Royal Road

Chapter 105

Chapter 104 build up

“Has the Fuzhong Yellow Book all been determined?” Liang Feng asked, looking at the thick book in front of him.

After reorganizing the military system, Duan Qin devoted himself to civil affairs. The first thing to do is naturally to count the population and fields of the Fuzhong and compile them into a book. If it were in the prefectures and counties, this would be referred to as “the household registration Qimin”, but obviously the people in Liang’s mansion are not the kind of civilians who can register for household registration, but the real reclusive households, so Liang Feng also changed the household registration. It is called the Yellow Book for short.

“Exactly.” It seems to be darker and thinner again, but Duan Qin’s spirit is getting more and more vigorous. “Last year, Fuzhong received a total of 310 refugees, or 973 people, plus the original households in Liangfu. There are already over 400 households.”

This is a pretty terrible number. You must know that the population of each state and county is now declining, and there are only a thousand households in large counties, and there are less than 500 households in smaller counties. The population of Liangfu can already become a county by itself. Fortunately, the refugees have been taken in one after another, and many of them have caught up with last summer’s planting, and the land reclamation has made a good harvest. Coupled with the sales of porcelain, paper, and books, and the profits of several wars, they can afford so much.

However, the situation this year is different from last year. These refugees are not idle at all, and they are used to open up wasteland. The two effective villages have fully restored the surrounding farmland, which can be regarded as the private property of the Liang Family. The output of the fields alone is enough to feed all farmers and refugees.

“However, the proportion of the trilogy is still high. Now there are two hundred soldiers and 500 auxiliary soldiers. Most of the young people in the Liang Mansion are included. In this way, the summer grain received in the mansion is also There will be less of the last one.” Duan Qin said again.

This is the inevitable impact of the military merits granted to the land, just the army acres of the right soldiers will cost a hundred households to collect taxes. I am afraid that the actual income from the land tax in Fuzhong is less than three-quarters. And these land tax, but also to raise soldiers, raise craftsmanship, continue to expand production, no matter how you look at it, it is not enough.

This is Songun politics, and everything is based on military objectives. To be honest, in this case, he can still keep the people under the control of not being as painful as Cao Wei’s farming, he is already well managed. Liang Feng said: “Rong’er and I don’t need much, so let’s raise the people and the soldiers.”

This is also what Duan Qin admires most about his master. As a standard gentry, his frugality has exceeded the scope of ordinary people’s imagination. There is only enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, no luxuries, even the Tibetan scriptures and paper produced in Fuzhong are rarely touched, and only relatively rough linen paper is used to write records, and the daily expenses may not be as bad as the poor.

But for the people under rule, it’s another way. Not to mention the Fuzhong trilogy, even the refugees admitted are better than those in Gaoducheng. Only in this way will the Liang Mansion go up and down. Being able to self-control without being stingy is really a sign of the master.

But the lord is a good lord, and the money and food are indeed stretched. Duan Qin nodded: “The lord is kind. But in this way, the mansion will buy other things, but it will also be nervous. If we want to continue to open up wasteland, at least 50 cattle will be farmed.”

Hearing about the money, Liang Feng had a toothache again: “Now that the summer harvest has not yet been harvested, the price of food is still high. I may not get much food, so I just replaced it with cows. Taofang also produced a batch of new porcelain, ready to change some. Copper and iron for the iron workshop to make weapons.”

Being able to produce it by yourself is already much cheaper than buying, but the raw materials are still indispensable. This piece of minerals belongs to the state, but most of the princes and nobles who control the mines, coupled with years of war and chaos, the black market trade is still flourishing. However, it is very troublesome to change it. You must first exchange porcelain for silk, and then use silk for ore, so that it is safer.

This is obviously to demolish the east wall to make up the west wall, but apart from that, there is no better way. Duan Qin secretly wrote down and continued: “There is still a matter of mulberry and hemp. This spring, the mulberry garden has a high yield, but there are no silkworm farmers in the house, so I am afraid that I will sell mulberry leaves for some new silk.”

Textiles are also a big head, and with so many refugees, it is necessary to make full use of the population resources in it. Liang Feng nodded and said: “I also let Mufang see if we can improve the textile machine. If it can be done, it will be another big gain. But after thinking about it, I still feel that things like waterwheels and textile machines cannot be leaked. It is not easy to make money…”

“Nowadays, the most valuable things are still extravagant things. For example, wine, brocade, porcelain, glass or spices. These things are sold to the family, even if you don’t exchange food, you can get a large amount of silver and silk, which is really a huge profit. Now there is white porcelain in the Fuzhong, if you can add another one, it will be enough to support your expenses.” Duan Qin replied.

