Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 43: The Royal Library (Part 1)

I plan to strap my weapons on my thighs as usual, no way I’m leaving without a weapon. How miserable it would be if I died a miserable death… Pathetic, didn’t even get to fight for dear life or having my last stand.

I wore a light yet elegant dress of violet after bathing, a nice scent emanating from my beautiful existence. The moment I returned to my room to prepare my weapons, I couldn’t help but admire myself momentarily in the mirror.

I was beautiful back in my former life too. They didn’t call me an angel for nothing. Of course my appearance was not the only reason why they called me an angel.

Though I was not quite fond of it, I don’t see the importance of nicknames. But people seemed to like it, nothing I can do to stop them, not that it obstructed my job.

Then I went to have breakfast with my family. No poison on the food it seems, since as you can see, I’m still alive. To be honest, I can’t even nonchalantly enjoy my food anymore because of any possible threats.

True that servants do taste some food to ensure there were no poisons. However, they can always put some poison as they were delivered.

But still, having to worry takes the fun and satisfaction out when you eat your meal.

I’m starting to miss the early days when I first got here.

I wonder, were there such things as antidotes for poison that can be casted by magic? Now ain’t that an interesting thought. The way I saw it, my family don’t seem to worry much about poison.

Estelia’s memories tell me nothing about such magic nor what my family were fully capable of.

Anyways, guess what I’m doing later! I’m learning magic! That’s right! And it seems I’m starting from the basics and reading books! I’m not really a reader myself, but I’m quite tolerant in reading thick stacks of papers.

And something like a magic book is something not to be denied. In fact, I think I’m going to enjoy it. A phenomena which didn’t exist back in my old world? How could I not be exhilarated to learn about such a thing, especially knowing that magic can be extremely useful to use in combat and executing my enemies.

Also more importantly, I can’t hope to defeat someone with magic on a frontal assault when I don’t even have the capability to counter magic. Fight fire with fire... Although magic was different from fire. In any case, I need magic to fight with magic.

How regrettable this would be, but I would be prioritizing learning magic than searching for any traitors for the time being. I can’t be searching around while learning. However, I will make some time for it.

Both objectives were important.

After breakfast, Vernon led me to the Royal Library. Given its name, you could imagine how large it would be. With Estelia’s memories, I know how big that place was.

On the third floor of the palace, we arrived at a pair of giant doors with grand splendor. Seriously, the doors were extravagant, emblazoned with golden accents, golden door knob, metal flowers made of gold and silver, all on the dark brown wooden door. Mix metals with wooden doors? I guess it would be too heavy to be fully made of metal.

One could see this library was made with great love in the past. If memories serve, a Queen in the far past has made this. What a way to show off one’s wealth. Well not that I blame them, even I spent gold coins for an extravagant dagger.

Hehehe, having a wealthy life sure is great.

Vernon opened both the doors and awaited my entrance. I entered. I have Estelia’s memories, but seeing it with my own eyes, it was, truth be told, breathtaking. Shelves of books upon books, upon books. The shelves by the walls were especially tall that they almost reached the ceilings with only wooden ladders one could hope to reach for a book up above.

I could already feel a faint smell of paper from where I was standing.

Sure back in my world, there were big or not bigger than this one right here. However, I’m not exactly someone to go on a leisurely visit to such a place.

“Vernon, it always amazes me to see how much books are kept here. What are they mostly about, I wonder.”

“If I’m not wrong, most of them are fiction, products of human imaginations. Some are collections from the far past, discussing history, geography, biography, journals and so on. Some are from the royal families, adventurers, voyagers and a few more.”


Ain’t that interesting, a place of knowledge. But of course you can’t expect me to read all of them, just the relevant ones. But if I get to live here for the rest of my life, I may definitely read all of it.

“Please follow me, your highness.”

I followed Vernon, and then we arrived at a table and a couch. On the table was a single book, quite thick though, there was perhaps hundreds of pages there. It had a brown leather cover and gave of a sense that it was somewhat old.

Well, books are valuable and expensive, therefore, even old books have values. There were no such things as printing here after all. Writers had to manually write the contents of the book using their own hands. How tedious really when you have keyboards in your past life, but alas, I have to accept it.

Well, not like I’m going to write any book anyway, so not that big of a deal for me. I am just going to be the consumer.

“This is the book his majesty said you should read first. That said, there are already some spells useful there. For instance, barriers and healing magic.”

“You have read it?”

“A long time ago. I merely scanned it, not studied it.”

“So, you know how to cast magic?”

He smiled.

“Not exactly, your highness. My combat style differs from mages. I mostly use martial arts.”

“I see. But you are familiar with magic, correct?” I said with an innocent smile.

“You could say that. But I only use mana to enhance my physical performance.”


“You will learn it if you read the book, your highness.”

Somehow I feel like he was saying something there, like there was another meaning to it. Is… Is he thinking I couldn’t endure reading this thick book? Thinking that I would give up and would rather rely on direct lecture?


I’m sorry, but I’m not the previous Estelia you know.

“Of course…” I giggled.

But before that, there was a part of the memories that I find interesting.

“But before I delve into the book, can I take a look around first?”

“Why is that, your highness?”

“Well… I just want to look around first, maybe… maybe I can find some interesting books.”

I said as I fidgeted around in hesitation to speak, I must have looked adorable. I can see from how Mera was looking at me.

Now that I notice it, wasn’t she quite behaved? She was pretty quiet ever since this morning. She also seemed more serious than before.


It happened when the servants were being suspected.

But would an expert spy be this obvious? Not really. Depends on the person mostly.

I sighed inside.

Mera… everyday I keep suspecting you more.

But I don’t know any of her inner thoughts. That said, it was best to be cautious.

“... Hm. Is that so…? Then I guess that is fine.”

Vernon said, there was a bit of delay when he seemed to be pondering. But at least I get to walk around. It wouldn’t be too bad to experience strolling around a library this big.


Estelia gets more suspicious of Mera as the day goes by.

And Estelia's going to start learning magic soon, nice.

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