Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 34: Estevan’s Efforts

Right before the strike of noon, Estevan entered the library with an assorted set of flowers in his hand. His smile was wide in excitement, he was confident that Estelia would warm up to him today. After all, he cooked the best food he could.

It was the dish that Estelia said she loved so much the last time he cooked for her, and that was a long time ago. He knew Estelia would be thrilled to taste them again.

When he entered, he only found her servants in the lobby. He timed his entrance, so Estelia should be going out for lunch any time soon.

“Your highness, what brought you here?” Vernon asked.

“I’m waiting for Estelia.”

“A bouquet, is it for her?”

“Yes, for reconciliation.”

“I did notice she acted rather differently earlier when interacting with you.”

“I hope to fix it today.”

“I do not know the cause, but I wish you good luck.”

Estevan nodded his head excitedly and waited for Estelia. His chest up and the bouquet were shown to all as he wore a bright and charming smile that mesmerized the young women working in the library. A few were even blushing just at the sight of him.

But unfortunately, his “romantic” charms were not for them.

A few seconds later, a young beautiful maiden emerged from the numerous shelves. A peerless beauty, not even daughters of the gods could hope to compare. A pale and charming face that would steal both men’s and women’s hearts. Her long platinum hair that was more valuable than any jewels worn by the wealthiest men and women wave gently with every step.

A pair of beautiful crimson eyes gazed at Estevan with wonder, then shifted to the bouquet of flowers in his hand. The princess, Estelia, curled her hand and placed it on her chest as if hesitating.

Thus, Estevan walked towards her with a smile. Estelia was unable to move.

“Hello, dear sister,” he placed his left hand to his back, while the right one presented the bouquet. “This is for you.”

While surprised, Estelia received the flowers, allowing her to smell the pleasant fragrance permeating in the air from the flowers. She stared at the flowers before raising her eyes towards Estevan, a blush appearing on her already pale cheeks.

“B-Brother, what… what is this for?”

“My offering to receive your heartfelt forgiveness. I committed a grave mistake, and I want to make up for it.”

Estelia pursed her lips, confused by how everything was turning out — she never expected this. No one would have expected this.

“... But I already said I had forgiven you…”

“I realized I need to act more than just words.”

“Is that so…?” she lowered her gaze to look at the bouquet of flowers, a smile blossomed on her face. “Thank you, for the flowers.”

“I have something more than flowers, Estel. Come let’s have our lunch.”

He gently reached out and grasped her soft and smooth hand, and the princess gracefully accepted his hold with a gentle nod.

As the prince carefully guided her to the dining room, the princess hid her face a little on the flowers, feeling embarrassed. Of course seeing this, Estevan was feeling satisfied, this meant that his current effort was effective.

Still, the problem has yet to be solved. However, after lunch, it certainly would be.

When they arrived at the dining room, Estevan led the princess to her seat and pulled the chair for the lady. Once the princess had seated down, Estevan nodded proudly.

Eleden, who was already there, palmed his face and shook his head, while their father merely looked at Estevan with confusion.

“Mother’s still not here, huh?” Estevan said.

“She should be here at any second,” Estelia answered.

It was then that the queen had arrived.

“I saw you leave the library with Estelia,” she then saw the bouquet of flowers in the hands of her daughter. “Oh my, are the flowers from you, Estevan?”


“How sweet~.”

She chuckled as she made her way to her seat, and Estevan pulled the chair for her.

“Oh? Thank you. Someone’s diligent today.”

“I prepared dishes for today’s lunch.”


“Of course with the help from the cooks, but I have a couple I personally made.”

Estevan clapped his hands.

“Bring them in!”

A group of servants then entered carrying steel platters. With smooth unison they placed them at the table then opening them all at once, steam immediately rose into the air. The royal family inhaled the pleasant smell of the dishes.

“Sister,” behind Estelia, Estevan said. “I also personally cooked the dishes you said you loved. I made them while thinking of you. Please enjoy.”

Then the family started dining. Estevan did feel a bit anxious as he often glanced at his sister, he was sure that the dishes he prepared with her in mind were delicious after tasting them. However, he wasn’t sure if Estelia would like them.

But he felt relieved when he saw her smile of glee as she ate a spoonful. And thus, he continued eating in peace.

