Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 2 Chapter 35: The Fallen Chef & Fighting Rogan

Hunger, stomach in pain. A stench of urine emanated in the air. Dusty and cold floor. Dark and barren cell. No light from the outside was able to come through to this underground prison.

The torches were unlit, likely it was daytime outside. But the young woman inside the prison cell would never be able to see the light of the sun in this place. It was hopeless.

She wore ragged clothes — might as well describe it as a stepping mat. Her hair was rough and muddy, and itchy as well. Her skin was now colored with dirt, her beauty as a woman had long since vanished, as well as her dignity and ambitions.

The silence was deafening, the loneliness was suffocating.

The food given to her was often rancid. No bathroom to use and so she had to relieve herself in this very cell, sometimes in the bucket which she would throw herself when it was time. Never in her life had she imagined she would end up this way.

She had dreams… ambitions.

But she was already ruined.


Just regret.

What did she do wrong? She knew. Was her actions truly a mistake? Did she make the wrong decision?

Her sin was the utmost unforgivable in this place. The attempted assassination of the princess of the kingdom.

And her superior.

The one who offered her a high position as a personal chef of a royalty. A great opportunity.

But because of her actions, the fortune she obtained was taken back, everything broke apart. And now she fell deep into the abyss.

Was it a mistake?

She believed in her friends. Fought for her friends. Persisted for her friends.

Was it a mistake?

They did not come to save her.

In her mind, she understood why. But in her heart, she wanted to be saved. Or wanted them to at least try.

But she heard nothing about them. It was as if she was abandoned.

She will have no savior.

She would spend her entire life here. To suffer. To never attain the life she once had. A life where she lived in her ambitions.

Perhaps it was a mistake.

“No… it’s not a mistake…” a weak hoarse voice whispered.

The young woman tried convincing herself.

“They will come…”

How many times had she repeated that to herself?

She looked at her wrist, thin as a skeleton. She couldn’t cry anymore, they had all but dried out. Terror filled her heart when thinking about what would happen the next day, or the next after that.

The torture they subjected her still remained freshly engraved in her mind. At night she would have nightmares, reliving those moments once again. The whips, her bones breaking and bending, the blades, the cold, the humiliation, and many more. She trembled at the single thought of those moments.

They gave her no mercy, but she persevered. Believing in her friends.

But now, she was feeling doubtful.

Why did she suffer for this? What were her friends fighting for? She ended up here without knowing the reason for it all. Had she acted foolish?

Loud footsteps echoed through the corridor. A moment later, a guard’s voice echoed loudly.

“Hey! Wake up! Get your food.”

She slowly raised her head and saw a pair of guards, one she recognized, but the other didn't.

“Oh? So that’s the one, huh.”

“Yeah.” he answered then returned to face her. “Hey!” he called to her again.

“What about you let me give her?”

The knight she didn’t recognize received the steel plate, his brows wrinkled after inhaling.

“This doesn’t smell nice.”

The food on the plate was a piece of bread. To be precise half of what it was supposed to be. But it looked particularly strange.

“The bread’s been made for a while so it is a bit… well, you understand.”

“Obviously,” he moved his hand through the bars and placed the plate right before them. “Eat your fill.”

Hungry as she was, she crawled towards the plate. However, when she got closer, the stranger gripped her jaw.


“The bitch that tried to kill the princess. I have to say, you got some nerve.”

His grip was tight and painful, and she looked away to avoid his powerful gaze while grimacing.

“You should suffer a bit more. How unthinkable it would be if the princess were to die so suddenly. She had been kind to us lately, just the other day she requested a small feast for us knights. Such a kind person. Attempting to assassinate her is the height of transgression.”

He pulled her closer, causing her face to be pressed against the rusty metal bars.

“I honestly can’t think of any reason why anyone would try to hunt our harmless princess.”

“Hey stop that already, you might accidentally kill her. As I told you, she’s clueless about the reason.”

“Then she’s either still hiding it, or a fool.”

He let go of her in a rough manner, almost slamming her away.

