Romanian Eagle

Chapter 671 - Chamberlain visits Romania

Latest website: Although Britain and France temporarily suspended Romania’s military threats, the move of heavy troops stationed at the border has not changed. And the Romanian fleet also appeared in the Mediterranean, but this time its propaganda was to go to Italy for military exchanges.

Romania temporarily suspended military operations, although Britain and France breathed a sigh of relief. However, Greece is still worried, but compared with Romania’s casual mobilization of 50W people, Greece can only mobilize 300,000 people because of its total population of less than 7 million. Moreover, whether the 300,000 people in Greece can even have guns is a problem, because Greece’s reserves are simply not enough.

According to the latest news from Romania, the current reserves of weapons and equipment in Greece can only equip up to 200,000 people. Greece is currently purchasing weapons and equipment from abroad, but it is difficult to buy and obtain weapons, because many countries are afraid and Romania dare not extract them from their own reserves, and can only produce them now.

In addition, the current attitude of Britain and France is also interesting. Countries that are closely related to Britain and France are not interested in the purchase contract and version of Greece. It is said that Britain and France do not want to stimulate Romania too much now, believing that Britain and France are delaying time in preparing for Greece.

However, no matter how they purchase weapons and equipment, the Greeks alone are not an opponent of Romania at all.

The gap between professional soldiers and recruited soldiers is there, and compared with the First World War, the demands on soldiers are now higher. Without a long period of training, going to the battlefield is a crime.

So Romania didn’t panic at all, and was still doing its own preparations step by step.

However, compared with Romania not hurriedly or hurriedly, Britain and France are very busy. Now that British and French envoys are running all over Europe, they need to understand the attitudes of other countries and their views on the two crises. However, the main targets of Britain and France are still on the two countries involved, Germany and Romania, and the crisis that affects European peace can only be resolved if they negotiate with these two countries.

For this reason, the British Prime Minister Chamberlain even took the plane to talk with heads of state. Although airplanes are no longer the patent of adventurers, it is also a risk to take an airplane at present. As the Prime Minister, Chamberlain actually tried to catch the flight in a hurry. It seems that the Prime Minister is also desperate for peace in Europe.

Chamberlain first had a conversation with French Prime Minister Daraday. As for the content of the conversation, no one knows. Then Chamberlain rushed to see Hitler and heard that Hitler did not even go to the station to meet him.

And now Chamberlain, who had just got off the plane, came to Bucharest. The flight all the way made the 67-year-old man’s eyes look tired.

Facing the visit of the British Prime Minister, Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Costel greeted him on the spot. “Welcome your Excellency to Bucharest.”

“Hello, Mr. Costel.”

There are no flowers or people to greet, but Chamberlain doesn’t care about it, at least it’s much better than his treatment in Germany. Not only did Hitler not greet him in Germany at that time, but there was also no other senior government official to receive him.

“Your Excellency, we have prepared a place to stay for you.”

Facing Costel’s words, Chamberlain hurriedly shook his head and said. “No, no, I want to see your majesty the king now.”

Chamberlain is very clear about who can make the final decision in Romania. This time, I’m not in a hurry for rest. Otherwise, it’s not good to take the train. At least I can rest better. Flying by plane was too much torment, and he still feels the pain of his old bones.

“Your Excellency, I think it’s better to take a break, your current mental state is not very good.”

Facing Costel’s dissuasion, Chamberlain insisted on his opinion. “I’m fine now and don’t need to rest.”

Facing Chamberlain’s insistence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Costel immediately took the prime minister into the long-waiting car.

No one in the car talked on the way to the palace. Chamberlain is thinking about seeing Edel next, how he needs to convince the monarch, and Costel is for other reasons.

After arriving at the palace, the deserted and sleepy journey finally came to an end. However, Chamberlain was delighted that Romanian Prime Minister Mihalaki and Deputy Prime Minister Kelsteff were waiting for him at the door.

