Romanian Eagle

Chapter 796 - Battle of the Cape of Tunis (Part 2)

The news of the arrival of the French fleet in Algiers was soon known by Italy.

The Italian side is serious about this, not only sending reconnaissance planes from Sardinia to Algiers port to observe the condition of the French fleet, but also sending small warships to patrol the waters from Algeria to Tunisia. This has also led to a tremendous increase in the number of battles of its small warships.


A shell landed on the side of the Storm, and the shock wave from the explosion sent a chill to the crew on the Storm.

But they were already chilling without water, because behind them, two Italian destroyers were in hot pursuit. The navies of the two countries are rivals in the Mediterranean, so all kinds of warships of the other side have long been remembered. You don’t need to look at the figure behind you to know that one is a Voyager-class destroyer, from the side hanger it is Damusto, and the other is a Sierra-class Serra.

Either of these two battleships is stronger than Storm, one is equipped with six 120 naval guns, and the other is equipped with 4 120 naval guns. The Storm is only equipped with 4 doors, how to fight them.

What’s more, the Storm is a thousand-ton destroyer after the First World War, and the two Zhongseras behind it are okay, the gap between the two is not too big, and the storm still has the power of the first battle. But Damosto, the Storm really couldn’t beat it, this was a navigator class, and it was crushed by tonnage alone, not to mention the firepower, protection, and speed that left the Storm behind.

Of course, if the Utopian class appeared at the same time as the Voyager, then it would not be able to offset the gap between the two, but isn’t this because there is no one nearby?

The two destroyers were in hot pursuit of the Storm. How could this not make the crew of the Storm cool. What’s more, the storm has a top speed of 33 knots, and the two Italian destroyers chasing behind are 35 knots (Serra) and 38 knots (Da Mosto). This is even more embarrassing for the Storm to be unable to beat and beat, and unable to run away.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Several consecutive shots made more and more water jets falling around the Storm, and the distance was getting closer, and the pressure on it was getting greater and greater.

“Fight back.”

With the captain’s roar, Storm was finally angered by the enemy’s shelling, and wanted to do it in reverse.

There are many such cases, some are dominated by the Italian navy, and some are occupied by the French navy. But no matter what the situation is, it indicates that this is a sign before the storm, and the two sides are doing their best to fight for a first-hand advantage.

Of course, Palermo and Algiers, which are currently home to the two fleets, are the focus of attention. I don’t know how many moles that usually don’t show up easily at this time, just to send a message to the party a few minutes in advance.

On the fleet of warships docked in Algiers, Admiral Darlan did not get out of the car. Not only did he not disembark, but the crew were also ordered not to disembark. In the face of Darren’s unsatisfactory order, the fleet has no complaints.

This also has a lot to do with Darlan’s influence on the navy, not to mention that Darlan only became the chief of staff of the navy in 1936. But his influence on the French navy began very rarely.

However, its main influence on the navy was mainly concentrated in the past ten years or so. Under his influence, he has made indelible achievements in terms of regulations, technical equipment, salaries for officers and soldiers, commander training, etc., “The French Navy has been under his special management for ten years, and its effectiveness is better than that since the French Revolution. Any period of time”.

It can be said that, to some extent, Darren is France’s Tyr Biz or Fisher. Therefore, it is not accidental that every battleship and every sailor of the French Navy is absolutely loyal to him.

And the ability of this Admiral Darran is also recognized by everyone, even the current enemy, the naval colleagues of the Three Kingdoms of Deloitte, also sincerely recognize the head of the French navy.

So when the unopenable telegram from Algerian waters to Tunisia waters appeared on his face. The admiral only glanced at it and then put it down.

The navy suffered casualties in battle, but he also knew that it was inevitable in pursuit of victory.

So now he wants to ask more, where is the British fleet.

“Is there any news about British warships now.”

“No, their latest news is that they passed Gibraltar last night and entered the Mediterranean.”

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Darren came to the chart, and after some measurements, he spoke. “General Cunningham’s fleet should not be too far away from us, but I believe he will avoid the Italians and find himself in the future. Then we will give him the best help.”

After putting down the pen, Darlan gave the order. “Now I order the fleet to set sail immediately and head towards Tunisia. At the same time, I order the air force to cover us along the way from Italian aerial attacks.”

“Yes, Lord Admiral.”

Following Darlang’s order, the ships immediately rang the bells of preparing to sail. At the same time, the huge iron anchor was slowly put away, also announcing that the fleet was ready to leave.

Such a huge movement has attracted the attention of many people in the city, not to mention some special people who want to hang their eyes on the warship.

For a time, the radio waves in the city were masterpieces, and countless messages were sent via radio waves to where they wanted to go.

And all this has no effect on Darlang. He knew it well, otherwise he would not stop at Algiers specifically.

Of course, if Darren moved here, Italy couldn’t sit still. The Italian fleet in Palermo also started the same action, lighting fire and preparing to set sail.

In particular, Admiral Campioni, as the commander of the fleet,, was mobilizing before the war.

“Everyone, now the French fleet is rushing to Tunisia. Our opportunity has come. The French fleet has been huddled in its own port and dare not face our challenges. So now the 100,000 French troops in Tunisia have to The reason for coming out.”

Compionni glanced at the vigorous officers standing upright in front of him, and exclaimed in his heart that it’s nice to be young.

“Since the French fleet dared to come out, then we must not let it go this time. We have to let the French know who is the master of the Mediterranean. The next battle will show all this, so I hope that every naval officer will stick to himself. Post, do your best for the navy to seize the crown of sea power.”

With the mobilization of Compionni, the Italian fleet also went to sea, and both fleets were heading towards the Tunisian waters.

With the approach of the two fleets, the eyes of all countries in the world have been focused on Tunisia, and a naval battle known as Post-Jylland is about to unfold here.

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