Royal Road

Chapter 106

Chapter 105 Hospitality

The bullock cart squeaked, and an old man sat in the cart and looked around. I saw fields on both sides of the road all the way, with golden wheat ears and full grains. With the flickering wind, it was like golden waves. The fields are farmers who are rushing to harvest wheat. At this moment, when they are fighting against the sky, in case of rain, the wheat ears will sprout and mold, and the hard work of a year will be wasted. How can they not work hard. !

However, such a scene has become a pleasing picture in the eyes of the elderly. Bingzhou has been suffering year after year, and Shangdang suffered a military disaster four years ago. Under natural and man-made disasters, a large number of people took their families with their mouths and fled to Jizhou, Yanzhou, and thousands of miles of red land. There are no chickens on the road. How can there be such a bumper harvest?

Unexpectedly, in just a short period of time, such a piece of paradise has emerged near Gaodu, and it is almost like the atmosphere of the Taikang period. Isn’t it true that the Buddha is blessed? The thought was just a flash, and the old man shook his head and chuckled. Even if he thinks so, it’s no wonder that the people believe that the pavilion of the Liang Mansion is the incarnation of the Buddha of Medicine.

However, this rumor also has its advantages. Not only Gaodu, but even Jixian where he is also tried to eliminate many locusts. It is said that the plague of locusts is a natural disaster, but a warning sign from heaven. But Luoyang is all messed up like that, so there is still need for warning? Anyway, the county guard was focused on the talks, and regardless of civil affairs, he followed the new magistrate of Gaodu to wipe out the locusts together. As a result, when the wheat was harvested, no locust plagues really occurred, and the scattered locusts were also attracted by the bonfire lit at night and thrown into flames. As long as the status quo can be maintained next month, a lot of food will be collected this summer.

But the plot of land under his own management is nothing compared to Gaodu and Liang’s mansion. This time I was invited to pay a visit because I wanted to establish a good relationship with the Buddha in the Liang Mansion. The Shangdang is in danger, and he is not a disciple of a high school. Since there is such a new tycoon, he naturally has to try his best to find refuge.

If you can invite them to a banquet for five times, the Liang Hou who wants to come is not just a family member of the family. He was really curious, what exactly is the Fengya celebrity rumored in Jinyang?

The bullock cart drove all the way through the solid gate, then drove into the towering courtyard wall, and finally stopped at the gate of the mansion. Knowing that he was not qualified to let the master out, and the old man didn’t care, he swallowed the bullock cart slowly and walked towards the courtyard under the leadership of the servant.

The layout of this house is not as extravagant as imagined. Observing the layout of the house calmly, he walked through several corridors to the main courtyard. In the main hall, there were already a few people sitting, but without any deviation, his eyes fell on the young man in the middle.

The man was dressed in a single Gesha robe, a silk scarf on his head, and a leisurely Yanju dress. He didn’t even sit upright, and easily leaned on the hidden table behind him. But even so, no one in this room can overwhelm his elegant and noble aura, just like a wild crane falling in a flock of chickens. Don’t say it’s the poor family of them, it’s the family members of the Shangdang family who met this person, afraid that they would hide their faces and avoid the way and retreat.

The old man was shocked for a while and forgot to salute, but the other party seemed to have just seen him, smiled and asked, “But the magistrate of Jixian County Liu?”

“It’s the next official!” Liu Quan hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Liang Feng gently raised his hand to stop: “Yu Lan Festival, why do you have to be polite. Liu County Order, please come to your seat.”

Just a few words make people feel like spring breeze. Fortunately, Liu has been older all year and has some determination, so that he hasn’t lost his way. He sat down in the hall properly, only to realize that these people around him were all acquaintances. County magistrate Guo of Gaodu, General Wu of Taihang Pass, and the county magistrates of two nearby counties. It can be said that the magistrates of counties near Liang’s Mansion gathered together.

I’m afraid that only a banquet by the county guard can see such a scene. However, everyone else is just like himself, they are all looking proud. Also, the name of Buddhism is well known in all fields, and there is Dongying Gong’s conquest. This Liang Zixi is the most prestigious disciple of the Shangdang. Can get him a banquet, but these poor officials can’t ask for good things.

Seeing that everyone is here, Liang Feng smiled and said: “This time I invite you to come and spend five times together. It is indeed Liang’s fortune. Along the way, you are afraid that you will also see the scene of the summer harvest. It depends on the concerted efforts of all counties. The locust plague must be cleaned up in advance.”