The luxury of Jin people is entirely upside and downside. At the time when Wu was defeated, Emperor Wu selected thousands of court ladies from the Wu palace to fill the palace, and there were tens of thousands of beauties in the harem. Later, he indulged his relatives and pet ministers to profligate, and the trend of extravagance prevailed. Although they have fought fiercely for more than ten years, many high-ranking experts still maintain the habits of the Taikang years. The preference for these extravagant and enjoyable things is far better than others.

“Food and wine are not good, but you can try fruit wine. There are many orchards on the hilltop, first try to see if you can make plum bars. There are also colored glazes, you can also try.” Liang Feng calculated for a while, and answered.

Grain wine is purified and distilled into high-quality wine, which is very profitable. However, there is great chaos in various places, and there is a shortage of food everywhere. If the winemaking causes a shortage of food, it will not be able to make up for it. Fruit wine does not have this problem, anyway, there are many mountains here, but there are many kinds of fruit trees. Try if you can produce some flavored fruit wine.

As for colored glaze, this thing is actually ancient glass products. Since the Han Dynasty, China has imported a lot of colored glaze from abroad. Like Emperor Wu’s son-in-law Wang Ji, he used colored glaze as a bowl in his home; and Wu Wang Sun Liang, who was also said to have colored glaze screens. It can be said that colored glaze is a representative of luxury and status, and its price is higher than porcelain and jade.

But for others, colored glaze is more expensive than a thousand dollars, but for Liang Feng it is not silica. It’s just that the technical level was not up to the original level. Now that there is a wind box and a high-temperature furnace, you can really try it.

These words surprised Duan Qin. He also thought that the lord ordered the improvement of the textile machine because he wanted to develop the brocade! We must know that the brocade industry in the north is also quite developed, as Zuo Si praised “Splendid Xiangyi, Luo Qichaoge, Mianlong House, Jianzong Qinghe”. Si, Yi, and Yan all have a large number of skilled craftsmen who are skilled in weaving and spinning. Who expected that the lord would say Liuli, this is really not something that everyone can do!

What Liang Feng thought was not that simple. The price of glass is second, and the more important thing is the lens. If you have a weapon like military telescope, you can get a little bit more chance of winning in battle, and you can win every battle if you know yourself and the enemy.

“As a result, the pottery shop probably can’t exclusively produce ceramics, but it should be divided according to the types of work. Woodworking is for agricultural use, ironwork is for ordnance, and kiln workers are for export. It is necessary to integrate the workshops and redistribute plant personnel to straighten out the structure. “Liang Feng already has an idea in his mind. Except for the paper workshop and the study room, the strategic significance of the other workshops is far beyond the beginning of the construction of the workshop. Naturally, it should be replanned.

Seeing Liang Feng’s confident appearance, Duan Qin couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart, who would have thought that a family of aristocrats would be so good at business. However, such a low-level industry is not the foundation of the country. If there is no control, how can the five tyrants be together? If there is no Fan Li, what about the restoration of King He Yue?

As long as it can be used where it should be used, it is an unworldly talent! Bowing his head happily, Duan Qin said: “But by the lord’s arrangement!”

“General, there has been news of evil in the Jin Yong city. The people of the sheep begged the general to change a place for her…”

Listening to the whispered report from his confidant, General Chen Dan from the right guard only felt a chill behind his back. Kim Yongcheng makes evil? He didn’t doubt it at all. Since the Empress Dowager Yang, many princes and nobles have been imprisoned, trapped or died in that cold palace. The one who just died tragically was still burned to death with fire, and the wailing sound reached the sky, and even the soldiers under the murderer couldn’t help crying sadly.

In such a forbidden palace, how can one not be afraid of it? The Yang Shuren was originally a queen, even if he was abolished by the emperor’s brother, there should be no such bad luck.

“I will play please your Majesty, to change the house of the Yang Shuren.” In the end, Chen Chang replied. In any case, he is also a courtier of his majesty, and should not look at the former queen in fear and anxiety.

Luoyang nowadays is not what it used to be. After Zhang Fang plundered the palace, the city that had been ruined by war and famine became even more desolate. The imperial brother Sima Ying could not bear this palace for a long time, and returned to Yecheng. What is left is the eagle’s minions, and the anxious endgame.

Could it be that Sima Ying, who was the cowardly man, ascended to the supreme throne? Chen Tan really couldn’t convince himself, and he didn’t want to be a part of this struggle. The Twenty-Four Friends of Jingu at the time are now dead. Brothers Shi Chong, Pan Yue, and Lu, these romantic talents, like withered flowers, never return with the passing of water. But he was trapped in this broken city and couldn’t get rid of it.

