Romanian Eagle

Chapter 731 - Ultimatum

Putting aside Britain and France, let us return to the Mediterranean.

For the current Greek government, there is a very embarrassing thing now, that is, even though Greece has given up the former Bulgarian territory in the north, Romania still adopts an aggressive attitude towards it. In Albania, Italy also made no secret of its ambitions for Epirus and Corfu.

Especially after the British Mediterranean Fleet lost its combat effectiveness, this attitude became more obvious. As far as Greece knows, Romanian troops that participated in Polish operations are continuously entering the Thrace region through the Bulgarian mountains.

As far as Greece knows, Romania currently has at least 300,000 troops in the area, many of which are elite troops that have just arrived from Poland. As for the Italian army in Albania, it has also increased its strength, and its deployment there has increased from 35,000 to 56,000.

In the face of the surge in Romania and Italy, the Greek government is not doing nothing. On the one hand, they suppressed the domestic wave of opposition to the two countries (avoid giving them excuses), while requesting material assistance from Britain and France.

Faced with Greece’s request for assistance, the two countries, who were worried about the situation in the Mediterranean, were naturally willing. They not only agreed to Greece’s request for eight divisions, but also took the opportunity to propose that the two countries could provide aircraft and warships as long as Greece was willing.

Faced with the kindness of Britain and France, Greece declined the uneasy and kind proposals of the two countries. If Greece accepts British and French fighter planes and warships, then war will inevitably break out.

It’s just that Greece’s wish was not fulfilled, and even before the aid of Britain and France arrived, Italy and Romania issued an ultimatum to Greece.

Ask Greece to hand over Epirus and Corfu to Italy, and cede the occupied Macedonia, Lemnos, Lesvos, Chios, and other islands close to the Turkish coast to Romania. Ritter Island must also be managed by Romania for 30 years, after which the island decides to stay on its own. Greece is limited to 24 hours to reply.

In fact, this condition is much better than what I discussed earlier. Because if Greece really agrees, it will save Italy and Romania’s time and military supplies, and the two countries have achieved their respective goals, so why not do it.

And if the Greek side opposes it, then it will happen that the initial requirements of the two countries will be met.

Faced with the demands of Romania and Italy, Prime Minister Metaxas, as the Greek dictator, would naturally not make a decision immediately when faced with this ultimatum. He only saw that he recruited the main government officials and showed them his self-will. Luo’s condition.

The senior military and political officials recruited by Metaxus looked ugly after reading this ultimatum. No one wants to look at this condition, but only the 24-hour time limit is given to Yi Luo, which obviously won’t give them a chance to delay.

Seeing the silent scene, Metaxas said. “I believe this ultimatum, everyone has seen it, and now everyone can talk about it.”

Admiral Papagos, who has the hottest temper and is also the commander-in-chief of the army, immediately spoke. “We cannot accept such an ultimatum. If anyone agrees, they will become sinners of the nation and the country.”

As a military representative, Admiral Papagos’s attitude is naturally the toughest. For such harsh conditions as the ultimatum, the army was the first to refuse.

Some people were against it and others were in favor. I saw the Minister of Commerce and Trade Tasamotos speaking. “I think this condition can be discussed again, for now…”

“How to talk about it, this is completely dividing the territory of Greece, and we will never agree to it.”

Unexpectedly, Tasamotos hadn’t finished speaking, and Admiral Papagos planned his speech.

Facing the head of the army who interrupted his speech, Tasamotos waited until the other party had finished speaking before asking. “So is the military sure to resist the attacks of the two countries?”

“Why not. As long as we insist on using terrain to fight, we can completely drive the Italian-Romanian army out of Greece after Britain and France come to help.”

“I don’t know, how long do you expect to spend on this?”

“As long as we resist for half a year, we can get support from Britain and France. There are many mountains in our country, and these advantages can be used to delay the opponent’s offensive.”

At this time, Tasamotus continued to speak. “Very well, this method can be used in land battles, then how are you going to solve it at sea.”

Tasamotos’ words caused Admiral Papagos to get stuck. Although he has the confidence to use the terrain to delay the enemy’s footsteps, there is no way he can do it at sea. However, Greece has a long coastline and is very easy to be used by the enemy.

And Metaxas’ words immediately made everyone’s eyes on the Secretary of the Navy Sacheralio’s body.

As the Minister of the Navy of Greece, Admiral Sacherario naturally knew his navy well. Facing everyone’s attention, I saw him speak. “The navy is willing to fight for the kingdom to the last ship.”

The Secretary of the Navy’s slick words also clearly showed that the Navy did not block the confidence of the enemy navy. But having said that, as for the Greek ships, what confidence does it have to stop the Romanian and Italian navies? The two largest warships of the Greek Navy are the Mississippi-class battleships sold to them by the United States. These two pre-dreadnought warships should have gone to the shipbreaking yard long ago. But because Greece has no money, it can only continue to be used.

The words of Admiral Sacherario made Tasamotus snorted. These people can’t see the situation at all. If the British fleet is still there, then Greece can still have the capital to resist. Now that there is no foreign aid, it is Greece itself. , What can I do to resist the army of Illu

It’s just that the next words of Prime Minister Metaxas surprised him even more. I saw the prime minister stand up and say it. “Well, now I announce the answer to this ultimatum. Greece rejects any of the treaties. Greece will not sell its territory for the peace of If they want to fight, then fight. Right!”

The words of Metaxas ushered in the cheers of many people. They could not accept Luo Yi’s terms. Even if Greece is a small country, it must have dignity.

As for Prime Minister Metaxas, who announced the decision, there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

He couldn’t agree to this condition at all. Before signing the Munich Agreement, he lost his prestige. Now if he agrees to this ultimatum condition, then the anger of the people will tear him to pieces, and he will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame. .

So Metaxas can only be tough to the end, otherwise it is self-destructive. Since the results are all the same, why not leave a good reputation.

Tasamotos quickly calmed down after hearing the Prime Minister’s decision. He stopped talking after the Prime Minister made a decision. After the meeting was over, he also got in the car for the first time.

“Minister, where are you going now?”

“Come back home.”

Tasamotos, who was sitting in the back row, looked at the scenery in Athens. Various thoughts flashed through his mind. When he was almost home, he suddenly called the driver.

“Stop, Wells.”

“Okay, sir.”


As the car came to the side of the road, Tasamotos said after thinking about it. “Now go to the Domor Hotel, I still have something to deal with.”

“Okay, sir.”

Under the operation of the driver, the car immediately turned to the destination he said.

Tasamotos, who was sitting in the car, had a gloomy face because he had made a major decision. Greece cannot be destroyed in the hands of Metaxxas and others. Someone must stand up to stop it, and he thinks he is the candidate. You just need to go to the Domor Hotel first, because there is a person you need.

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