Romanian Eagle

Chapter 673 - A different kind of Munich conference (middle)

Latest website: September is a harvest season, and farmers who have worked for a year are harvesting their own fruits. In Munich, the heads of state attending the meeting also rushed here to discuss the two major crises facing Europe.

The five main leaders of the talks were British Prime Minister Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Daraday, Italian Prime Minister Mussolini, Romanian Prime Minister Mihalaki, and German Head of State Hitler. As for the representatives of the Czech Republic and Greece, they can only wait for the talks. result.

As for why Edel did not come, because he was the King of Romania and his status was not equal. And Edel believes that it doesn’t matter if the talks themselves do not come, because Romania’s conditions will not change, and no matter who comes, they need to negotiate on this condition.

Since it is a multinational summit meeting, Germany as the host will naturally not leave all parties in the cold, so Hitler deliberately appeared in front of everyone together with the heads of countries. And in order to show the attitude of Germany, Hitler also led the heads of countries to review the military,

Under the leadership of Hitler, the leaders of the participating countries reviewed the German army.

Hitler’s artistic pursuit of the painter’s birth is also reflected in the German military uniforms. He once said: Military uniforms must be designed to be handsome and to reflect the nobility and majesty of soldiers, so that young people can join the army without hesitation. And he not only said that but also did so. With his own drawing talent and unique aesthetics, Hitler personally participated in the design of German military uniforms.

The rigorous style and exquisite tailoring make the soldiers look very imposing and imposing in military uniforms. Many young people choose to be soldiers just to get a handsome military uniform.

In addition, clothing also depends on body shape. After Hitler came to power, he promoted sports for all, organized summer camps among young people, and encouraged various sports. While this kind of national fitness brings high-quality troops, it also adds points to the military uniform. After all, military uniforms have to rely on the figure to reflect the masculine beauty and handsome side (I am here to say that the big breeches are ugly, no one beats me).

Not to mention that the specially selected reviewing troops are all over 1.85 meters in size, making it even more impressive that the soldiers are outstanding.

However, Hitler’s intentions may not be of much use. Although the leaders of various countries are politely reviewing this army that Hitler is proud of, they also know from the exchanges between them from time to time that no one cares too much about it. Chamberlain communicated quietly with Daraday from time to time, and Mussolini obviously interacted with Mihalache, which is obviously a manifestation of the attitudes of various countries.

In addition to reviewing the military, representatives of participating countries also briefly participated in a brief press conference. The speeches of the leaders of the various countries at the meeting were different. Among them, Britain and France talked about peace at most. As for Dro, what they said was their respective requirements. Of course, they did not forget to say a few words of peace, but they were just embellishments. Mussolini is showing the importance of Italy in this meeting, and he is talking about Italy’s contribution to this meeting and so on.

It can be seen from the conversations between the heads of the countries that their focus is different. Britain and France are to avoid war, while Dro wants to achieve their own goals, and Italy is to brush up the sense of existence.

With the conclusion of the press briefing, the heads of state are preparing to discuss the current crisis in the palace of the head of state.

In the small conference room of the Palace of the Heads of State, the talks finally began.

Hitler reiterated Germany’s attitude at the beginning of the meeting. “Our German requirement is that Sudetai must belong to our country. We do not accept Sudetai’s autonomy and other requirements. Sudetai’s sovereignty must belong to our country.”

After Hitler’s voice fell, Mihalaki also reiterated Romania’s attitude. “Our Romanian attitude is the same. The territories assigned to Greece in the Nai Treaty must be returned, and our country does not accept other methods.”

The hard-line statements of the two countries did not surprise the two leaders of Britain and France. Because in private, Britain and France have already discussed how to deal with this crisis. The two countries are reluctant to enter the war because of the involvement of the Czech Republic and Greece, because many newspapers compare the Czech and Greek crisis with the Serbian crisis that broke out in World War I. This has evoked cruel fears of the First World War. .

