Romanian Eagle

Chapter 800 - Preparing to advance the Middle East campaign

“What do you think of the telegram for help in Italy now.”

In Bucharest, Edel was also asking about this topic. However, unlike Germany, Italy also sent a telegram for help.

The reason is also very simple, that is, Romania’s current naval fleet is still intact. Italy hopes that Romania can deploy its fleet to the Central Mediterranean to maintain pressure during the maintenance of its warships.

Faced with the demands of Italy, how could Edel decide for himself, and he immediately summoned the military and the government to seek their opinions.

Sure enough, when Edel asked for his opinions, the opinions from the government were immediately reflected.

The Secretary of Arms Bardovin did not wait for others to speak, and took the lead in expressing his attitude. “Your Majesty, I think Italy’s request must be made after guaranteeing our needs. At present, the Middle East still needs more than 300,000 tons of materials and ammunition. Without the protection of the navy, it is very likely that the transportation of materials will be delayed.”

Baldovin’s words immediately attracted the approval of others.

“The words of the Secretary of Arms are very good. We need to give priority to meeting our own needs before we can help others.”

Prime Minister Mihalaki who said this, and his words immediately attracted the approval of other senior government officials.

“The Prime Minister’s words are right. We must give priority to meeting our own needs.”

Although the attitudes of government officials are almost the same, there are still other voices.

I saw the Minister of Foreign Affairs Costel and couldn’t help but ask. “Then how should we respond to the Italian request?”

Facing the foreign minister’s sudden disruption, a strange atmosphere immediately appeared in the air.

In fact, the government’s opinions have been expressed, they are not willing to support the fleet. What must guarantee the safety of transportation routes in the Middle East is empty talk. At present, British warships in Egypt are basically transferred to the side of the Red Sea. In the Mediterranean, except for a few frigates, there are only some submarines.

But having said that, even if the British transferred their fleet in the Red Sea back, they would still not be an opponent of Romania. After all, there are currently few battleships in the Mediterranean fleet. The largest warships are Sussex and Shropshire. These two London-class heavy cruisers, a Romanian battleship can sling them.

Faced with this situation, Edel took the opportunity to ask. “What does the navy think about this?”

Edel asked the navy’s opinion. What else does the navy have to say? In the face of the opportunity to appear in the Western Mediterranean, Marshal Lomodan, as the minister of the navy, will of course seek benefits for the navy.

I saw this old man in his seventies, ignoring the gaze from the government, and replied stubbornly. “The government’s concerns are very reasonable, and I am grateful for its concern for our navy. However, from the perspective of our navy’s profession, it is possible to form a fleet to support Italy.”

As soon as Marshal Lomodan’s words fell, someone questioned him. “But after the fleet leaves, how to ensure the safety of the transportation of supplies. You must know that the British fleet in the Red Sea is not weak. If you know that you are leaving, then the other party will definitely harass the transportation line and delay the launch of the Middle East campaign.”

Everyone looked, and the person who questioned this time turned out to be Prime Minister Mihalaki.

In the face of the Prime Minister’s doubts, Marshal Lomodan must give enough respect. Of course, he also knows that the Prime Minister’s words can be answered from a professional perspective, but it is not suitable to say this now because he does not want the relationship between the Navy and the Navy to deteriorate, so this time The answer must pay attention to the way.

Marshal Lomodan answered after much consideration. “Your Prime Minister’s consideration is indeed reasonable. Meeting the needs of the Middle East is the first priority. We also agree with the navy. For this reason, our navy has a plan to meet the needs of the Middle East and quickly support Italy. .”

Lomodan’s words aroused Edel’s interest, when he watched the Secretary of the Navy and asked. “Your Excellency Marshal, you can talk about the plan of your navy.”

“It’s actually very simple,” Lomodan immediately said the navy’s method in response to Edel’s inquiry. “At present, the carrying capacity of our own transport vessels remains at more than three million tons, and there is no problem in temporarily mobilizing more than 300,000 tons of carrying capacity.”

Before Lomodan’s words fell, Baldovin, the Secretary of Arms, retorted. “Your Excellency Marshal, I know what you think. You are planning to use the method of centralized transportation. Although the ports of Constanta and Thessaloniki can complete the loading task in a short time, I don’t know if you have considered the unloading capacity of Beirut Port. They need to unload more than 300,000 tons of materials for at least ten days, and a large number of ships and materials are piled up in the port, which is too risky.”

Yes, Baldovin had thought of Lomodan’s plan, but he thought it was a bit risky.

But although Baldovin thought the risk was a bit big, Marshal Lomodan didn’t think so.

I saw him rebutting. “The risk you are worried about is that the fleet may be threatened by sea and air?”

“Yes it is.”

Facing Lomodan’s question, Baldovin answered without hesitation.

At this time, the Prime Minister felt very interested, and as Bardovin’s voice fell, I saw Marshal Lomodan speaking with a smile. “In fact, your worry is unnecessary.”

Then he said why.

“This **** mission I will have all the fleet mobilized, but after arriving in Beirut, I will leave the Mircea and the two aircraft carriers Barker and Gilescu. They are sufficient to withstand the harassment of the British fleet. In addition, in order to deal with underwater threats, destroyers will be on guard in adjacent waters. At the same time, the air force of Cyprus and Beirut will also increase the number of patrols in the seas, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity. As for the enemy’s air threat, the United Kingdom is currently The air force in the Middle East has already lost more than half of it. It is no longer our opponent. As long as we are more vigilant, the British fighters will never have the opportunity to fly over Beirut.”

Facing Lomodan’s rebuttal, Baldovin was not a soldier, and there was no way to deal with it, so he could only calm down.

As for Edel, another beneficiary of the plan must be asked at this time, and that is the Army’s opinion. After all, the plan ultimately affected the Army no matter what.

“Marshal Fereit, what do your army think about this.”

For the inquiry with Edel, Féreit had been prepared for a long time. He had such a foreboding when he got the result of the sea battle in the Cape of Tunis at the first time.

“Your Majesty, our army has no opinion on this. Moreover, transporting the supplies ahead of schedule will also enable Hoffman to better start the battle against Suez.”

Fereit’s words made the atmosphere relaxed and with his words, Edel also made a decision on this. Generally speaking, the government is opposed to Italy’s request for help, while the navy is supporting it, and the army is indifferent. It’s just that this request for help is about the navy, so the navy’s opinion occupies the decisive factor.

“Then just follow Marshal Lomodan’s words.”

Edel said decisive words, but although he agreed to the Navy’s request, the necessary beating was still required.

“But your navy must guarantee the safety of transportation in the Middle East.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

This meeting finally came to an end with the Navy’s victory.

Then, the port of Beirut fell into an extremely busy state, and a large number of ships and piles of materials became the port’s normality. For this reason, the Romanian Air Force in the Middle East has launched several operations in a row, and the local British Air Force, which has greatly lost its strength, is even more exhausted, and has no time to have any ideas about Beirut.

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