A while later, they had almost finished eating.

“Estevan, the dishes you made were wonderful. I had forgotten the last time we ate your cooking,” his mother said with a smile.

“I’m glad you love it. To be honest, I did struggle. But the cooks in the kitchen was a great help.”

“You should cook when there’s an opportunity.”

“Hehehe, I will try father.”

Estevan glanced at Estelia and the latter immediately glanced away, feeling shy. He knew this reaction very well, it was entirely different from when she was mad at him. As her brother, he knew that her anger towards him had subsided.

Estevan wanted to pump his elbow in joy but resisted it.

When it was time to leave, Estevan encountered Estelia in the hallway. She walked towards him, she must have been waiting.


“Hm?” Estevan couldn’t resist grinning.

“Um… Thank you.”

Estelia then proceeded to spread her arms and embraced him. Estevan was caught off guard, he didn’t expect her to initiate. He expected she would be meek about it when the problem had just been resolved, but it seemed he was wrong.

He smiled fondly before embracing her back.

“You liked my cooking?” he said before chuckling.


“Are you not angry anymore?”

“I’m not angry anymore.”


He chuckled with a great feeling of relief.


Vernon entered the King’s office when he was summoned. There were a pair of drinking glasses and a bottle of wine on the desk. He imagined that might be one of the king’s finest. Still, he wondered what they were for — no, it was obvious what liquors were for, rather the question would be — why do this?

“Hello, old friend.”

“Your Majesty, what’s with the wine?”

“Have a seat, I wish to enjoy this drink.”

By saying that, the king was implying they were not in a professional setting, but friends to enjoy a casual drink. Vernon sat down and Leodoule poured the wine into the glasses. Vernon picked up a glass and twirled the contents gently.

The two then lightly clinked each other’s glasses and sipped the wine.

“So, what is this about, your majesty? I have a feeling this is no mere casual occasion.”

Leodoule leaned his back on his chair and took a deep breath.

“Estelia wants you to be her direct servant.”

Vernon raised an eyebrow and waited for Leodoule to continue.

“... You do know that Estelia got angry with us.”

“I did realize that.”

“She had requested your transfer beforehand. I was hesitant, but now, she made the demand, I cannot refuse her — I don’t want to.”

“What could be the cause to put that much pressure on you?”

“I’m afraid I cannot tell you, my friend.”

Whatever it could be, it definitely had something to do with what the princess learned inside the library, a secret the royal family was hiding. That said, Vernon had no intention of poking his nose into it.

“I understand.”

“So, Vernon, I ask you, will you become Estelia’s retainer?”

Vernon smiled.

“Boy, will you be alright without me?”

“Heh, I have been doing fine haven’t I?”

Heh, of course he’ll be fine. Perhaps being at the princess’s side will be a good change of pace.

“True… I’m flattered that her highness would demand my service. You know what that means, right? I will not be able to report to you anymore.”

“Of course. But with you at her side, I will feel relieved knowing that she’ll be safer.” Leodoule lowered his head. “Do you think she demanded you because she doesn’t want her actions being reported?”

“Oh? Finally seeing her higher than before?”

“With how she’s acting, I couldn’t deny it anymore.”

“... Maybe that is the reason. Also maybe because she found my abilities useful. Hmph, I wonder who she takes after. Maybe she is indeed future queen material.”

“...Deep in my heart, I have qualms about her becoming queen in the future. But, I’m sure my feelings will change. Still, in the end, if she is qualified, it is her choice if she wants to become the ruler of our kingdom.”

“That being said, it’s still a long road ahead, so no point in thinking hard about it.”

“Sure… Now then, Vernon, your answer?”

“What’s the point of me answering when I’ll get transferred anyways?”

“I want to hear whether you want it or not.”

Vernon pondered, thinking about the princess. She was not the disappointing royalty she once was, one who basically didn’t seem competent in any way. But now, she was more, more than he had ever thought. Thus, serving under someone excellent…

“I wholeheartedly accept the princess’s demand to become her retainer.”

“I see… Let this be the last night you shall directly answer to me, Vernon, my friend. Serve my daughter to the best of your ability, and protect her with your life.”


Next chapter: The Fallen Chef & Fighting Rogan

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