This sentence boasted everyone present. Guo Jiao smiled and twisted his beard: “If there is no such thing as Liang Hou’s initiative, where would this summer harvest come from? Liang Hou is too Qian. If you want to thank you, we should be the one who thanked Liang Hou.”

This flattery was just right. The following people even claimed to be, obviously wanting to make friends with the Liang House, but I don’t know one. Liu Quan coughed: “Originally, only hearing about Liang Mansion and Gaodu’s land reclamation, and seeing it with my own eyes, opened the eyes of the elders. This reclamation of land reclamation has supported many refugees, and it is really a blessing for the common people. This is an act of great compassion.”

These remarks exaggerated Liang’s mansion and emphasized the word “compassion”, which put all the credit on the head of the Buddha, Liang Feng, and he was a bit more clever.

Guo Jiao suddenly glanced over, this old thing, flattery is great! No matter how weak he is, he immediately said: “Liu County Order has said that! Thanks to Liang Mansion, there has not been an epidemic among the refugees. I am afraid that only Lianghou can do this in the world.”

Hearing the two filming, Liang Feng couldn’t help but smile: “The two county magistrates are too modest, and a certain just did something within his power. However, Guan Tian is very prosperous under the rule of Guo County, if it can be found in other counties. Such a routine is the blessing of the people.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the others fell silent. They are all commanders, who doesn’t know that arranging refugees is a thankless thing. Don’t say that there is no money to feed these little people, even if you spend a lot of money to feed people, you don’t know if they will leave them to farm. If one is not good, it becomes a refugee to attack the county government, and that is why it is called stealing chickens and losing rice!

I don’t know how these refugees like Guo Jiao are raised? There are hundreds of them, right? He is a small Gaodu, and there is so much money in the treasury?

Knowing his own affairs, Guo Jiao chuckled when everyone was afraid to speak, “It’s also a rebellious soldier crossing the border. If it weren’t for Lianghou’s guidance, how could I dare to open an official land.”

In the Western Jin Dynasty, high-ranking households could provide relief by themselves, but the government had to report to the imperial court for instructions. So to the outside world, Guo Jiao has always claimed to accept the refugees and reclaim the official land. This is the practice of resettling the refugees, and many big counties will do this. If he under-reports a few acres and population, he will be able to get through.

Those fields are still in the initial stage, and the food produced is just enough to feed these people. After two seasons of planting, no matter whether it is flooding the treasury or filling the private pockets, no one can fault it.

Guo Jiao’s wishful thinking clinked, and Liang Feng would naturally not pierce it: “Guo County Order is still in good governance. In these days, a certain person has also trial-produced many rollovers and waterwheels to withstand the drought. Don’t give up, I can send some craftsmen to the counties to promote the law of water conservancy.”

This is a great thing, and it is also the job of the commanders. However, it is estimated that it will cost money to make these water conservancy projects. The two county magistrates hesitated on the face. Liu Quan answered simply: “Liang Hou is thoughtful. If Jixian County can also build water conservancy projects, I am afraid it will be a few years later. Then you can reclaim the official land. This is a great act of kindness!”

This is definitely the meaning of holding the thigh firmly. It seems that the magistrate of Liu County really wants to vote in the Liang Mansion. Liang Feng understood his mind and nodded: “If all the princes in the world have the diligence of several people present, it is the blessing of the common people.”

What should be flattered is flattered, and what should be implied is also implied. Seeing that the time is not early, Liang Feng stopped discussing these political affairs, and said with a smile: “Since it is the Yulan Festival, it is better to have a banquet first. Please come with me, everyone.”

This is a serious feast. Everyone is a loose heart, got up and followed Liang Feng to the inner courtyard. The banquet venue chosen this time is a waterfront pavilion, and a few weeping willows on the shore are floating in the wind, which is quite elegant and interesting. Unexpectedly, the Liang Mansion did not arrange for the singer to sing Yayue, so he just put on the table.

But this is not a bad thing. It’s both Yale and poetry, and everyone here may not be able to make this fun. It seems that Liang Hou is indeed a banquet for them, rather than showing off his high-ranking celebrity. Sitting in the dining room, the few people only felt grateful. Instead of feeling that they were being taken lightly, they felt that Liang Hou was kind to him. When they saw the dishes on the table, everyone was even more surprised!

This dish, but I have never seen it before!

Everyone had five plates and a bowl on the table, and two small horned millets were placed in a black pottery plate. This horned millet is not yellow millet, but bright white rice! This is the Northland, where there is not much rice, and the glutinous rice that can be made into corn millet is even rarer. Moreover, the horn millet is not meat, but one with red dates and the other with bean paste. The crystal-clear jade of the horn millet reveals a little bright red, which looks particularly attractive.

