his friend.

   Their squad leader Billek is the best player in the whole company, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that their strong squad leader has always believed in the theory of fists, and beat him with fists if he didn’t agree, beat him with fists if he didn’t complete the task, and beat him with fists if he made a mistake. Even their platoon leader had been beaten by him. If the company commander hadn’t liked him very much, he would have been kicked out of the army a long time ago. He was called “Grumpy Bear” behind his back, and the whole class was obediently beaten by him with his fist.

   It is really a good spirit, but as soon as Devasili’s voice fell, Bilik’s sturdy body appeared in front of them.

   Billek glared at his bear eyes, and found that Thor Lei was not ready to pack, walked over and roared loudly at Thor Lei. “Tor Lei, why are you not ready yet, don’t you know if you are leaving early tomorrow morning? Are you itchy again.”

   With the roar of this violent bear, the saliva sprayed on Thor’s face, his legs were shaking with fright, and the whole person was like a quail being watched by a hunting dog.

   “Class~squad leader, I~I will~ do it soon.” Thor stammered and explained to the squad leader.

   After hearing Thor’s explanation, Billek smiled at him and walked to him, reaching out and patted his shoulder. “I will give you time”

   Devasili, who was next to him, saw his squad leader showing this expression, which meant that someone was going to be unlucky.

   The next day, Thor appeared in the marching queue with a blue nose and a swollen pig’s head. Facing the majesty of the ‘Grumpy Bear’, a group of soldiers wanted to laugh and didn’t dare to laugh very hard.

   “Torler, are you okay now.” asked Devasili, a friend and fellow villager.

   “It was a bit painful last night, but I am much better now.” Toller’s novel responded to Devasili’s concern.

   “Okay, now I pack my bags and get ready to go.” Billek, the ‘Glittle Bear’ ordered them.

   A group of people sorted out their rows, assembled and checked their equipment, and under the leadership of Bilek, they lined up to their destination, a small town called Tomesti outside Iasi.

  There have been discussions for some time in Russia about the German threatening note. The reason for the delay in negotiating is that both Foreign Minister Izvolski and the military believe that the unreasonable requests of Germany and Austria should be rejected. The Israeli government believes that Russia has not yet fully recovered, and how courage France is to declare war on Germany and Austria when Russia is facing a war is still a problem, so it believes that it should back down.

   Nicholas II was not a very decisive person, and he couldn’t make up his mind in the face of the dispute between the two groups. Now as time goes by, people on both sides believe that no more disputes must be made as soon as possible. Now they are making the final consultations, and they cannot follow them because they have not made a decision.

   “We cannot give up our support for Serbia now. This is a disaster for the empire’s influence in the Balkans.” Foreign Minister Izvolsky first said that this is not only for the country but for himself.

   “We almost went bankrupt in the fight against Japan. Now our economy has finally eased. Now facing Germany and Austria, our finances will definitely go bankrupt.” The Minister of Finance analyzes economically the impact on Russia if a war breaks out.

   “Do you want the army to win in the White Haired War?” Nicholas II asked the army representative Jilinsky.

   “Your Majesty, if war breaks out, we will desperately protect Russia.”

   Seeing the military’s remarks suggesting that it cannot be beaten now, Foreign Minister Izvolsky spoke a little anxiously. “We still have an ally, France, and they won’t just watch us get attacked.”

   “But it is impossible for France to work hard for Russia,” another senior government official said.

Just when the important ministers were arguing, a young official broke in, took a telegram and handed it to the Prime Minister Stolypin. Stolypin took a look at the telegram and walked to Nicholas II. Speaking before. “The news just got are starting an all-army exercise at our neighboring border. I believe this should be an agreement with Germany and Austria.”

  The important ministers who were negotiating were shocked when they heard this sudden news. This is not to say that they are afraid of Romania, but that they did not expect Romania to join the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis at this time. Now that Romania has joined, Russia is even more disadvantaged in terms of military comparison.

   “The situation is not good for us now, I think we need to make concessions.” Prime Minister Stolypin said his opinion.

   “But we can’t abandon Serbia because of a small Romania.” Foreign Minister Izvolski made the final struggle.

“The Romanian and German armies are no different now. The morale is almost the same. Now Germany and Austria have increased their troops by 200,000. Now it is obvious that they can’t win the battle. Don’t you see clearly.” Remarks.

   “Okay.” Nicholas II signaled that he had made a decision during the dispute between the ministers. As the Tsar’s voice fell, everyone calmed down and waited for his decision.

   “To send a message to Germany, we recognize Austria-Hungary’s sovereignty over Bosnia and Herzegovina, and at the same time we will persuade Serbia to exercise restraint on the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Nicholas II was very unwilling to say to the important ministers.

   After the Tsar made the decision, the telegram was sent to Germany and Austria. Facing Russia’s concession, both countries considered this to be a major victory that could undermine Russia’s ambitions in the Balkans.

   Facing Russia to persuade Russia to give up the anti-Austrian war mobilization and stop all anti-Austrian actions in Serbia, I felt extremely unwilling. In the message, Russia also stated its own difficulties. In the face of this situation, Serbia has no choice but to cancel the protest, and a crisis that has almost led to the war has subsided.


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