Romanian Eagle

Chapter 61 - Hoffman (more than four thousand words big

  In the Royal Palace in Bucharest, Romania, since Edel decided to speculate, he paid more attention to the statements of Russia and Serbia.

   The guards in the palace know that the crown prince is in a bad mood and is easy to be irritable, so everyone is cautious in doing things for fear of being reprimanded. Only the chief of guard Carust is so calm and indifferent. On the sixth day of the Romanian military exercise, the chief guard hurriedly walked down the aisle. Those who are familiar with him know that something big must happen, so that the head of the bodyguard who shows people with a calm and indifferent face will be so anxious.

   “His Royal Highness, this is Russia’s latest statement.” After hurriedly walking into the crown prince’s office, Chief Guard Carust told Edel, who was anxiously waiting.

   “Show it to me.” Edel walked up to him and took a look at the telegram in the head of the guard.

   After carefully reading the message in the hand of the chief guard, Edel sighed in his heart, and his whole spirit relaxed. After tidying up his clothes and recovering, he talked to his head guard.

   “Carust, I know, let the guards not be so careful, and I don’t eat people.”

   “Okay, my lord, I’ll tell them.” Seeing the crown prince recovering, the chief guard said with pleasure. In the face of the crown prince’s recent state, the head of the guard saw him, he could only arrange for the clever guards to come and stand guard as far as possible, so as not to make Edel angry.

   After the chief guard went out, Edel took the telegram and walked briskly to Carol I’s room, letting his father share the good news. After stopping Viscount Adli from wanting to inform, the crown prince walked into his father’s room.

   “Is Edel you?” Carol I asked without looking up after hearing the footsteps.

   “Yes, father.”

   “It seems that Russia has made concessions.” Not for the old fox who can steadily control Romania for so many years, Edel can guess the result in one sentence.

   “Father seems to be so shrewd and can’t hide anything from you.” Edel also found a stool casually and sat down.

   “No one can hide from me in Romania.” The old king put down the pen in his hand, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and continued to Edel with a smile. “I’m old now and I don’t have enough energy. If I can go back ten years, I can work for several days.”

   “In my heart, my father is still so energetic, nothing can stump you.” Edel said, thinking of his father who was able to work for several days when he was a child. The father is now older than before, and his hair is completely white, but Edel still feels so majestic and inviolable.

“After Russia retreats, Serbia can no longer hold on. But the contradiction is intensifying. I don’t know if we will have such luck next time.” After Carol I briefly talked about family affection, he resumed his country. The role of Jun.

   “Now we can’t do without Germany’s help. We can only hope that we won’t be so passive next time.” Edel also has lingering fears about this crisis. He thought he knew the historical results before, and he always had a sense of superiority in his heart. This time, the German emperor gave him a good lesson, letting him know that nothing that can be named in history is simple.

   After a few more conversations with his father, Edel left Carol’s room. Now the crisis is basically resolved, but the exercise still has to continue, and the crown prince is also very interested in the results of this exercise.

   In the general staff, Edel sat with the chief of staff. Listen to his staff’s report on the summary report of the problems that have been exposed during this exercise.

“During this emergency exercise, we found a lot of problems. First of all, it was our staff’s own problems. We did not make reasonable arrangements for the use of transportation, which caused the Sixth Division to fail to arrange the transportation in time. , I waited for six hours in Moxanido. Fortunately, the Sixth Division made timely arrangements by itself to get to the destination in time.”

   After talking about the staff’s own responsibilities, the staff officer began to talk about the mobile unit.

“There are also many problems in the mobile units in the exercise. The most important one is the problem of falling behind. Many soldiers have fallen behind for various reasons. Although each division has organized a follow-up containment team, there are still many soldiers who cannot be found. My own troops even went to other divisions. There were also incidents of harassment of the civilian population. There were many cases of forced requisition of civilian vehicles in order to speed up the march or reduce the pain of the march. There have been several complaints. There were also incidents in which officers misread the map and ran to other places…”

   Edel was able to understand all the problems of this exercise. In the past, the army was too short of training. Although it has been gradually improved in recent years, minor problems still exist in the army. Rome was not built in a day. This requires a process. As long as you persist in believing that it will gradually improve, Edel can afford to wait. However, it is necessary to put a little pressure on the military to better spur them to work harder. The crown prince still understands this.

