Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 44: The Royal Library (Part 2)

“So I take it is fine to walk around the library alone, yes?”

I asked Vernon that somewhat strange question. Well, I guess that would be a fine question since he was supposed to guard me. However, I can work more efficiently here if I were to go alone, besides, I have something to check out.

Furthermore, it was too quiet here as though we were the only people here.

“I think it is fine, your highness. We are the only people here, so it should be safe,” Vernon glanced at Mera for a moment. It prompted her to flinch slightly.

Hm? Could it be that he was wary of her?

“Well, with the exception of the Queen, your mother.”

“Mother? Here? Where is she?” I said so as I looked around.

“She is in one of the rooms. But I suggest not to disturb her, she is, at the moment, occupied with something important.”

I became curious, what could Mother be busy with?

“Is that so. What is she working on?”

“Regrettably, your highness, I was not informed about it.”

“I see…”

So she’s not doing paperwork?

What could she be doing in the library? It didn’t seem like her occasional visit to the library to read books. If she did, she would be here in the lobby. So this means it was something very important.

Does it concern me? Well, if that was the case, it would be fine. But the library was a source of knowledge. So… was she researching something?

It was pointless to keep mulling this over, especially when I have no information. So I decided to set it aside for now.

“That’s a shame… Ah, you mentioned we are the only ones here, which I’m starting to notice. Where is everyone?”

There should be keepers here or something, with some maids to keep things clean and neat.

“The King ordered them to leave the library when you are inside.”



Talk about over protective. Well, they were always like that to Estelia, so this shouldn’t go as a surprise. But I was merely studying, that said, we have a current threat at the moment, so it was understandable.

Well, this was fine, being no one else around had its merits. With no other eyes, I can feel less restrained than usual.

I showed my servants a beautiful smile.

“They’re so charming when they do something like this.”

Vernon’s eyebrows went up a little.

“I expected you would react in another way.”

I stepped forward enthusiastically as I put my hands behind me, trying to show my cuteness and joy for my parents’ efforts.

“How else would I react? They are only showing care for me, and I’m happy because of that. Although, to be honest, it is a bit embarrassing to hear.”

I giggled quietly as my eyes darted everywhere.

“I see. His Majesty will be overjoyed if he hears about this.”

“Eh? Don’t tell him!”

I waved my hands frantically as a faint color of red appeared on my cheeks.

“T-There’s… no need to tell them what I s-said.”

“Hehe,” he chuckled. “If you say so, your highness.”

He bowed his head. But I don’t know if he would follow what I said. He might be a mischievous old man. Well, I’m just going to act accordingly.

“T-Thank you...  In any case, I’ll be going around for a while.”

I left and headed towards the shelves of books and scrolls. However, as I did so, I glanced at Mera for a second. She was awfully behaved, she barely even fidgeted around. What a weird girl she was currently.

I went deeper into the collection of books until the servants can no longer see me. I prefer to work with no eyes watching me, so this was good. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a shelf labeled with Story of Monarchs.

Hm, it appeared to be stories of former rulers of Wisteria, which I didn’t need to point out since the label explains for itself. Actually, each one of these books should rather be called biographies. I had short memories of Estelia taking a peek at one of them, but of course, she didn’t even give the time to read one entirely.

Of course I’m not intending to read all of those, come on, don’t expect too much from me. However, I randomly took one out. This one on the leather cover had, seemed to be a name, Junesis Enestrico Wisteria. I opened and read just a bit.

He was the fifth king before my Father, or the fifth counting from the last including my father.

He was neither a fighter nor physically built for combat. He was mentioned to be a more diplomatic type of guy. Hm, it seems the man in question was not the writer of this book.

That aside, it was also mentioned here that he made some moves to form amiable relationships with nearby smaller countries. He also improved the inner workings of the kingdom, by… getting rid of corrupt aristocrats who were deemed… unnecessary for the future of Wisteria...

Ooooh. This guy wasn’t a softie, cool. Starting a fight with nobles was not easy, I commend this ancestor of mine.

More than that, he also further supported the Church of Serenity and Compassion in ways that were never shared to the public nor in normal servants in the palace. Interesting.

In addition, he also started the stepping stones for both the Churches of Wisteria and the… Valaies Holy Kingdom to begin cooperation and forming a friendly relationship.

Cooperation, huh. Interesting. I wonder how it is now.

But it was interesting to know that these two Churches cooperated.

This Valaies Kingdom reminds of the Vatican. It reminded me of the time when I infiltrated the Pope's cathedral, how nostalgic. Of course I didn’t kill any religious party. The Organization was particularly careful not to earn the ire of the religious order. Heh, don’t underestimate church. They were not to be trifled with.

That aside, my target that time was someone who was seeking shelter in the Basilica of Saint Peter. He caught wind that he was being targeted. He sought safety in the church, how ridiculous. He wasn’t even a religious person. In fact, he might be one of those that are referred to as false believers. What believer would order the execution of an entire family and a case of rape.

