Romanian Eagle

Chapter 672 - Different Munich Conference (Part 1)

Latest URL: “Has the Prime Minister gone?”

Edel asked about the foreign minister next to him.

“I left on the plane early this morning, and I personally put him on the plane.”

In fact, if it hadn’t been getting late yesterday, Chamberlain would like to fly away immediately. But after a night’s rest, the old British man couldn’t wait to leave in a plane in the morning. As for the reason for leaving, Edel doesn’t need to guess, he must have gone to discuss with French Prime Minister Daraday.

However, no matter how it is discussed, Edel’s attitude will not change. Romania needs northern Greece. This not only allows the government to add political points to the Bulgarians, but the navy urgently needs the Port of Thessaloniki. This is also the only Mediterranean port currently available in Romania.

In order to gain the strategic advantage of freedom before the war broke out, Edel was also determined to this port.

However, although Edel thought this way, he couldn’t help others to see clearly. For example, the minister of foreign affairs around him was worried about Romania’s use of this to engage with Britain and France.

“Your Majesty, is it too tough to deal with the British mediation this time?”

Seeing that the Foreign Secretary Costel was so worried about the possible overreaction of Britain and France, Edel knew that this was not just his attitude, but represented a large number of people. Although Romania’s current strength is developing well, it is also a well-known country in the world. However, the accumulation of prestige from Britain and France for hundreds of years cannot be eliminated so easily.

Even the national strength of future generations is second only to the United States, but many people still believe that Europe and Japan are strong.

Of course, unlike later generations, there is now a most direct way to solve this problem. Victory can eliminate these people’s fear of Britain and France, although this needs to be under the guidance of Edel.

But now the secretary of foreign affairs, Edel can’t answer that way.

“Kostel, our country needs a Mediterranean port, and you should be aware of the advantages of it. In the talks with Chamberlain yesterday, I feel that Britain and France will make concessions to us, as long as our attitude is not loosened.”

“In addition, currently in the Thracian region of Greece, the Bulgarians are encouraged by our army gathering on the front lines. Large-scale demonstrations have broken out in cities such as Thessaloniki and Xanthi in the region.”

What Edel said was the credit of the intelligence department. After Edel became the king of Bulgaria, Holmonkman, who was instructed, began to lay chess pieces in the area and at the same time funded the political forces in the area.

And now is the time to get the rewards. Tens of thousands of protests broke out in Xanthi alone. These people held high the flags of the United Kingdom of Romania and Bulgaria, chanting slogans for returning, and marched in front of the city government.

As for the larger scale of Thessaloniki, there are more than 50,000 people. Like Xanthi, they all hold the banner of the kingdom and shout slogans.

In the face of these protests, the Greek government did not dare to suppress them. On the one hand, it is pressure from the Romanian borders of Chen Bing, on the other hand, there are warnings from Britain and France.

Because Britain and France have warned Greece before that, asking it not to stimulate Romania, otherwise Britain and France will stop the work of mediation. In the face of the British and French warnings, even the dictator Metaxas did not dare not listen. Therefore, the Greek government’s restraint is an increase in protests.

“But these don’t bring much consideration to Britain and France.”

Obviously, Minister of Foreign Affairs Costel believes that these protest marches cannot influence the decision-making of Britain and France.

Facing the words of the foreign minister, Edel shook his head and replied. “I know, this is just a way for me to test the attitude of Britain and France. And my personal envoy should be in Italy.”

Edel’s words surprised Costel, because His Majesty had never discussed this matter with him. This made him feel a little wary. Did his previous remarks make this majesty worry about him?

“Don’t worry, this is just a private visit that hopes Italy will support us.”

Edel was right, it was indeed a private visit, but this time the private talked about some other things. Edel’s personal envoy Holsad presented a gift to Mussolini.

Mussolini in Rome is looking at this gift. This is a map of Albania. Edel intends to support Italy’s occupation of Albania in exchange for Italy’s support for Romania.

Italy’s ambitions for the Balkans have always been very strong. Before World War I, Italy actively intervened in Balkan affairs. However, due to the exclusion of Austria-Hungary and Russia in the region, Italy had no chance to start.

Shortly after the end of the First World War, Mussolini, who had only come to power at the time, used his general Enrico Telini’s murder in Greece to provoke a dispute and occupy the Greek island of Corfu. However, due to the intervention of the League of Nations and Italy’s lack of strength, the final result was that Italy received Greece’s compensation and abandoned the island.

And now Edel put this opportunity in front of Mussolini.

Taking a look at the map, Mussolini raised his head and asked the envoy in front of him. “Mr. Holsad, do you mean that Romania fully supports our country to obtain Albania?”

“Yes, Prime Minister, my Majesty Edel believes that the Balkans is too disorderly to have so many disputes. And my country hopes that our friend Italy will intervene here, which is also very good for our country.”

Faced with such rhetoric, Mussolini smiled. “Isn’t your country currently exerting influence in the Balkans? Why do you need our help?”

“Your Excellency, the center of gravity of our country has always been Ukraine, and the dispute with Greece is also due to pressure from the former Kingdom of Bulgaria. You also know that a large number of Bulgarians currently live in Macedonia and Thrace, and we must protect them.”

The words of Special Envoy Holsad moved Mussolini’s heart. The two most important countries in Italy are picking their own prey, and Italy should not sit idly by, thinking of this, he stood up.

“The Greek government has always been a group of villains. These people are really too much of the Bulgarian nation. As a responsible country, Italy fully supports Romania’s legitimate interests.”

Mussolini’s words made Holsad relieved. This leader really, as his Majesty said, loves petty things.

When Edel settled Italy also had new moves. Hitler currently publicly declared that he would not hesitate to fight the Czech Republic for the sake of Sudetai. And he not only said so, but also did so. Large-scale troops are gathering on the border between Germany and Czech. At the same time, he also drafted a “green plan” to invade the Czech Republic.

With Germany’s posture that it is about to fight a battle, Britain and France are completely unable to sit still. In addition to the previous Romanian mobilization posture, Britain and France, which felt that their country would be dragged into the war by these two small countries, urgently negotiated a result, that is, arrange the related countries to discuss and discuss together.

And Germany and Romania also agreed to this, so the decision about the countries to gather for talks came into being. As for the location, at Hitler’s insistence, Munich will be the place for the talks. Therefore, the heads of the five nations consisting of Britain, France, Italy, Germany, and Romania will negotiate a peace in Europe where Hitler was born.

As for the Czech Republic and Greece that caused the two crises, it is good to wait outside for the results of the negotiations. At the same time, the Soviet Union, as an important power in Europe, was completely ignored by Britain and France, which made Stalin, who was following this closely, very upset.

Okay, now the whole world is paying attention to Munich, hoping that the leaders of the countries participating in the meeting will discuss a result.

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