Romanian Eagle

Chapter 694 - radar

Thessaloniki has been extremely busy since its return to Romania, and construction sites are starting at any time. According to the city government’s statistics, there are currently as many as 80,000 laborers doing construction in Thessaloniki. The construction of a series of facilities such as docks, warehouses, and large cranes has brought about earth-shaking changes in Thessaloniki.

In the town of Kalamaria, on the outskirts of Thessaloniki, construction is also underway here. A small hill facing the sea less than half a kilometer southeast of the town is very lively, and there are free laborers in the town to help. It is said that a new signal transmitting station will be built to provide signal support for surrounding navigation.

This is a good thing. Many people in the town have been seafarers and know the dangers of the sea. Not to mention, the wages for this construction are not bad. It is said that the time required is short, so there is such a high wage.

Therefore, with the efforts of the patriotic people, the construction of the signal transmission station is extremely fast, and it is almost at the end of the stage.

The real purpose of this being hidden is actually called a radio detection and ranging instrument, which is what everyone calls a radar.

In fact, the development time of this thing is not too late. From shortly after the end of the First World War, Romania has started independent research and development. It’s just that it is limited and its own level gap and a large number of instruments have not been invented, and its development is very slow. Because the great guide from Romania only knew nouns, and he could give very little help.

After Mussolini came to power, the relationship between the two countries quickly heated up. During Edel’s visit to Italy, the two countries jointly developed new technologies and included radar, because Italy’s radio research is higher than Romania’s.

Although Marconi, the inventor of the radio, focused most of his energy on the radio company he opened in the UK, his research in Italy was not bad at all. As early as 1922, Marconi mentioned the use of radar in a speech delivered by the American Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers. Although his intention was to prevent collisions between ships, his ideas were highly inspiring for subsequent research.

In the same year, Taylor and Yang of the United States proposed to equip two warships with high-frequency transmitters and receivers to search for enemy ships. This was also inspired by Marconi’s report.

With the start of joint research and development between the two countries, the development of radar has entered a new stage. Especially under the premise of sufficient funding, the first experimental radar was completed in 1927.

Although the experimental radar was built earlier, the distance is far from practical. The main reason is that the detection range is not enough and the work is unstable, but its development prospects have attracted enough attention.

After attracting the attention of the military, the momentum of radar development has not weakened at all. From the beginning, it was only possible to detect airships more than ten kilometers away, and it was necessary to build a huge emission source up to fifty or sixty meters. Up to now, a radar capable of detecting sixty to seventy kilometers requires only thirty to forty meters high emission sources.

Of course, the current radar still cannot satisfy the Navy and the Air Force. They want radars that can be mounted on warships and aircraft rather than such huge radars that can only be used for ground sounding. However, with the development of the situation in Europe, it can no longer wait any longer. The military can only accept this kind of results first and use it for air-to-sea warning.

Therefore, in the key areas of Romania, such as the border with the Soviet Union, important ports, important military sites, and transportation hubs, radars for early warning should be built first.

As Romania’s most important port in the Mediterranean, Thessaloniki is absolutely eligible to enjoy this treatment.

Moreover, the radar in Kalamaria is just one of the early warning tasks. There are six radars in Thessaloniki to provide early warning to prevent any possible surprise attacks.

Of course, this information was only known to Major Andrell, the person in charge of commanding the construction, and the others were completely unaware of it. They just thought it was the installation of signal stations. Of course, this is indeed a radio signal station, but it’s not about communication.

Andreel looked at the busy construction site and asked the deputy next to him. “The construction work here is almost complete. When will the installation and debugging people come?”

The deputy was obviously very familiar with this, and saw him answer. “At present, they are still installing the radar station in the area in Rodnina, and it will take four days to complete the area. I will have to wait at least four days without other stations in advance.”

“Very well, you need to watch their progress closely and take them over as soon as the ascent is completed.”

Obviously, in order to grab progress, Andreel also used means. There is no way, because he got the news from a hidden channel, and the person who has the priority to complete this task may get the commander in command of the early warning unit.

So this time he plans to use means to get himself this position.

It’s just that someone is faster than himself and can only be ranked second.

For Andrell, there is nothing to lose in this competition, because the unit will become the key to transforming itself from a technical officer to a military officer, and Andreer is determined to win.

While building radar stations everywhere, Germany, supported by Romania and Italy, has become increasingly tough on Poland.

In June, he publicly stated that Danzig and the Polish Corridor area should join Germany unconditionally, because the area has always been the residence of Germans for generations. Only affected by the Treaty of Versailles, it was forced to cede to Poland. Now the German Empire needs to change this wrong decision.

Hitler’s words made the patriotic enthusiasm of the German people continue to rise, and domestic expectations of him further increased. It’s just that Hitler’s speech does not seem to have much response in Europe. Apart from the fact that neutral countries hope that the two countries will put aside their disputes, Britain and France, which he cares most about, have not reacted violently to this. The two countries only further raised the issue of Poland not to be discussed, and then they were busy expanding their arms and preparing for war.

It’s just that although Britain, France and Poland’s attitude towards Germany is ignoring, there is one country that is frightened by Germany’s statement, that is Lithuania.

How dare such a small country occupy German territory?

Yes, Lithuania invaded and occupied German territory. After the end of the First World War, Lithuania took advantage of the chaos to take advantage of this German-majority area, and has been in control until now with the support of the League of Nations.

And now Lithuania is also frightened by Germany’s tough attitude on the Polish issue. How could Hitler forget the Lithuanians, but this time he asked Lithuania to return it a little later. The result is the same as in history. Faced with the intimidation of Germany, the Lithuanians immediately succumbed.

In ecstasy, Hitler, accompanied by the commander-in-chief of the navy, Ryder, took the battleship Bismarck to Memel to patrol the returned area.

And now he is more confident about taking Danzig and the Polish corridor further.


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