A hypocrite he was and only using the church as a mere shield. Of course, the walls of the cathedral that he took as a safe haven was worthless to me.

Now, perhaps you’re wondering, doesn't the organization sound like some place noble, especially when they had that guy killed? Haha, no way. It was just a job given to the Organization at a great price. Given the difficulty of the mission and my current location was the closest to the Vatican, I was assigned.

The Organization was neither noble nor compassionate. You can already tell from all their agents once you know them.

At any rate, that story ends here.

Oh! I also got inside the Vatican Vault one time and at a different time. I know what’s insiiiideeee. You wanna know what’s inside? Something that is deeper? Something that is a secret?

Alright I’ll tell you….

Just kidding! I’ll leave you guessing for a while.

I returned the book to its place and walked further before picking up another book. This one was the ninth king from the last. I scanned the book, but there was nothing truly significant here. Not much contribution except hanging around with nobles, strengthening the crown’s influence to the kingdom even more.

That didn’t mean much really, don’t all kings supposed to keep the crown influential? In any case, this one gave the feeling of one of those unmemorable, or incompetent leaders. Ah, I’m disrespecting him, am I? My apologies. But I was only stating what I think. Nothing personal.

I then returned the book and picked out another.

This time, if I were to base it from the order of books from the first book I took. This was the 15th king from the last.

This book seems to be from a man named Essei Irinesus Wisteria. I opened the book and… the first phrase I read was....

Hey! What’s up?!

....... It would seem this was written in first person. Essei himself wrote this…. Hm.

I continued reading.

So I was told that I need to have a biography. I mean, really? Do they know how old I am now?! I’m already getting headaches from seeing a stack of paper on my table, and now they have me personally write one?! Tch! This sucks. But, nothing I can do. I have to leave my mark on the history books, they say.

Wow, this guy… wait, how old was he when he was writing this?

Maybe you’re wondering, whoever’s reading this, how old am I as of writing this.

The fuck, did he somehow read my mind from the afterlife?

Well, I’m 60! 60! And they expect me to write from when I was a child? No way, that’s a pain, I barely remember what happened when I was like, I don’t know, fifteen? But still, those were the boring days.

But I’ll tell you about myself though, ‘cause, this is what a biography should be. Wait, shouldn’t this be called an autobiography now?

Um, I mean, he’s not wrong.

He’s 60 and yet, it feels like I’m reading about a child complaining.

You see, I am a person who seeks excitement! I want to experience different things, make valuable memories. I am a carefree spirit. Even though as king, I’ll never let go of my freedom to move around and do what I want.

So, I went to expedition’s and such. Scour the forests! Go to the south and swim the ocean. Hunting beasts, taming animals. Discovering new plants and places. My prime was the best.

Of course, I also went on to do other things. Actually, I like moving around at a quick speed. Climbing houses, trees, and mountains were difficult and slow to climb. So, as I was already into magic, I decided to create my own spell.


I heard no such spells like this. If there were, I don’t know them, nor do the common people. In any case, I made my own, just the way I like it. It was a spell that could control the wind.

I was getting interested.

Of course, not like the wind that blows you away. It was something that you can move with, something you can step on. Haaaah, good times. How amazing that was. I was able to travel faster than I usually would. I can climb easier and faster.

That said, it’s sole purpose was not only for leisure, no. It can also be used for combat, which was amazing. I was pretty mobile and quick. I prefer to use light and small weapons such as daggers, and the spell was pretty useful for it. I prefer not to encounter enemies head on, it’s more of a hassle that way, really. That is why I prefer doing quick elimination.

In any case, the spell was like riding the wind. I call it “Air Step”.

To be honest, I hope my descendants would use that spell of mine. I don’t want it to get wasted. And, this spell was fun. I use it all the time in my life.

I hope someone of the same spirit as mine gets to use it.

Air Step…. This…. I was mesmerized and curious. I was interested. It felt like I could use this.

Seriously, that spell is very important to me. Maybe you, the reader is interested, so go ahead and learn it or something. You must be interested, right? Yes you are!

Okay.... this feels like Essei was talking to me… Now now Essei, maybe you’re right, I am interested. Wait, why am I trying to speak to a dead man?

Well, I’ll look into it when I learn how to do magic.

I returned the book to its shelf. There were pages left, but I’m not reading all of those… But perhaps I will next time.

I then went on ahead, ignoring the other books. I’m already consuming a lot of time, and time is essential. However, at least the time used was fruitful.

Then, I turned to a corner, then stopped. I have reached the place I wanted to reach.

There, what I remember from Estelia’s memories.

On a pedestal was a grandiose thick book. However, what made this book different from the others was that it was bound in chains.

The Royal Grimoire.


Eeey, we got some background about former rulers.

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