   “More training is needed,” Edel said to Puleshan, who was sitting next to him.

   After hearing the crown prince’s dissatisfaction, Puleshan replied with a slightly serious expression. “I will criticize them after the exercise.”

   “Don’t be so serious about the Chief of Staff, I believe the officers below are more anxious than you.” Edel comforted his confidant and continued. “In fact, such exercises are very good and can increase our reaction speed in the face of war.”

   “I will do a few more such exercises in the future, so that they can better adapt to this wartime environment.” The Chief of Staff knew that Edel did not intend to pursue these issues and put forward his own suggestions.

   “This is a good idea.”

After listening to the report of the exercise, the Crown Prince left the General Staff.

   “Don’t go back to the palace, go to the officer’s school.” Sitting in the car, Edel looked at the sunny street, thinking that he hadn’t visited the officer’s school for a long time, so he told the driver.

   Following Edel’s orders, the crown prince’s motorcade turned its front and drove towards the Romanian Military Academy located in the outskirts.

   The vehicle came to the gate of the Military Academy, and Edel asked the guards to report. Within a few minutes, I saw Principal Prossi rushing over with several senior military academies.

   “I have seen your Highness.” Seeing a group of people saluting themselves steamingly, it seemed that the Crown Prince’s raid was very successful.

   “Hello Principal Prossi, I hope it doesn’t disturb you.” Edel called the principal of the Military Academy.

   “His Royal Highness is our honor to come, how could it be an interruption.”

   As a friend of Puleshan, Prossi still knows Edel better, and he said after greeting the crown prince. “His Royal Highness, please.”

  Edel walked into the campus under the leadership of Principal Prosi. As he walked through the playground, looking at the young military cadets undergoing military training, Edel asked Prosi who was walking behind him.

   “How about this group of students.”

“This group of students has only been recruited for less than three months, and it is considered very good in the past few years that have been recruited. Most of them have a good cultural background, and many of them have a thorough understanding of tactics. It is estimated that either I have read books in this area before or taught by my family. I believe there will be several good seedlings.”

   After hearing Principal Prossi’s slightly proud compliment to these students, Edel was also a little interested. For a moment, his heart became disgusting, and he stood by and watched. After all, they had only been in the military academy for three months. These students saw that a group of big men who could control their own future in the military academy accompanied a young man in his twenties to watch their military training. My heart is inevitably nervous, and some clever guesses have guessed the identity of this young man. Tensed, excited, and wanted to perform for a while, all kinds of thoughts rushed into my heart, and the uniform team made waves.

   made the instructor who led the team also secretly anxious, after several consecutive errors in the queue, beads of sweat climbed onto the instructor’s forehead. Looking at the instructor who wanted to be angry but didn’t dare to be angry, Edel chuckled secretly in his heart. Knowing that he can’t watch it anymore, otherwise it will ruin his training today. Edel left the playground and took away all the students’ thoughts.

   “Today I want to let you know the consequences of not being serious about training.”

  Eder heard a shout from the playground after walking some distance. It seems that these students are suffering. A group of school leaders can only feel helpless in their hearts by the crown prince’s evil taste.

   Edel, who was very happy, inspected the school’s facilities under the leadership of Principal Prossi. The crown prince was left in the classrooms, ordnance rooms, canteens, and auditoriums. When he walked to the war game room, Edel heard the sound of disputes coming from inside.

“Teacher Hoffman, your infantry moves too fast in the plains. Now even our fast mobile division does not have the speed you mentioned. I will not believe that it will be able to achieve the maneuvering you require in twenty years. Sex.”

A frenzied voice rang out in the combat game room. Edel and his gang outside could hear clearly and could see the intensity of the dispute. This aroused Edel’s interest and signaled everyone to stand outside the house. Disturb this dispute.

“Teacher Rixiva, before the deduction, we said that everything is based on the standard twenty years later. I think my conclusion is reasonable. Now the technology is changing with each passing day. You should see the appearance of airplanes and trucks in the past few years. Yes, we have reason to believe that in twenty years, the military division level can reach a speed of 80 kilometers.” It should be the Hoffman instructor explaining his reason.