The other players are also different. The fish is not steamed, but golden brown and crispy without knowing how to make it. It is sprinkled with a thick layer of sauce and it is fragrant. Lamb is stewed with radishes, which is commonplace, but at this time, how can you still eat radishes? If it was stored in winter, it would be very difficult to keep it now. Among the green leeks, there are a lot of finger-sized river prawns, the shrimps are white and red, and the leeks are tender and tender. There is also a dish of isatis, which is as fresh as just picked from the ground, with fine garlic garnished in it, which seems to make people appetite.

The remaining bowl of soup, which is not common, is actually made of minced bacon. The diced meat is red and red, the porridge is white and white, and it is decorated with cloud ears and green onions. The color and fragrance are delicious. There are two cup-sized pancakes on the next plate. They are not steamed pancakes. Although the portions of several meals are not too large, they are dazzlingly matched, and they are definitely more novel and attractive than any meal they have ever seen.

“Liang Hou is really… ashamed, we are waiting.” Liu Quan looked at the food on the table, his eyes straightened. This kind of hospitality is not an exaggeration to entertain guests. Used to entertain these unfamiliar children, it is simply unbearable!

However, Guo Jiao had already slobbered hard, boasting: “The meals served in Lianghou’s Mansion are the most delicate, and they are truly the best in the world.”

Liang Feng smiled and lifted the chopsticks: “The meal is simple and simple, if you like it, use more.”

With such kind hospitality from the host, which one would be polite? Everyone ate with joy. The fish body does not have too many spines, and the sauce is not salty, but sweet and delicious. The lamb was cooked extremely crispy, and even the radish was full of thick juice. Shrimp flicks, chives are refreshing, and the scallions with garlic are refreshing and delicious.

Liu Quan savoured the glutinous rice and corn millet on the plate. The dates and bean paste in it seemed to be soaked with caramel honey, and the sticky people’s heart was sweet. Wu Ling loves that bowl of soup and shortbread most. After taking a big bite, it is full of delicious flavor and endless aftertaste.

The guests and the host enjoyed a meal, and even Liu Quan, who advocates diet and health preservation, could not help but eat a little belly. The crowd wandered along the mountainside orchard again, and the craftsmen were also brought out. If you want to build a rollover, you can follow them back to the county. Cannibalism, even the two county magistrates who don’t want to work hard to rectify water conservancy can’t help but agree. And Liu Quan was even more attracted to the idea of ​​a tall waterwheel, but Liang Feng did not refuse it. He promised to send someone back to Ji County to check it out.

In this way, even the small counties near Liang’s Mansion will be installed with rollovers to strengthen water conservancy. As long as you don’t suffer from military disasters, you will be able to fill your warehouse after two years. This alone is enough for promotion.

Who is dissatisfied and happy after being treated like this and giving directions for the future? After sending the people away, only Wu Ling stayed: “Lianghou, now both of the roads are in the hands of the final general, but the troops are slightly insufficient.”

With 800 troops missing, Wu Ling was always in trouble. It’s okay that no one checks, if someone checks it up, it’s easy to make mistakes. In addition, the city is currently being repaired in Xingdao. What if someone attacks it?

Liang Feng said sternly: “The two roads are the lifeblood of safeguarding the safety of this place. It is time to recruit a group of people. It is better to wait until the summer harvest, Guo County Order can be self-sufficient, and you will recruit people from the refugees. Ding, return to the army.”

“It’s so good!” Wu Ling waited for this sentence. Now he is also on the boat of the Liang Mansion. Without Liang Feng’s instructions, it is really hard to act.

“However, you must be cautious about the danger of Xingdao. If General Wu doesn’t give up, I can send a few people over to help you train soldiers. But there is one thing, these soldiers must be paid according to the rate!” Liang Feng is not like it. Seeing that the key lifeblood fell in the hands of the enemy because of the deduction of grain. This point should naturally be emphasized.

“Please don’t worry about this, Lianghou, you will definitely guard the passage in the end, and there will be no loss!” What a joke, now this road is also responsible for business. The bonus given to him by the Liang Mansion is not too small, it is enough to fill his pockets, why bother withholding the rations in the soldier’s mouth?

Seeing Wu Ling’s promise, Liang Feng was relieved. As long as some people can be placed in the army, these two Xingdao will sooner or later change their surnames to Liang. The improved protection capabilities are also very useful for future wars. In this way, the surrounding four fields are settled down. As long as there is a two-year development period, it can be exchanged for sufficient security and wealth of strategic depth.

As long as there are two years…

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