“What a waste of a woman. And I heard she was a fine chef.”

“Don’t try to touch her weirdly, okay?”

“Are you kidding me? Who would touch such a repulsive thing?”

They began leaving, the stranger clapping off the grime off his hands.

“Repulsive? All she needs is a little bath, you know.”

Now that they had left, Allie slowly reached out for the bread and ate.


I have a big brain.

Metaphorically speaking of course.

In any case, what led me to say positively about myself? I just want to compliment myself, that's all.

For multiple weeks I have been intensely reading the grimoire, and it’s going very well! Good brain. Aside from the fact that I had to stand. It was alright for a couple of days, but doing it every day, ugh, it was tiring. But I had no choice.

I would have started practicing the wind spell, but I have limited time on reading the book, so finishing the contents was the top priority. Of course amidst that I did some other things. Like visiting the knights and asking my family to give the knights a little feast with plenty of liquor of course.

Also been speaking with Lucious when he visits — he’s quite slow in courting, isn’t he? Eh, whatever.

That aside, I think I need a little rest. So I left the grimoire for a while and had a little peace time in the shed that’s in our family garden.

Vernon and Mera brought me some sweets and fruit juices, and in front of me was Rogan whom I invited to enjoy the sweets with me.

“Sir Rogan I have been meaning to ask, why are you so keen on having me consider to take Sir Alan as one of the knights in my service?”

He had been mentioning him plenty of times lately. I’m just curious why. I know Alan likes me but… surely that’s not the only reason.

“He wants to be under your service, your highness.”

“Don’t beat around the bush, Sir Rogan. I don’t believe that’s the only reason why.”

He smiled and lowered the cup containing fruit juice.

“I’m worried about him.”


“He seems to be losing confidence. I think that him becoming a knight of the princess would give him some sense of accomplishment. At least something to rub against his brother with.”

“I see. But, I couldn’t just accept anyone.”

“I was hoping you would be less strict.”

“To be honest, I would have considered it if he was strong. However, from what I have seen last time, he isn’t. And please keep this conversation a secret.”

“Of course.”

“... Instead of Sir Alan, his brother would be the one worth considering.”

“Now… I don’t think we would get along very well.”

“I said worth. I won't consider him unless he changes his attitude.”

I saw him being so cold to his brother and caught a glimpse of him when I visited the knights when I wanted them to have a chill time for once. That guy always have this scowl on his face, and the knights didn’t seem to be pretty friendly with him.

“That said, I am interested in the knight named Elson.”

“Oh he’s an awesome knight. Fights like a rogue than a knight actually.”

“Would he be interested in becoming one of my knights I wonder.”

“I’m not sure. I also don’t think you can force him like it was with me. He has been in the order far longer than I am.”

“......That’s fine, I’m not hiring for the moment anyway. Oh yes, I have been training my magic, but they are never used in actual combat. Can I ask for assistance from our two combatants?”

I may have fought off Oryn, but remember how that ended up? Many close calls and stuck on defense.

“Princess, are you suggesting…?” Of course, the one to immediately react was Vernon.

“Live combat, yes.”

Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise after my confirmation of their suspicions.

“But that’s dangerous.”

“But I need it, don’t I, Vernon? Are you against it?”

“... A little but… you do need it. Despite my personal qualms about it, whatever you decide, it will be carried out. This will benefit you more, so as your direct subordinate, I will follow.”

Now this is what I like! He had no choice since I’m his boss now. Awesome.

“But your family will definitely be against it, princess.” Rogan said.

“They do not need to know.”

“If you say so… What do you have in mind? I imagine we won’t be using magic against you then.”

I smiled.

“I intend to battle with you first, Sir Rogan. And use your magic.”

Vernon was the one to react.

“Princess, I am against that. Magic is too dangerous to fight with when it comes to first live combat training. You will get hurt.”

“With me mainly casting magic it wouldn’t be a fair fight, would it? If my opponent uses no magic.”

“But your highness, I’m a spear or sword user. It will be difficult for a mage like you to fight me one on one. It would also be unfair if you fight Vernon. In short, you will be at a disadvantage.”

