Romanian Eagle

Chapter 668 - The head of the Romanian trip (5)

Latest URL: “Hello, Your Majesty Edel.”

“Hello, Hitler Führer.”

In the palace, Hitler, who had finished visiting Romania, finally came to visit Edel. Both sides have high expectations for the meeting between the leaders of the two countries.

“Your Majesty Edel, we have met again. Now I think of the meeting in Munich that year, just like yesterday. What your Majesty said to me at that time, I still remember what he said to me.”

After the guest of honor was seated, Hitler talked about the scene where the two met for the first time.

Faced with Hitler’s words, Edel took over. “What happened at that time was also considered a cloud of smoke, and I remember your wish at that time was to save the suffering German people and bring them back to normal countries. The current unemployment rate in Germany is about to be wiped out, and the economy The rapid growth is simply a miracle in Europe.”

When Edel talked about the development of Germany over the years, Hitler naturally knew what to say. “This was done by the German people under the leadership of the government. The German people expected the government to keep me awake at night. Fortunately, with the help of many like-minded people, they finally did not live up to their expectations.”

After being humble, Hitler began to talk about the development of Romania. “Compared with the development of our country, Romania is a model for Europe. Romania has always been on the front line of fighting the evil country of the Soviet Union. At that time, it would not be able to stop the Soviet army unless Romania helped Poland. This would pose a huge threat to the European order. For your country’s silent dedication, I think it is worthy of admiration. Moreover, your country’s development over the years has not fallen behind. Now that the economic strength has approached France, compared with your country’s development, our country’s development is not that much.”

What Hitler said is a consensus in Europe. Because in this time and space, the Polish territory is smaller than in history, and there are more Soviet troops attacking. Many military experts believe that without Romania’s reinforcements, Poland alone cannot resist. Even the deceased Polish commander-in-chief Piłsudski thinks so.

So this is not Hitler’s flattery of Romania, but only saw his voice change. “However, the current Polish military power has been out of balance with the Soviet Union, which is very detrimental to Europe. The evil Soviet Union’s attempts to Europe have always been impossible to ignore, and the Spanish Civil War can explain the problem.”

That’s right, this is Hitler’s first mission, to dismantle the Polo Alliance. Although this covenant is only aimed at the Soviet Union, it is possible to turn to Germany by doing a lot.

Moreover, Poland currently occupied West Prussia and other former German territories. After Hitler settled the Czech Republic, the next target was on the Poles, so it was more important to resolve the Baltic Alliance in advance.

Moreover, in this time and space, the pressure on the east and west lines of Germany is not small. In previous domestic discussions, it was generally believed that it was the easiest to dismantle the Baltic Alliance on the Eastern Front, and that the alliance was not as difficult as Britain and France to dismantle them on Germany’s own power.

The meaning of Hitler’s words, Edel did not understand the truth. However, although Romania is also trying to get rid of the Baltic League, Hitler did not know, so the imbalance of information has given Edel the option of asking prices. Moreover, Germany still seeks Romania on the Czech question, which is more beneficial to Edel.

I saw him speak. “Our country and Poland have resisted the threat of the Soviet Union for more than ten years. Although it is struggling to resist the increasingly powerful Soviet Union, we should not have any doubts about its determination to resist the Soviet Union.”

Obviously, what Edel said was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, waiting for Hitler to make a price. And Hitler is naturally very clear, but unlike Romania, Germany cannot afford to hold off at present, especially if it does not break up the Baltic Alliance, Hitler hesitates to put pressure on the Czech Republic.

So Hitler decided to give his conditions first. “Although the Baltic Alliance is still blocking the Soviet Union’s ambitions in Europe, I think this alliance has become more and more difficult. As a responsible power, we also intend to contribute to the fight against the Soviet Union. I think joining Germany. It can play a better role in fighting the Soviet Union.”

Both men with ghost detectives are using the fight against the Soviet Union as an excuse to seek the benefits of their respective countries.

Since Hitler was so enthusiastic about joining this alliance, Edel could not refuse the other party’s kindness. I saw Edel continue talking. “Your Excellency, Germany is so enthusiastic about fighting the Soviet Union, so what reason do we have to refuse?”