It would be great if someone could break this stagnant water! At least, let Sima Ying know that there are still people in the DPRK who are loyal to the country!

However, even Chen Chang himself did not expect the opportunity to come so quickly!

After getting out of the bullock cart, I saw a person walking up quickly: “General Chen, don’t come here without problems?”

Seeing that person, Chen Tan was really taken aback, and quickly said, “How dare you to welcome Donghaiwang personally…”

Sima Yue didn’t wait for him to finish, so he took his arm: “Twenty-four friends are famous in the world, and they are lonely and admired. Why should the general be polite?”

The King of East China Sea is a good celebrity, everyone knows, but it has been a long, long time, no one has mentioned the name “Twenty-Four Friends” in front of Chen Chang. His eyes were hot, and he followed Sima into the side hall.

When he arrived in the hall, Chen Chang found that there was still one person sitting in the guest seat, with a thin face and a gloomy expression. It was Shangguansi, the official of the late King of Changsha. Unexpectedly, he would see this person on the East China Sea Prince’s Mansion, and Chen Chang couldn’t help but looked at the main seat.

Sure enough, Sima Yue already touched his knees and sighed: “I never thought that Shidu would die so unclearly. Zhang Fang’s thief was even more frenzied and inferior to animals! I heard that because of the lack of food in the army, he actually took him from the palace of Luoyang. The palace maiden, mixed with beef and mutton, ate a clean meal! It was horrible! Such a jackal generation, or a general under the King of Hejian, how can one be frightened! Now the King of Chengdu is going his own way and has messed up the rules of the court. Forever, The country will not be a country! This time I recruit two people to come here, just to discuss this matter…”

Hearing this, Shangguansi shed tears in his eyes: “The general was killed by the thief Zhang. Unfortunately, the general is incompetent and unable to avenge the general! If the king of the East China Sea can avenge the general, I will be the general. Listen to the dispatch!”

Ah, that’s it! Chen Chang felt a spirit in his heart, knowing what happened to him. I am afraid this is to raise troops and conquer the rebellious ministers!

I saw Sima Yue happily praised: “To revenge for Shidu is also what I think in my heart. In addition, I should also help the Queen of Sheep and Prince Tan reset, and clear his Majesty’s side to conspire against the chaotic party, so that the world can be settled. Human heart! I wonder what General Chen wants?”

Seeing Sima looked at him more and more, his eyes contained longing and expectation. Chen Dan only felt a warmth in his mind, and said, “Take it for the emperor!”

Yes, even if you have taken refuge in Jia Mi before? He is still the commander of the emperor’s guard, a good general and loyal minister who is dedicated to the country! As long as the king of East China Sea is waved, he will be able to put down the rebellion of the king of Chengdu and rebuild the world!

Seeing Chen Tan’s angry expression, Sima Yue nodded happily. This is exactly the result he wants! Earlier, following Huang Menlang’s suggestion, he didn’t get rid of Sima Yi himself. Instead, he used Zhang Fang’s sharp knife to eliminate the troubles. It was a wonderful move. Now, Sima Yi hated Zhang Fang and Sima Ying. Once instigated, he immediately became a strong army. In addition, Chen Chang, a right-back general, captured Luoyang with ease!

And this is not all his chips. Thinking to himself in his heart, Sima Yue’s face showed a gratifying smile: “With two helping each other, great things can be done! When the arrangements are made, let’s do things like this…”

The author has something to say: I made a mistake before. It should be Empress Dowager Yang and Crown Prince Sima Xi who were the first to be Guan Jinyong City. Of course, the implementer was Empress Jananfeng. Afterwards, including Jananfeng, half of the participants in the Eight Kings Rebellion have entered Jinyong City, and a few died in the city.

The Yang Shuren here is Hui Di’s second wife, Yang Xianrong, and a woman with a legendary life experience. The Rebellion of the Eight Kings was five times by Fei Li. After the country’s subjugation, he was captured by Liu Yao, the adopted son of the former Zhao Emperor Liu Yuan, and married as a concubine. child.

The Twenty-Four Friends of Jingu was the most famous literati group when Empress Jia was in power. They were all attached to Empress Jia’s nephew Jia Mi. Because they often meet in the Jin Gu Garden of the giant wealth Shi Chong, they are also called Jin Gu Friends. Among them are Shi Chong, Ouyang Jian, Lu Ji, Lu Yun, Pan Yue (also known as Pan An), Liu Kun, Zuo Si, etc., led by Pan Yue. Later, after Jia Fu was defeated, Shi Chong and Pan Yue were taken to the tribe, and the small group was scattered.

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