“I agree, you need to at least fight a fellow caster of magic.”

“What about Mera?” Rogan asked.

“N-No… I’m not confident in my magic abilities. I am inexperienced in any type of fighting.”

“That reminds me, you still need to learn more than just magic casting when it comes to one on one combat, princess. You understand? Like proper response when enemy got closer or training your reflexes at least. Without those, I can beat you easily..”

“You underestimate me, Sir Rogan.”

“I’m being honest.”

I would have preferred not to show I can fight to preserve my innocent image, but I need more experience on how people fight in this world. A one-time confrontation with Oryn wouldn’t be enough. It’s not the usual gunfight after all. Magic had more flexibility. I’m used to gunfights, and used daggers mainly to execute, not intense and prolonged direct combat — although I’m good at it, still wouldn’t recommend it, range battle would be something I like better.

“Then let’s begin now.”


I looked at Vernon.

“Let’s go to the training ground we often used.”

I was not carrying my daggers, so it’s fine. Dammit, I have not been carrying my beloveds for a long time! Soon, you will be used dears.

They were hesitant, but we still made our way to our destination. I am wearing a proper practical dress, and proper clothes beneath, so no peeking hehehe. Basically how I’m dressed when I confronted Oryn.

Thankfully there was no one around.

“Do we have any stadium or closed training grounds anywhere?” I asked, almost complaining really. Stupid question actually, I live here after all. But, maybe there was something…?

“We train outside, your highness.”

“Nothing we can do then.”

Yup, nothing.

As planned, Rogan was to fight with me. Thus, we stood ten paces apart.

He drew his sword.

“Are you sure about this? ‘Cause I’m scared for you.”

“Careful to not injure her, Sir Rogan.” Vernon warned.

“.... I get it.”

“Good luck, milady! And be careful.”

“Thank you, Mera.”

“You know, now I’m here, I really don’t want to do this. You have no weapon, princess.”

“A mage’s weapon is their magic.”

“Crap, fine.”

Trust me, I’ll be more comfortable having my daggers with me.


Vernon stood as the referee.

“When I say start, the training match will begin.” he really emphasized that. “Three, two, one… start.”

The moment it began, I enhanced my limbs and fired a bolt of fire towards him. My firebolt moved half the speed of a bullet but he surprisingly was able to react and erected a barrier just in time to block the bolt. But he still looked utterly shocked.

But at the same time I unleashed that spell, I had already rushed towards him with physical enhancements supporting my movement. The moment the flames dissipated, I had reached his side to the left where his hand was casting the barrier, that way I would have a little distance from his blade and give me a little more time to react.

I used my ice magic.


When he noticed me, his eyes widened, he didn’t expect I would be this quick. But it was too late. A dagger of ice was already in my hand and was about to cut him. But he reacted also as quickly, my dagger missed by an inch when he stepped away, and at the same time repelled my dagger with the side of his shield.

“Holy shit! A mage going hand to hand?!”

“You’re holding back, Sir Rogan. If you don’t ramp up, you’ll die.”

I said to him.

“What the hell?”

A thick mist of cold emanated around me before dozens of daggers appeared from thin air and fired towards him. As expected, he used his shield to block them, how troublesome. But my daggers of ice weren't solid as steel, so they were more like a distraction or used when there’s a vulnerability.

I swiftly moved a bit distant to his right side, since going from the left again would be predictable. I would have tried moving to his back, but at this time, I was right in his sight, moving any further would be difficult.

I needed to move swiftly. With a wave of my hand, a pair of fire bolts shot out. He swung his sword horizontally and an arc of light emerged from the motion clashing with the two bolts, destroying each other.

I conjured a dozen daggers again at the same time and propelled them in his direction. He discarded his shield, instantly holding his sword with both hands. He swung his sword, sweeping the ice constructs into pieces easily.

“Defense really is not for me. I’ll lower the output of my magic, princess, so as to not fatally wound you. You appear to be serious about this. Alright, let’s truly begin.”

Now he’s going offensive.

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