Romanian Eagle

Chapter 732 - The Battle of Greece (Part 1)

After Greece rejected the demands of Romania and Italy, Romania officially declared war on Greece on October 29, and Italy declared war on Greece the next day.

Greece, which was declared war by the two countries, quickly joined the Anglo-French alliance. It’s just that the two countries currently do not have enough sea power in the Eastern Mediterranean, and assistance to Greece can only take advantage of the opportunity to use sea and air to urgently transport a batch of people and materials, but this batch of materials and personnel will not be too many.

In addition, in order to express the attitude of being with Greece, the British army also mobilized two squadrons of Hurricane fighters into Athens to protect the airspace of Greece. It’s just that these two squadrons are not enough. You must know that Romania has stationed a squadron in Thessaloniki alone, and there are more than 1,000 advanced fighters stationed in the entire Thrace region.

At present, inside and outside the city of Thessaloniki, it has become a large barracks, full of officers and soldiers in military uniforms of the sea, land and air forces. Many officers and soldiers looked at this Mediterranean-style city curiously. The warm and humid climate was something they had never encountered before.

It’s no wonder that as long as there is time, these Romanian soldiers will come and play. But in the past few days, as Romania declared war on Greece, there have been fewer figures in military uniforms on the streets.

In Menboko, outside the city of Thessaloniki, this is the headquarters of the Greek Group Army currently established in Romania. A total of 16 divisions and 5 brigades are under its command, with a total strength of 320,000.

Such a large force will naturally not lack a commander, and General Mandiv will be responsible for commanding the Greek campaign.

And he is now at the headquarters to welcome the arrival of a general.

“Hoffman, how are you. I didn’t expect you to perform so well on the Polish battlefield. I know in Thessaloniki that you played around with our ally, the Germans.”

It was Lieutenant General Hoffman that Mandiv greeted. This time he and the 1st and 4th Divisions were transferred to strengthen the Greek Army. The two of them will form an armored corps with the 8th Armored Division and 54th Motorized Division that have arrived long ago, and become Mandiv’s trump card, and the commander of this armored corps is Hoffman.

In the face of Mandiv’s praise, Hoffman couldn’t dare to bear the praise of the director of education, he could only say aside. “It’s not worthy of your admiral’s praise, it’s just that I just happened to meet it.”

“Don’t be too humble, I’m not always so serious like Feleit.”

For this, Hoffman dared not take it. He has no capital to participate in the topic between military giants.

Seeing that Hoffman didn’t dare to take the conversation, Mandiv didn’t wait for this topic to be pulled out by himself, and continued talking. “I can tell you the good news. We are very satisfied with your battle in Poland. As long as this time is not bad, we should get the possibility of promotion.”

Mandiv’s words made Hoffman feel a burst of ecstasy in his heart. It was said that soldiers who didn’t want to be a marshal were not good soldiers. As a lieutenant general, how could Hoffman not want to be promoted to admiral. It’s just that it is too difficult to be promoted to general. Even if Hoffman has been a lieutenant general for almost ten years, it is also very troublesome for promotion.

Because Romania’s generals not only represent military ranks, they also represent political status, so Romania’s general ranks are limited in number. Not only do you need military exploits and contributions to the army, you also need to have a position to give you the top spot.

That’s why there are currently more than two hundred Romanian lieutenant generals, but the ranks of generals in active service can be counted with one hand.

And now Admiral Mandiv’s words clearly represent that the number of generals will be expanded, thinking deeper, the rank of Marshal will also appear. It’s just that it’s not known who is the first one, because this requires your majesty to make a decision.

Mandiv looked at Hoffman, who was a little excited, thinking that he didn’t take advantage of the news in vain. In fact, he knew more than Hoffman, because it came from His Majesty Edel.

In response to the huge increase in the size of the Romanian army, in order to solve the embarrassment of the ranks that may appear in the command, the proposal on expanding the number of senior military ranks jointly drafted by Feleit and him, as well as the navy and air force, has been put on His Majesty’s desk. According to the news he had received, his Majesty also agreed with the second.

It’s just that these newly promoted generals cannot be compared with the old generals in terms of political status. Apart from other things, the history of the students is not comparable to these new promotions. Of course, these old guys will hand over their rights sooner or later, but they just need to wait until later.

Of course, if you are not ideal on the battlefield, it will be the same for everyone. As for the Greeks, did Mandiv consume energy and capsized the ship. The land, sea and air themselves have an absolute advantage, so they won’t be able to win, so you can go home and hug your grandson as soon as possible.

Of course, when Mandiv informed Hoffman of the news, it was not idle. It’s that he has to make good use of the sharpest knife in Romania. He not only has to win, but also to win beautifully, or else why should he convince others.

I saw that he called Hoffman to the side of the battle map and began to talk about the task assigned to him this time. “You brought the armored troops out. I believe you must be very familiar with Then I will explain to you now, your mission this time.”

I saw Mandiv pointing to the battle map and said. “According to the information we have now, the Greek army has mobilized 500,000 troops, of which 350,000 are prepared for us, and another 60,000 are placed on the border with Albania.

Among them, there are more than 50,000 enemy Fifth Army in Macedonia, and 280,000 enemies in Thessaly District. Enemy forces in Thessaly District built fortifications on the surrounding terrain of Leptokalia, attempting to use the Pindus Mountains to hold our troops’ footsteps. What do you think of it? “

Admiral Mandiv’s words were obviously considering Hoffman, and Hoffman said after thinking about it for a while, looking at the densely drawn map of the assembly point of the enemy forces. “Since the enemy has assembled heavily in Lepto Kalia, we can use sea transportation to land from behind.”

“This method does not work. The navy has other missions and cannot use sea transportation.”

After hearing your admiral’s veto of his proposal, Hoffman was not discouraged and saw him continue. “Then we concentrate our forces to attack one point, as long as we open a gap, then we can send a fast force to go all the way to Athens.”

Speaking of this, Hoffman also knew what his mission was.


As for Hoffman’s words, Mandiv praised. “The Greeks thought they could use terrain to prevent us from multi-faceted attacks, so let them taste our firepower. I will break a gap and let you directly enter. And this time your code name for your action is Thunder, with the momentum of Thunder. Direct its resistance and destroy it. I will celebrate you in Athens.”

Since it was a long-distance attack he was good at, who else Hoffman was afraid of. I saw him speak. “Please rest assured, Your Excellency, I will take Athens to you.”

“I just want your aura.”

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