“It seems that Romania has a better attitude than Germany. Perhaps the breakthrough lies in Romania.”

With a flash of thought in his mind, Chamberlain got out of the car and smiled to face the two prime ministers who greeted him.

“Hello, Lord Chamberlain.”

“Hello, Your Excellency Mikhailaki and Kelstef. Thank you very much for the two prime ministers.”

After a brief mask, Chamberlain provoked the topic automatically. “We have always respected Romania and our country. Your country has blocked the red threat in Eastern Europe and made outstanding contributions to world peace. This is enough for the world to appreciate your country’s credit. However, your country suddenly asked Greece to return its territory. The demands of the government are enough to disrupt the peace situation in Europe, which is puzzling.”

Facing Chamberlain’s words, Kelsteff answered coldly. “It’s nothing inexplicable, because Greece oppresses the local Bulgarians, which is enough to show that the previous treaty is wrong. Since it is a mistake, it needs to be corrected. Now is the time to correct it.”

Compared with Deputy Prime Minister Kelsteff’s speech, Prime Minister Mihalaki’s attitude was much better. “Well, don’t let your majesty wait for long.”

Although Prime Minister Mihalaki ended the topic, Chamberlain still got the information he wanted. It seems that the influence of the Bulgarians in this coalition government is much higher than previously expected.

After seeing Edel, Chamberlain realized that there was no one here except Edel, not even the clerk.

“Hello, Your Majesty Edel.”

“Hello, Lord Chamberlain”

After a short greeting, Chamberlain spoke about his purpose. “Your Majesty Edel, your country’s actions in Greece are completely creating new turmoil in Europe. You must know that your country is also a beneficiary of the Versailles system. Such an action will surely bring other countries to follow suit, which will make Europe follow suit. In the midst of various disputes, we must know that all countries have ethnic minorities, and if there is such a big fight because of minor misunderstandings and injustices, Europe will never have peace.”

Although Chamberlain’s words were very beautiful, Edel was unmoved. Is the name of the British shit-chucking stick called for nothing? The UK has a lot of experience in handling this problem.

I saw him shaking his head and saying. “Your Excellency Prime Minister, you are wrong. This time, Greece and the Czech Republic are a few countries that used the Versailles contract to target ethnic minorities with nationalism and fearlessness, which has achieved their purpose of diverting the public’s attention. Greece and the Czech Republic are among them. Representative. We can’t give these countries the illusion that the international community can’t help them, and we can’t leave a few apologies indifferent. As the proverb says, if an apology is useful, then what should the police do.”

Of course, when Edel said this, his face was not heartbeat. Neither German Jews nor Romanian Hungarians could speak because no one spoke for them.

Facing Edel’s speech Chamberlain knows its intention, but knows it knows, but what we should strive for is to strive for it. Britain does not want the Mediterranean to become more lively. There are already three powers in the Mediterranean, and no one wants to force one.

“Your Majesty, I can understand your country’s feelings, but my country and France disagree with the return of Greece to the territory. This will increase the tension in the Balkans, and it will be detrimental to all countries.”

Facing Chamberlain’s words, Edel picked up a document and handed it to Chamberlain. “It is because of respect for Britain and France that I stopped the Romanian operation, but our patience is very limited. This is a mobilization order given to me by the military. I have not yet signed it, nor do I want to sign it. But if necessary If you do, I will still sign it.”

Chamberlain listened to Edel’s speech and looked at the Romanian mobilization order, which was the war mobilization prepared by the Romanian military. According to the decree, Romania will recruit 18-35-year-old men into the army. The requirement is to recruit 1.2 million people at a time.

Obviously, this mobilization order was prepared for the intervention of Britain and France, and Chamberlain looked at this place and felt that the war was about to fall in front of him. Thinking of the previous discussion by French Prime Minister Daraday, the old man couldn’t sit still, and now he desperately wanted to re-negotiate with France.

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