Romanian Eagle

Chapter 695 - Last chance, Danzig

It’s just that Hitler’s confidence has hit a hard nail here in Poland. For Danzig, Poland’s most important port, the Polish government is not willing to talk to Germany at all.

This makes Germany very dissatisfied, because although Danzig is a free city, it is managed by Poland, and its garrison is also a Polish army. The city is basically German. More importantly, it completely separates East Prussia from the rest of Germany, and the two are only 40 kilometers apart recently.

It was also separated by Poland, which made the development of East Prussia lag behind other parts of Germany. And this makes the region eager to open up the road channel between the two.

Is Hitler’s request reasonable this time?

To be fair, very reasonable. This time Hitler only had to return Danzig Port and open the corridor to allow Germany to enter and leave East Prussia freely.

At first Hitler did not intend to attack Poland, even though Poland had cut the largest piece of German territory after World War I. Like Hungary, Poland was useful to him in threatening the rear of Czechoslovakia, so he induced Poland to agree to his request, and Poland also took the opportunity to seize a small piece of Czech territory.

Hitler intends to temporarily accept Poland as a small partner, as long as Poland returns to Germany’s Danzig Port and allows Germany to freely lead from the “Poland Corridor” to East Prussia. As far as Hitler was concerned, this was a very restrained requirement.

However, after continuous negotiations, Hitler found that Poland was not only stubborn and unwilling to make such concessions, but also had unrealistic ideas about its own strength. Nevertheless, he still hopes that after further negotiations, they will change their minds. Until March 25, he also told the commander-in-chief of the army that he was “unwilling to use force to solve the Danzig problem.”

However, the nature of everything changed after Britain and France gave Poland security guarantees. Hitler found that after receiving the support of Britain and France, Poland became more confident after facing the demands of Germany, and had no intention of negotiating with Germany at all (there was no wooing value). This allowed Hitler to think about a new solution, and a military solution became possible.

Only in the face of Britain and France behind Poland, and possible ally Romania, Hitler knew that he had to find a way to dismantle the support behind Poland. That’s why Ribbentrop visited Romania and paid a huge price to draw Romania into himself. After the camp, Hitler now feels that in terms of strength, Germany and its allies have formed an advantage over Poland and the British and French behind it.

Therefore, he hopes that his hard-line statement will enable Poland and the UK and France behind it to see the facts clearly. It’s just that Hitler’s speech was completely winked at the blind man, and there was no response at all. Poland is confident of its own strength and does not think that it is afraid of Germany after it has the support of Britain and France. Even after Romania fell to Germany, he still believed that he could resist the attacks of the two countries.

This kind of iron-headed baby who doesn’t listen to persuasion is very annoying. Let your good words be exhausted, and all kinds of threats are exhausted. Then the use of force will soon become the only solution.

Some people may ask if Germany can’t take a step back, and must it take Danzig?

The answer is that you cannot retreat, and now Germany cannot retreat even one step. If Hitler dared to take a step back, German domestic problems would explode. Moreover, high nationalism is also a double-edged sword. It can not only gather people’s hearts to make Germany stronger, but also devour those who cannot satisfy their appetite.

The economic miracle in Germany is actually to use the deficit to stimulate industrial production. It’s just that Germany is dominated by the military industry, and the emergence of the military industry will inevitably bring about a rapid military expansion. This also makes Germany’s partial sciences serious, and its finances simply cannot support it.

At this time, the German government had no money to expand its arms and prepare for war. Hitler thought of two ways. One of them was to obtain wealth from Jews to support Germany’s fiscal expenditures. This led to Germany’s massive anti-Semitism. Of course, the wealth of Jews alone cannot support Germany’s huge expenditures. Hitler used another method, which is to strengthen monopoly.

Germany has adopted various means such as legislation to encourage mergers and establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Hundreds of thousands of handicraftsmen and small businessmen have been incorporated into military factories to perform labor service. Through these means, resources are concentrated in the hands of monopoly organizations so that they can expand production, and then control the national economy by controlling these monopoly organizations.

At the same time, the German government began to develop infrastructure and military facilities, and carried out large-scale military procurement. While creating orders for companies, the German government also stipulates that companies must use a certain percentage of profits to expand production, and strictly regulates the scope of investment. These measures have indeed boosted the economy and stimulated employment in the short term. But it has created huge fiscal deficits, and these deficits are a huge sum of money that is absolutely unrepayable to the German government.

Faced with such a large fiscal deficit, Hitler was unwilling to issue additional currency again, and inflation and prices soared again. Therefore, we can only use “white bars” such as bills to purchase goods from companies.

At the same time, in order to tighten the currency, the ** government has also issued a large number of bonds to consume the excessive Mark in the market. That is, by letting the German people buy bonds, the currency is temporarily returned to the government. But in Germany at that time, this stimulated the government’s further fiscal expenditures, and government debt continued to rise.

At the same time, the serious imbalance between the light and heavy industries in the German economy is difficult to change. When these bonds return to society, it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of promoting consumption. So what is waiting for Germany is a serious economic crisis.

For this reason, at the beginning of 1939, the Reich Bank’s board of directors wrote in a letter to Hitler: “The endless state expenditure destroys the attempt to orderly budget. Even a substantial increase in the tax burden will also affect the state finances. Putting it on the brink of collapse and thus destroying the exchange rate of the central bank.”

The meaning of this passage is that Germany’s finances are about to collapse and need to find a solution.

There is only one way to go before Germany, and that is to use its huge military strength to find a way for Germany’s impending bankruptcy. War is inevitable.

And this time why Germany failed to integrate the strength of the occupying power for its own use. Germany first needs to plunder enough materials and wealth from the occupying power, fulfill those white rules and promises, and relieve domestic pressure. The people don’t care about the development of national strategy. They will only see that Germany has won. Then there should be spoils.

In order to meet their demands, the occupying power can only suffer losses. And for the looted countries, it will be extremely difficult for you to integrate their strengths.

So after Poland rejected Hitler’s kindness, this war was doomed.

It’s just that Hitler is still waiting for a news, a news from the Soviet Union.

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