After seeing Edel agreeing to Germany to join the alliance, Hitler continued to talk about it. “At present, many Germans live outside Germany, where they have lived and thrived there for generations. However, these people have been treated as a minority by their country for some historical reasons.

They were discriminated against and abused, their homes were demolished by the mobs, and their personalities were thrown on the ground and trampled. As the motherland of the Germans, we cannot stand idly by. We have to change the various injustices of the Germans in these areas and let them obtain their rights and obligations. Therefore, our country has the obligation and responsibility to help you and them. “

Edel knew that this was Hitler’s condition for joining the alliance, and saw him continue to ask, pretending to be deaf and dumb. . “For these Germans living abroad, what do you mean by the head of state…”

“These Germans living outside must be treated as they are. As for the Germans in the Czech Republic, because of their dissatisfaction with the Czech government’s oppression, they should be addressed first. Therefore, I suggest that the Germans in the Czech Republic occupy the majority of the Sudetai region. Referendum, it is up to them to choose whether to continue to obey the Czech government or to autonomy, or to return to Germany.

The referendum referred to by Hitler is indeed a common way to deal with ethnic disputes in Europe. However, Edel knew that the Germans in the Sudetai region had very close ties with the German side. Since 1933, Konrad Henley, as the leading party, has continuously demanded the right of autonomy in the Sudetenland. As long as there is a referendum in the region, then Germany will have the opportunity to intervene.

Moreover, the Sudetai area is also the front line of the Czech Republic’s defense against German invasion, and its fortifications built with mountainous terrain are enough to make Germany headache.

Yes, no matter in history or in the present time and space, Germany’s attempts to the Czech Republic have not changed. That is to take down the Czech Republic, the heavy industrial base of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, and let it serve Germany’s military expansion and war preparations. It’s just that Germany needs to be concerned about the feelings of other countries, mainly Britain, France, Italy and Romania.

Facing Hitler’s words, Edel sighed in his heart that he didn’t want the Sudetai area yet. The previous alliances are paving the way for this place, and the alliance with Romania can also target the future Poland, which is really a good calculation. But Edel is not bad, he has a pit waiting for the Germans to jump.

I saw Edel speak. “With regard to the Sudetai region in the Czech Republic, we have high sympathy for the Germans being oppressed by the government. However, we think it is best to negotiate a settlement regarding the referendum in the region.”

Faced with Edel’s disapproval of Germany’s annexation of Sudetai, Hitler could smell a different meaning from it. It is best to negotiate a settlement, which means that Romania does not oppose Germany’s move. Of course, this is also a conceptual vocabulary. As an outstanding politician, Hitler knew that this was Romania and waited for himself to negotiate terms.

Since it was about terms, there was a door to this matter, and Hitler said after some brewing in his heart. “Romania’s development over the years has been breathtaking. I saw in Lviv that it is not inferior to our Ruhr area. In just over 20 years, Romania can develop from a small Balkan country to a powerful country. I think that apart from the efforts of the people and government of your country, the efforts of His Majesty Edel are also inseparable. So, I don’t know what His Majesty thinks of Romania’s status in Europe?”

Of course it is to move a small bench and sit and watch.

Edel, who was mischievous in his heart, knew that it was Hitler who was asking himself to make the conditions, so he said with a straight face, who was already prepared. “Our country is just a Balkan country, so our country’s interests are only in the However, the current Hungarian public opinion is somewhat unfriendly to our country, which makes me very worried.

In addition, as you know, as the Bulgarian monarch, I am also very concerned about the territories lost by Bulgaria after the First World War. Therefore, our country hopes that Germany can support us and request the return of the former Bulgarian territory occupied by Greece. “

Eder’s words shocked Hitler’s heart. He also had a reasonable explanation for Romania’s military expansion, which was prepared for Greece. Moreover, Romania used its own attempts against the Czech Republic to conquer the northern territories of Greece for Romania.

Hitler, who was a little confused at present, replied without changing his face. “Sorry, Your Majesty Edel is a matter of great importance. I need to discuss it.”

“No problem, we can discuss this issue in our next meeting.”

Faced with Hitler’s request, Edel didn’t mind at all, because Germany needed each other more than Romania.

After Edel finished speaking, Hitler hurriedly left. He urgently needed to discuss the news with his accompanying Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, because it really matters to Germany.

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