Romanian Eagle

Chapter 799 - The French campaign forced to advance

“What are the Italians doing, how can they lose their advantage in the Mediterranean.”

In the capital of Berlin, Hitler was venting his dissatisfaction with Italy.

In front of him are Kanaris and Heydrich, who are the heads of German intelligence, and Goering, Hess, Himmler and other top leaders of the Democratic Party, and military leaders Brausic, Keitel, etc. People are also on the sidelines.

“Now this makes us very passive.”

Goring on the side also took the opportunity to put in a word, but after he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but look at the army officers.

The gathering of senior German military and political officials is certainly not just news of the defeat in the Italian naval battle. Because Canaris and Heydrich brought France and gave orders to draw some of the African troops back to their homeland. This had a huge impact on Germany’s subsequent operations, so Hitler deliberately summoned them to discuss plans for fighting against France.

In fact, the plan for combat against France has already been drawn up, which is the historical operation of sickle-swiping the armored forces through the Ardennes forest drawn up by Manstein’s opinion.

Although the plan was opposed by the War Department Brausic and others (thought it was too risky), but who made Hitler and the armored force commander Guderian and others like it, the plan was finally approved under Hitler’s strong pressure. Up.

Of course, this plan was approved, and there are some reasons for luck. The original plan for combating France was called the Yellow Plan. This plan was similar to the Schlieffen plan for the German attack on France in World War I, that is, the German army was placed on the right flank and attacked France through Belgium.

Only in January, a Luftwaffe officer carrying the yellow plan made a forced landing in Belgium because of a landline trek. Because he could not burn all of this important document, a part of it fell into the hands of Britain and France. Faced with the danger of leakage, Germany had to overthrow the Yellow Plan and use Maninstein’s plan.

However, now that France has a trend of relocating some of its forces back to its homeland, this has made Hitler and others anxious. So this time it is apparently reprimanding Italy for losing the naval battle, but in fact it is putting pressure on the army to try to launch military operations ahead of time.

So for Goring’s words, someone naturally took it.

“Gering was right. We can’t just watch France continue to increase its forces at the border. This is very detrimental to our next operations.”

This time it was Hitler who was speaking, but Brausic, the commander-in-chief of the army, felt a little embarrassed when he faced Hitler’s obvious pressure. The current commander-in-chief of the army has not done much politically, and is more known for his military capabilities.

Facing the obvious pressure from the head of state, he thought for a while and said. “At present, France’s increase in its border forces is not a big deal. The forces mobilized from Africa are basically from the colonies, and its equipment and morale are simply not comparable to the local army.”

“But that is also an army of more than 100,000, and their weapons can also cause harm to soldiers.”

Obviously, although Admiral Brausic wants to relocate France to the homeland of the army is insignificant, there are still some people who oppose it, and the person who speaks is Admiral Keitel next to him.

Facing the opposition from William Keitel around him, Brausic was not surprised. This is Hitler’s spokesperson in the army, and has always been known for resolutely obeying the orders of the head of state.

It’s just that the situation now makes him feel a bit bad.

Sure enough, as Admiral Keitel’s voice fell, Hess immediately took over. “Your Chief of Staff is right. We cannot remain indifferent to this. This will be a crime against the soldiers on the front line.”

After Hess finished speaking, other high-level officials immediately joined in, making the parliament almost a Critical Conference for Brausic.

Brausic, who was almost forced to the corner, immediately retorted. “But this can’t change the combat time. You must know that changing the planned time will have serious consequences for this. No one wants to see it changed.”

“But the plan needs to be modified according to the actual situation. Unexpected situations have already occurred, and it is time to make changes.”

Keitel, who also belongs to the military, tried to counter Brausic’s words with a military point of view.

“However, the current increase in the French army has not yet reached the point where we can advance the plan.”

Since Keitel tried to suppress himself with military views, Brausic also unceremoniously counterattacked. Although Brausic doesn’t think he can be the best in the army military, but with Keitel, don’t want to give in. The two have worked together for such a long time, he still knows how many catties each other has.

“But we can’t wait until that time to make a decision. We need to plan ahead.”

“Your Excellency Chief of Staff, do you know how much risk you need to take if you want to change the time of the combat plan? At present, all preparations of the army are carried out according to the plan. This cannot be solved in one sentence in advance. Military issues require military action solve.”

Although Brausic didn’t say it explicitly, everyone in the room knew who he said the last sentence.

However, Brausic’s reaction was as expected, and Goring interjected at this moment. “Although it seems that the French army mobilized from Africa is not too much, but we can’t just wait like this. Moreover, our allies are progressing very well at the moment, and we can’t wait too long.”

Well, Goering is back to politics from a military perspective.

In the face of political topics, Brausic couldn’t compare with the people in this room, and was quickly at an absolute disadvantage. However, even at an absolute disadvantage, Brausic still bites to death and does not let go, and does not agree to launch an attack on France in advance.

In fact, everyone on the scene knew in their hearts that the issue of planning ahead was also closely related to Hitler’s desire to master the army.

As we all know, Hitler came to power with the Army’s default. However, the army has always been in the hands of Juncker, and they have more and more cooperative relations with the German Workers’ Party. Their philosophy is also to serve Germany.

Before Hitler disbanded the stormtroopers and shot Roma to make the army identify with him.

It’s just that since Hitler became the head of state, the infiltration of the army has not stopped. He wants the army to serve the party. The Junkers in the army also knew this well, and the fighting between the two has also run through to the present.

But the army now has a huge disadvantage that is, since Hindenburg’s death, the army has not had a leader. Therefore, the army is at a disadvantage in this confrontation.

Of course, as a good politician, Hitler naturally knew that he wanted to achieve what he wanted, so he needed to do it slowly. So as long as he finds an opportunity, he will exert influence.

The defeat in the Italian naval battle, he thought, was a good opportunity. Of course, he had contacted several generals to find out about it, and the effect of implementing the plan in advance on the army was not as great as Brausic said, so this time he launched an attack in the parliament.

Brausic, who was unprepared for this, could only fall into isolation.

In the end, there was no helpless Brausic, and the time to launch an attack under Hitler’s pressure was pushed forward a bit, from the beginning of May to the end of April. ,

Although it seems not much in advance, it perfectly shows the current relationship between the army and Hitler.

Of course, the impact of the naval battle in Italy is not limited to Germany, and there is also a discussion in Romania.

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