No one wants to repeat the battle of hundreds of billions of dollars in property damage that killed tens of millions of people. As the original country, Britain and France are also unwilling to do it again. This is especially true in France. A generation was lost in the last war. If another generation is lost, France will not be far from annihilation.

Therefore, the attitudes of Britain and France towards the Czech Republic and Greece have become very subtle. On the one hand, the two countries do not want to cause war because of this. On the other hand, the two countries are their allies.

The Czech Republic is an important ally of the French Small Entente Group, and it encircles the German flank with Poland and Yugoslavia. However, in the face of Germany’s threat of war, France itself flinched. In fact, France’s retreat has been fully revealed since it spent a lot of energy to build the Maginot Line.

Greece is an important part of the British in the Eastern Mediterranean, responsible for containing the energies of Italy and Turkey. In addition, after the merger of Romania and Bulgaria, there is an additional task to prevent Romania from extending its tentacles to the Mediterranean.

But now in the face of the dispute provoked by Romania, Britain obviously does not want to help out.

Therefore, after Deloitte tested the attitude of Britain and France, it was natural how to make Britain and France retreat, and the various excitement calls were screaming loudly.

Inexpensive Although Britain and France intend to give up the protection of the Czech Republic and Greece, the United Kingdom and France do not intend to completely make the two countries fully meet their wishes.

I saw Chamberlain and other leaders of both Rhodes speaking after they had finished speaking. “For the sake of peace in Europe, the Sudetai requested by the head of state of Germany, we can allow the region to organize a referendum, which can be completed under German supervision.”

The result of the current negotiations between Britain and France is to give up support for the Czech Republic and Greece, but Chamberlain intends to save a bit of face from another aspect. That is to let the crisis be resolved by referendum, which can at least explain to the domestic people and the Czech Republic and Greece, although it is only a nominal account. Because the sentence that voted under German supervision is the best proof, the result of the vote is bound to be very beneficial to Germany.

But Hitler was obviously unwilling to give this little face, and saw that after hearing Chamberlain’s words, his face became a little ugly. “Your Prime Minister, this proposal is unfair to Germany. Germans in this area have lived here since ancient times. They don’t need to vote because they should belong to German citizens.”

Obviously Hitler was unwilling to resolve the Czech crisis by means of a referendum. Although this allowed Germany to gain access to the Sudetai region, he wanted to do so in the way that the German people most wanted to see.

Facing Hitler’s tough attitude, Chamberlain and Darardy looked at each other and said. “Your Excellency, this is most beneficial to the peace in Europe, and it is also a good explanation for the world.”

And Chamberlain’s words did not satisfy Hitler, I saw him speaking in a huff. “Such conditions will not be accepted by Germany.”

At this moment, Romanian Prime Minister Mihalaki suddenly interrupted. “Our country also believes that this is not good for Germany and should follow His Excellency Hitler’s opinion.”

After Mihalaki interrupted, Mussolini, who had a sense of existence, also answered. “We in Italy also think that Sudetai area should belong to Germany.”

Facing Luo Yi’s support for Germany, Chamberlain and Daraday did not expect it. The two crises this time broke out simultaneously in a short period of time. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to say that there is no connection between the two countries.

However, Chamberlain still didn’t want to give up, and saw him speak. “This is a deliberate result, which is at least a result acceptable to everyone.”

Faced with Chamberlain’s words, Hitler immediately retorted. “But our country does not accept such a result, and our country is the victim this time. Germany cannot accept the referendum, and Sudetai must be directly cut to my country.”

In fact, in the debate about whether it was a referendum or a direct cut, the two results are the same. The main difference is whether to dominate the crisis with Britain and France, or whether to dominate the initiative with Germany. Obviously Hitler did not intend to give up the initiative, and Romania and Italy both clearly supported Germany.

Britain and France still had obvious expectations about this, and Chamberlain skipped the Czech question and continued to speak to Mihalache. “Prime Minister Mihalaki, your country requires Greece to return the Bulgarian territory occupied by the Nai Peace Treaty. We think it is best to organize a referendum, but Romania can be responsible for monitoring the referendum.”

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