Romanian Eagle

Chapter 693 - new Hope

The dazzling torches, the raging crowd, and the glass all over the floor made Boruman run non-stop. He wanted to escape from here, avoid this lawless world, and find a quiet and peaceful environment.

But as if the running Poruman caught their attention, the crowd with invisible faces began to chase him. At first, only a few people were chasing him, and then it was like snowballing. Everyone is chasing him. This scared him to keep running, running hard and hard.

The running chest seemed to be torn apart, but he dared not stop. At this moment he felt extremely lonely, but he had family and children, and he knew he could not be caught by these people.

Suddenly, I felt my feet empty, and fell to the ground, and the crowd behind me immediately rushed up.


Boruman yelled suddenly and came to his senses. When he saw his wife next to him, his heart was relieved again.

The wife who was woken up couldn’t help asking when she saw her husband who turned blue from fright. “Borumman, have you had a nightmare again?”

“Yes, I have a nightmare again. I dreamt that I was being chased by a group of people, and they all stared at me fiercely. I can only run and run, just like what we encountered in November last year. scene.”

What Borumann was talking about was the organized persecution of Jews in Germany. This is the famous Crystal Night. Obviously, the Borumman family encountered a terrible scene at the time, which he can’t forget even now.

After hearing his words, his wife hugged him and comforted. “Let go of your worries, we have arrived in Romania. No one will oppress us again, and no one will put us in a concentration camp.”

Boluman, lying in his wife’s arms, followed his wife’s words and said. “Yes, no one will oppress us anymore, no one will be targeting us anymore.”

Boruman was talking, thinking of the current predicament and couldn’t help talking. “But when we came to Romania, we had nothing, no houses, no jobs. And we still owe a foreign debt of 3,000 lei, all of which need to be repaid.”

The situation encountered by Boruman is the situation that every foreign Jew now has. Because Romania pays Germany and Italy at the price of 1,000 lei per person, at present, except for a small number of Jews in Germany and Italy, they can only go to Romania.

In addition to the payment of this one thousand lei, the cost of transportation, food, and residential living are added together, and the Romanian government calculates it at the price of two thousand lei. This is the cost that every Jew who enters Romania from the two countries must pay. Because they were empty-handed, they had nothing except what they were wearing and a few changes of clothes in their luggage.

Of course, Romania, taking into account the actual difficulties of the Jews, does not require them to return it immediately. However, the arrears will be repaid after the third month. The monthly repayment is only 60 lei. It only takes 6 years to pay off, which is much more conscientious than some loans in later generations.

The Jews who have not paid the money are not allowed to leave Romania, and they are living together. Arrange for them to be responsible for the management, and if someone escapes, the person in charge will be jointly and severally liable and bear their remaining debts.

So according to reason, no one should be willing to take up such a position, but in fact there are many people willing to take up this position, and they are generally willing to do this job. However, they generally joined the Jewish Restoration Organization, and this is one of the guarantees that the Jewish Council will formally intervene in these.

With them, Romania is not afraid of where these Jews will go. Of course, except for these grassroots managers who are all Jews, other managements generally use Romanian officials. After all, this is Romanian territory, and it is impossible to give the Jews “autonomy”. Although this is only a temporary move, it will not give any chance.

Judging from the measures established by Romania, it is not very good for these Jews. But compared with other countries, this is already a very good measure.

Of course, if you have money or can borrow it, the Romanian government will not care where you go. But this is easier said than done. The rich and famous have already left through various channels, and the rest are basically ordinary Jews. They left here by the way. If it hadn’t been for Romania to lend a helping hand, their ending was basically doomed.

“I went to the church today. The rabbi said that he has just been arranged and can only go to the employment agency to find a job. But the good news is that the rabbi said that the church plans to open a kindergarten to help everyone bring their children.”

Yes, the church is also an important social place for Jews, but at present everyone is new, and there is a good way to help each other. At the moment, helping with children is also a good move for all.

In addition, let me talk about At present, Romania has opened schools, hospitals, police stations and other public institutions in the newly-built community prepared for them. Except for a few powerful agencies, the rest are all held by the Jews themselves.

After talking about the information she got in the church, the wife asked her husband. “Borumman, what’s your opinion?”

Faced with his wife’s question, Boluman wanted to use the information he saw in the employment agency yesterday, so he could only sigh and replied. “I have no opinion, you are up to it.”

Boruman’s words made his wife make up his mind. “It seems that Bernie can only be sent to kindergarten. We all need to go out to work under the pressure at home.”

The two made a decision and hugged each other to sleep. They waited until the next morning. After breakfast, the two of them simply packed up and asked their neighbors to take their son for a while and went out.

When they were in the neighborhood, they felt that there were a lot of people going out today, and they didn’t need to think that they were basically the same as the Porumans, who were planning to find a job. After I arrived at the employment agency, it was a sea of ​​people, and the crowds filled the whole street. And there are many like two people who keep contributing to them from everywhere.

“How many people should there be?”

The wife looked at the crowd in surprise.

“It should be no less than 10,000 people. When I came here yesterday, there were not so many people.”

Seeing that there were so many people, the two immediately asked others to inquire about them. It turned out that today, given that there are too many people, they no longer have direct talks with workers because they can’t receive them. The agency assigns them according to individual occupation first, and then talks in batches.

And the two immediately lined up after listening.

The Jews who came to Romania were generally the same. When they came to Romania, they were arranged to work non-stop.

Their addition greatly complements Romania and guarantees Romania’s wartime production.

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