Romanian Eagle

Chapter 669 - Dro League

Latest website: In a secret room in the German Embassy, ​​Hitler is discussing with Foreign Minister Ribbentrop about the conditions that Edel said today.

Why choose the embassy? That is because the German embassy is currently Hitler’s most assured place. This matter is too crucial for Germany to be missed.

So in this secret room, apart from Hitler and Ribbentrop, even the ambassador was not eligible to enter.

I saw Hitler speak to his foreign minister. “Today, when I talked with Edel about supporting our country in the Czech Sude, Edel proposed to object to the former Bulgaria, which was occupied by Greece under the Nai Peace Treaty.”

“The Romanians want to acquire Mediterranean ports.”

As soon as Hitler finished speaking, Ribbentrop blurted out.

It is completely unnecessary to think about it or know that Romania’s proposal for Greece to return the Bulgarian territory occupied by the Nai peace treaty must be for the port of Thessaloniki. This Greece’s second largest port carries people and goods exports from Thrace and Macedonia, so it is extremely important.

The port has a water depth of 20 meters, which is fully available for Romanian over-standard battleships to dock. And the water area is good enough to fit the current Romanian main fleet.

So it’s not surprising that Romania has a peeping heart on this, not to mention that they have an excuse for Bulgaria. Although the two countries have merged, everything in Bulgaria has been inherited by the United Kingdom (in the international arena, it is generally called Romania), so Romania’s heart for prying into the Mediterranean is soaring.

Although both knew about Romania’s ambitions, the Romanians’ minds about tying the Greek and Czech issues together made Hitler a little undecided.

Although if he agrees, Germany and Romania will form a close alliance, and the strength will also be greatly increased, but this also complicates the problem. Because this will not only be a problem for the Czech Republic, but also a problem for Greece. Although Hitler concluded that Britain and France would not dare to fight with Germany, if too many benefits need to be surrendered, the views of the people in Britain and France will change.

But the alliance with Romania is indeed full of temptations. Germany can not only get a good helper for solving Czech and even Polish problems, but it can also have a good helper when facing the Soviet Union. Hitler knew very well why Romania would clashed with the Soviet Union. The battle between the two countries over Ukraine is a dead knot, which will inevitably run through the focus of the two countries’ diplomacy.

In fact, Hitler was a little envious of Ukraine. Europe’s only black fertile soil, as well as coal and iron ore for the development of heavy industry, had not been for Germany to be too far away, and Germany already had Ruhr’s coal and iron ore. He also wants to get a foot in Europe’s second high-quality heavy industry base. But now he doesn’t want to arouse the hostility of the two countries, so he has no idea about it.

Thinking of this, Hitler couldn’t help but say. “Ribentrop, what do you think of the proposal to Romania?”

For Ribbentrop, Hitler trusted this foreign minister who he called “Bismarck Second”. When Hitler was hesitant, he wanted to hear this advice.

Faced with Hitler’s inquiry, Ribbentrop knew that the incident had a huge impact on Germany, but after careful consideration, he spoke out his own suggestions.

“Head of State, I think that the advantages of an alliance with Romania are greater. Although we need to take some risks now, Romania will be an indispensable ally of our country in the future. There is not much conflict with our country in terms of interests. I personally feel that there is no comparison. Romania is a more suitable ally.”

Yes, the rational analysis of Ribbentrop believes that Romania is the most suitable ally for Germany at present. It can not only help Germany to look at the Soviet Union, but also help in the Czech Republic and Poland in the future, and even if there is a war in the future, it can also help. Support of German military forces.

Although it is possible for Germany to be drawn into the war by Romania, it is only the Soviet Union that can pose a threat to Romania. However, unless the Romanians go crazy, it is impossible for them to attack the Soviet Union without Germany’s consent. The Soviet Union is facing Rhodes, a more powerful alliance, and its defense has yet to dare to take the initiative to attack. I am afraid it is not Stalin who believes in the religion and is blessed by God.

Faced with Ribbentrop’s rational analysis, Hitler still felt a little unhappy, because since he became the head of state, he has always benefited from others. This would have been unexpected for Edel to fight back extortion for a while. However, Hitler was a politician, and he was unhappy in his heart. He was still able to accept what Germany could profit. Although it can only be regarded as mutual benefit from the Romanians this time, and Germany will also pay something, but the alliance with Romania is indeed very beneficial to Germany.

Hitler’s visits these days gave him a sufficient understanding of Romania’s military strength. For its strength, it is not much weaker than France, and it is stronger than France in some respects. With such an additional force, Hitler, who has adjusted his mentality, now wants to include it in the service of Germany’s strategy.

As for the little unpleasantness before, he had forgotten it a long time ago. For the sake of Germany, there is nothing that cannot be discarded.

Hitler, who wanted to understand himself, said. “You’re right. It’s very good for our country to form an alliance with the Romanians. Then it’s worth doing, but the Romanians don’t want to take advantage of us.”

As Hitler made up his mind, the speed of negotiations also accelerated.

In the second meeting with Edel, Hitler agreed to Romania’s demands in northern Greece, but in exchange Romania will also support Germany’s demands in the Czech Republic.

In addition, the two countries are still reaching a consensus on Red Russia. The two countries will form an alliance to jointly respond to possible threats from the Soviet Union. Moreover, as long as the Soviet Union launches a war against one of the two countries, the other side will provide all assistance, including military forces, including declaration of war.

This is a step further than the previous Rhodes League, and it also marks the end of the Rhodes League, because compared with the more favorable Rhodes League, the Rhodes League terms are not worthy of Romania to continue to maintain.

In addition, in the negotiations between the two countries, Poland was completely forgotten, and in this clause, the only place where Poland appeared is that when Germany and Poland conflict, Romania will give priority to abide by the Rhodes League.

As Edel and Hitler signed the terms, it marked the official establishment of the German League. In addition to Germany’s solution to the threat from the east, Romania can also gather more troops from the Soviet Union to Bulgaria.

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