Romanian Eagle

Chapter 696 - Soviet-German non-aggression treaty

Yes, Hitler was waiting for news that he was negotiating with the Soviet Union.

As a qualified politician, Hitler is absolutely unwilling to see the enemy on the two fronts. Moreover, the strength of the Soviet Union seems to be very strong, with a military strength of more than three million, the largest population in Europe, and the largest industrial strength in Europe. The vast territory brings huge depth.

At present, it is not only Germany that wants to negotiate with the Soviet Union. Britain and France are also approaching the Soviet Union. Both hope that the Soviet Union can help their side.

However, in the face of the sudden popularity, Comrade Steel, as its controller, knew well that neither of the two parties had the kindness of peace.

Britain and France want the Soviet Union to provide Poland with security, and the deeper reason is that the Soviet Union is on the front line of resisting Germany. Although Comrade Iron and Steel did not mind that Britain and France had left themselves alone to discuss the Czech issue with Germany, but this time the conditions set by Britain and France for Comrade Iron and Steel were completely unsatisfactory.

Britain and France proposed that when Germany and its allies attacked Poland, the three countries should provide military assistance. Comrade Iron and Steel pointed out that currently the Soviet Union does not have a border with Germany and must pass through Poland. Therefore, Stalin asked Britain and France to negotiate with Poland, urging them to agree to the passage of Soviet troops.

The requirements of Britain and France for the Soviet Union should be negotiated with Poland by the Soviet Union itself. Poland categorically refused to allow Soviet troops to cross the border, while Britain and France did not prompt them to change their positions.

Facing Britain and France’s shirking attitude, Stalin was dissatisfied. Although the Soviet Union also thought about expanding its influence, the sincerity of the two countries was worse than its own. If the Soviet Union is considered to be mixed with water, Britain and France are directly mixed with water. As a result of this, both sides did not trust each other. Although they were under pressure from the Axis powers, the deep guard between the two sides was not released.

Unlike Britain and France, the negotiations with Germany are much more straightforward. Hitler was directly willing to let the Soviet Union push the border to the Curzon Line without the Soviet Union’s involvement in Poland.

This border line, named after British Foreign Secretary Curzon, is a proposed border line given by Britain and France to the eastern border of Poland. It’s just that I didn’t expect Poland to be so explosive that it would soon push the border to Minsk in one breath. Although the Soviet-Polish War was later triggered, Poland, which used Romanian reinforcements to resist the Soviet attack, firmly consolidated the border not far from Minsk.

Now that Germany is willing to split Poland in half, it naturally has more appetite for Stalin. Moreover, the Soviet Union is currently in conflict with Japan in the Far East, which is also constraining Stalin’s mind.

This conflict provoked by the Kwantung Army made Stalin extremely vigilant about Japan’s ambitions. In order to get rid of Japan’s attempt to commit a crime in the north, Stalin has mobilized elite soldiers and strong generals to have a good fight with these hateful Japanese.

Although the Soviet Union was held back by Japan, Stalin still had a good appetite. With a big wave of his hand, he not only proposed the division of Poland, but also drew the three Baltic countries together and added Finland. It was obvious that the Soviet Union planned to get enough benefits from Hitler.

Faced with Stalin’s amazing appetite, Hitler gritted his teeth and agreed.

So Germany and its worst enemy, the Soviet Union, signed a non-aggression pact on August 7.

The main contents are as follows: 1. The contracting parties promise not to use force, infringement or attack each other individually or in conjunction with other countries.

2. If one contracting party is at war with a third country, the other contracting country shall not give any support to the third country.

3. The contracting parties will never join any group of countries that directly or indirectly oppose another contracting party. (The alliance between Germany and Romania must also be guided by Romania’s prohibition of any anti-Soviet actions.)

4. Both parties resolve all disputes between the contracting states in a peaceful manner.

5. The treaty is valid for 10 years.

6. Secret Attached Protocol. It stipulates that the two sides shall divide the border between the northern border of Lithuania in the Baltic Sea coast and the Curzon Line in Poland.

With the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, Hitler’s last fat stone was removed. Now Hitler can concentrate on solving the Polish issue first.

And this time Hitler didn’t plan to go to battle alone, he planned to draw on allies. Needless to say, Romania was targeted by Hitler again.

So Ribbentrop, who had just signed the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty, had just returned from Moscow and went on to Bucharest.

This time Ribbentrop came to Romania and the treatment was much better than before. Prime Minister Mihalaki came to greet him at the airport in person.

But Ribbentrop didn’t care about Romania’s courtesy, and he needed to meet Edel urgently. Because time waits for no one, Germany even initiated the time determination.

“Your Excellency, I have seen your country’s request. But is it really good to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union?”

Although Edel knew that this treaty would not last for long, as an anti-Soviet diehard in his cognition, Edel still needed to express his opinions on behalf of Romania.

“Your Majesty, we also understand your country’s concerns. But now your two countries are currently in sharp tension with Britain and France. Your country’s request for Greece is blocked by Britain and France, and our country’s request for Poland has also been rejected. So my country The head of state believes that at present it is necessary to give priority to solving the problems of Britain and France before considering the relationship with the Soviet Union.”

Obviously, Ribbentrop came prepared this time. Use Greece to show Romania that Britain and France are the ones that need the most attention.

And this time he was not here to explain the Soviet-German non-aggression pact to Romania, and he had the purpose of attacking Poland with Romania.

I saw Ribbentrop continue talking. “Your Majesty, this time our country hopes that Romania will also join the disciplinary military operations against Poland. For this reason, our country is willing to grant an additional 15% of the spoils in addition to the previous conditions.

Of course, our country knows that Romania is not very concerned about this, but this is also a sign of a strong alliance between our two countries. In return, our country is also willing to send an army to help your country’s operations in Greece. “

The meaning of Ribbentrop’s words, Edel did not understand the truth. What’s the difference between this and his own invitation to Italy to join the division of Greece, all want to force the other party to get into the car.

“I have no problem here. You can discuss the plan with the military in detail.”

Edel’s words made Ribbentrop a little bit unable to believe his ears, and this Majesty agreed, and he agreed. Did not wrestle as usual to fight for more benefits.

If Edel doesn’t agree, it won’t It’s better to end early instead of continuing to wait and see. You can also let your allies see clearly how strong you are.

No one is a fool, but Romania has no burden for getting in a German car. Although the Axis was a complete failure in the original history, the situation is different with the addition of Romania.

And Romania has no election. If they offend Germany and the Soviet Union at the same time, they will be divided up next. And based on Britain and France’s attitude towards Poland, who dares to put hope on them?

Defying Britain and France desperately, Edel is not their father, so he uses Romania as his shield. As for the American emperor behind him, Edel’s grave grass grew taller when he ended. And the Soviet Union… forget it (the family of Nicholas II who can’t find the bones has something to say).

So joining Germany is the only option for Romania, otherwise Romania will not be able to pass this level.

So if you want to join, don’t half-hearted, the two or five will not end well. So Edel has no burden to join Axis, who put Romania in this **** position.

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