“Teacher Hoffman should know that the army marched at a speed of 20 kilometers 20 years ago, and now it is only more than 30 kilometers. This is still marching. It took less than a day to attack a line of defense in your game. This is the most incomprehensible to me. Yes. You must know that the current form is defensive advantage. I personally think that your reasoning is unrealistic.” It is still the questioning voice of the instructor Riksiva.

“In my understanding, the cars that are gradually developed now have great potential. With the development of the times, it is entirely possible that cars weighing more than ten tons will appear in the future. We can completely cover them with armor and add machine guns. , Forming a modern heavy cavalry. Can you imagine that the current defense methods can withstand such a heavy cavalry attack?”

   After a short pause, the Hoffman teacher’s voice continued to ring. “Moreover, the current aircraft can provide the army with an efficient means of detection. This method cannot be resisted by the current army. It can quickly find the weak point of the enemy’s defense line, launch an attack before the opponent has reacted, and quickly tear it apart. The line of defense rushes deep. Maybe we can attack the ground from the sky in the future.”

   After hearing this, Edel planned to push the door in and take a look. He could think of a mechanized man an era in advance.

“But the car has a shortcoming that you can’t avoid. It can only run on the road. How do you plan to solve this?” Then the questioning voice sounded again, and Edel was going to hear what the teacher named Hoffman could do. Method.

“Now it is indeed a problem, but I think we can find a way from agricultural machinery. I saw that steam is used in farmland with wheels made of huge wheels, and tracks are installed. In fact, we can also use it on cars. Use this method.”

   It seems that Hoffman has also deeply understood the feasibility of his own ideas. Edel heard that he had almost understood his thoughts here, so he opened the door of the combat exercise room and walked in.

I saw two people who were arguing. One was taller, dressed casually, with messy hair and beard, and the other was relatively average, neatly dressed, with blonde hair and meticulous care, looking like a consultant. The Germans in the regiment couldn’t be worse.

   The footsteps of a group of people pushing the door in, awakened the two people who were discussing intensely. Seeing a group of high school officials come in with a young man in his twenties, the two hurried forward.

   Prossi saw that the two were a little at a loss, and knew that the crown prince was interested in what they were talking about, so he introduced. “This is teacher Rixiva, teacher Hoffman.”

Under the introduction of Principal Prossi, Edel learned that the taller one is Riksiva, and the one who behaves more like a German is Hoffman, who is more interested in him. Principal Prossi, after introducing the two, a little bit Pause to preach to them. “This is His Royal Highness Prince Edel.”

   After Principal Prossi’s introduction, the two saluted a little nervously. “I have seen His Royal Highness.”

   “You are welcome.” Edel continued smiling at them after beckoning. “Your discussion before was very exciting and opened my eyes. Can you tell me how I thought of doing such a deduction at the time?”

“Good Your As the two said that they were bored when they had no class. Riksiva proposed a tactical deduction. It happened that Hoffman was studying the mode of future wars and proposed Twenty years later as the standard. Then it was what Edel heard, and the two could not dispute the standard.

   I heard the original Edel talking to the Hoffman teacher. “I am more interested in your previous remarks, and hope to continue to hear your wonderful remarks next time.”

   “Good Majesty, I will continue to improve my thoughts, and hope that my Highness will be satisfied.”

   After getting Hoffman’s reply, Edel didn’t stay much longer and didn’t have much interest in continuing to go shopping. Under the leadership of Prossi, he returned to the gate of the campus and ordered the guards beside him after getting in the car. “Get to know the instructor named Hoffman. I want to look at his information.”

   On the second day after returning to the palace, Edel received detailed information about this genius. Hines von Hoffman is his full name. He was born in Craiova in northwest Romania in 1880. He is a Romanian German and his family is a Romanian baron. He graduated from the Staff Department of the Berlin Military School in Germany, and later served in the German army for a period of time. During his stay in Germany, he was rejected by his colleagues due to his too advanced theory. After feeling that he had no future in the German army, he returned to Romania and was arranged to teach in a military academy.

   After reading this information, Edel muttered to himself. “If you weren’t lucky enough to meet me, you would probably teach for a lifetime.”

   When Edel was interested in this Hoffman, the message that Serbia finally succumbed was reported to the crown prince.

   (Nice~ lo*ic*n. Your customized dragon set has been written for you, or a character with a face, don’t you take comfort in the hard bun?)

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