Romanian Eagle

Chapter 795 - Battle of the Cape of Tunis (middle)

As a historic naval port, the Port of Toulon has always been the base camp of the French Navy in the Mediterranean.


   After the outbreak of this war, all the main battleships of France gathered in the Port of Toulon. From the two Dunkirk-class battleships equipped with 350mm main guns against the Italian Vittorio class, the Dunkirk and Strasbourg, to the two Richelieus equipped with 380mm main guns, The Cereus and Jean Barr, as well as their modified versions, are also called the Alsace and Normandy.


As for the three Breton-class battleships in history, France also had to follow up and retired the three Breton-class battleships because of the hypothetical enemy Italy’s move to retire old battleships from World War I in order to build new ships. .


   These 6 battleships are the core forces of the French fleet, and of course there are other battleships, such as the USS Beyen, the only aircraft carrier in France, and 7 heavy cruisers second only to battleships. In addition, light cruisers, destroyers, torpedo boats, submarines, patrol boats and so on. These warships crammed the Port of Toulon.


   However, most of the warships are turning on their wheels today, as if they are about to go to sea.


   Yes, this time will be the largest naval operation that France has ever entered. In order to ensure the success of this operation, Darren, the naval general staff, personally went into battle and directed the battle. No matter what the outcome of such a battle, it is bound to be recorded in the annals of history.


   Darlan, who agreed with this very much, stood on the command podium of the flagship Alsace, and said to the communications staff around him with a sense of war. “Order, let’s go.”


   “Yes, Lord Admiral.”


   With Darren’s order, the huge French fleet set sail, and these sea monsters weighing tens of thousands of tons began to prepare for their own journey.


  The huge number of French fleets leaving the port, this situation can’t hide from Italy’s eyes.


Soon after the fleet left the port, the news of the French navy’s dispatch reached the ears of the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Cavniari. Now that Cavniari knew about it, how could Mussolini, the prime minister, fail. know.


   So a few minutes after he got the news, a call from the Prime Minister’s Office reached his desk.


   The phone number is not difficult to guess, this is Mussolini’s call to ask him to go to the Prime Minister’s Office for a meeting.


   Of course, Kavniali did not dare to neglect, and immediately drove to the Prime Minister’s Office.


   When he arrived at the Prime Minister’s Office, several people had already arrived. Among them, Ciano, who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, arrived first and stood beside Mussolini.


   Then other people arrived in a few minutes, and after seeing everyone coming, Ziano, who was the son-in-law, spoke for his father-in-law. “Now everyone knows that the French fleet has left Toulon.”


  Ziano’s words made everyone present nod their heads.


   After skipping this opening remark, Mussolini asked directly. “What do your navy think about this?”


   Cavniyari knew that this was asking him again, because Mussolini was also the minister of the navy and the army, so he was the first man in the navy.


   I saw Cavniyari speak. “Our navy initially estimated that the French fleet’s attack was to relieve the Tunisian defenders, or at least to **** the transport fleet to Tunisia.”


   After Cavniyah gave out the Navy’s estimate, the voices at the scene became noisy.


   I didn’t expect the French fleet to really dare to come out, which made many people feel a little incredible.


   Regarding the sound of the scene, Mussolini knocked on the table to be quiet. I saw him immediately afterwards and said. “General Valais, your air force needs to be responsible for investigating the movements of the French fleet.”


   A little man stood up and replied. “Good leader.”


   This is Valais, Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Because Marshal Balbo, the Secretary of the Air Force, is directing the battle in Tunisia, this time Valais will be the Air Force representative.


   Although Mussolini only named the air force, Cavniya, as the navy, knew that searching for the French fleet alone would not work with the air force. After all, the range of the aircraft was limited and could not cover the entire sea area.


  Sure enough, Mussolini hit him next. “This battle depends on the cooperation of your navy and air forces. I hope you can severely damage the incoming French fleet and open up the situation for the next battle.”


   Although Mussolini didn’t say anything, all the military and political leaders present were all aware of the next plan. Yes, Italy has also expanded its goals, and after Tunisia is about to be captured, they are eyeing Algeria again.


   And this time to lure the French fleet out, it severely damaged its fleet and severed the connection between Algeria and the French mainland.


   So afterwards, Mussolini ordered several more people, asking for sufficient support for this operation. In a word, it is necessary to ensure the success rate of this battle.


   I have talked so much about other aspects, of course, the fleet still needs to be executed in the end. So in the end, Mussolini stopped Cavniari. “How are the preparations on the fleet side?”


   “Prime Minister, the fleet is ready, so the warship has been inspected before to ensure that there will be no problems in the battle. Moreover, the commander of the fleet, Amaretti, also sent a telegram, saying that the fleet officers and soldiers are already ready for battle.


   “That’s good, this time you are related to the future of Italy.”


   While Italy is preparing for the upcoming war, the French fleet that is already on the sea is turning. Don’t get me wrong, they are not going to return to Toulon, but to adjust their course.


   They will sail all the way southeast along the French waters. This time their route will pass through the Balearic Islands belonging to Spain, and then all the way to Algiers, the capital of Algeria, which is also the route that French transport ships often take.


On the flagship Alsace, Darlan was walking back and forth in his luxuriously decorated room. The precious carpets on the floor and the paintings of famous artists on the walls could not attract his attention. Now he is waiting for a news, one that concerns him. News of the success or failure of this military operation.




   The sudden sound from outside the door made him stop his in. “


   Then the door was opened and a communications staff came in. “Commander, this is the telegram we received.”


  Although the staff officer said that there was no beginning and no end, but this made Darlang’s spirits refreshed, and at the same time he quickly took the telegram and read it.


“good very good.”


   After reading the telegram, Darlan immediately ordered the staff around him. “Immediately give an order to the fleet to move forward at full speed to Algiers.”


   “Yes, Your Excellency Commander.”


   Following Darlang’s order, the fleet immediately hurried to the target.


   It turned out that this telegram was sent by the British fleet that came to aid, telling Darlan that they had arrived outside Portugal and were about to cross Gibraltar into the Mediterranean.


This news naturally made Darlan confident. In this case, his power will exceed the strength of the Italian fleet. There will be two more battleships than his opponents, three more aircraft carriers, and other battleships, no matter in tonnage or quantity. He will have the advantage. And more importantly, the opponent is completely unaware of this, which is the key.


  Think about it, when the two sides set up their battles and were ready to fight with swords and guns, suddenly reinforcements appeared on their side, which would cause the enemy to panic.


   Darran is full of confidence in the next battle.



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